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Jim Balhoff edited this page May 28, 2020 · 11 revisions


This page documents two methods of installing owltools

There are two options to install the command-line version of OWLTools:

  1. Building from Source (the hard way)
  2. Downloading jars (the easy way)

Getting OWLTools

Building from Source

See also:


  • Git client
  • Maven

The command line version should be obtained from the Github repository of this site. Clone the owltools git repository onto your machine. Change into the owltools directory and type the following:

git clone
cd owltools/OWLTools-Parent
mvn clean install

This will trigger a complete maven build of all OWLTools projects and generate the required jars for execution. For more details on maven see Maven How To.

A faster Maven build can be performed by skipping the Maven tests, and skipping the generation of Javadoc and source attachments. This type of build is useful after a successful initial installation to keep up with Git changes without doing a full build as described above. The command for this type of build is:

mvn -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dsource.skip=true clean install

You should now be able to run owltools from your target directory. For help:

./target/owltools -h

You may want to add this to your $PATH

Downloading the jar and script

You can download pre-built owltools releases here:

Note: you may need to make this file executable. Occasionally when downloaded files lose the "executable" permisison. You can do this with chmod +x owltools.

If you add this to your PATH, you can run owltools on the command line:

export PATH=$PATH:directory/to/where/you/downloaded/owltools/
owltools -h

Using OWLTools on the command line

Once you have owltools in your PATH, you may begin using them on the command line. See the wiki page for examples.