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Shahim Essaid edited this page Feb 2, 2015 · 1 revision


The Obo Ontology Release Tool is for making obo and owl releases of ontologies.

This documentation refers to the command line version. See [for the graphical user interface. See this documentation for an introduction to the different concepts presented here.


There are two options to install the command-line version of OORT:

  1. Building from Source (recommended)
  2. Installing as part of an OORT release

Building from Source

This is the recommended option for installing the scripts, as it provides the most up-to-date version if the tools. It requires an SVN client and the Maven build tool.

The command line version should be obtained from the svn repository of this site. Click on the "source" link at the top of this page and follow the instructions for checking out owltools.

Change into the owltools directory and type the following:

cd owltools/OWLTools-Parent
mvn clean package

This will trigger a complete maven build of all OWLTools projects and generate the required jars for execution. For more details on maven see MavenHowTo.

You should now be able to run the wrapper script in the bin directory. For help:

./owltools/OWLTools-Oort/bin/ontology-release-runner -h

Using an Installer

The OORT installer installs also command-line scripts for OORT. The scripts are located in the "scripts"-folder of the installation directory.

Command Line Arguments

The command line version has all the same features as the GUI version.