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jay19240 edited this page Dec 11, 2024
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- new UT(): UT
static BILINEAR_FILTER(tl: number[], tr: number[], bl: number[], br: number[], t1: number, t2: number)
- tl: The top left color.
- tr: The top right color.
- bl: The bottom left color.
- br: The bottom right color.
- t1: The horizontal interpolation distance.
- t2: The vertical interpolation distance.
static CLAMP(value: number, min: number, max: number): number
- value: The value to clamp.
- min: The min.
- max: The max.
static COLLIDE_BOX_TO_BOX(min1: vec3, max1: vec3, min2: vec3, max2: vec3): boolean
- min1: The min of box 1.
- max1: The max of box 1.
- min2: The min of box 2.
- max2: The max of box 2.
static COLLIDE_CIRCLE_TO_CIRCLE(c1: vec2, r1: number, c2: vec2, r2: number, outVelocity: vec2): boolean
- c1: center of circle 1.
- r1: radius of circle 1.
- c2: center of circle 2.
- r2: radius of circle 2.
- outVelocity: The out elastic collision velocity.
static COLLIDE_CYLINDER_TO_CYLINDER(c1: vec3, r1: number, h1: number, c2: vec3, r2: number, h2: number, outVelocity: vec2): boolean
- c1: The bottom-center of cylinder 1.
- r1: The radius of cylinder 1.
- h1: The height of cylinder 1.
- c2: The bottom-center of cylinder 2.
- r2: The radius of cylinder 2.
- h2: The height of cylinder 2.
- outVelocity: The out elastic collision velocity.
static COLLIDE_LINE_TO_LINE(p1: vec2, q1: vec2, p2: vec2, q2: vec2): boolean
- p1: The start line 1.
- q1: The end line 1.
- p2: The start line 2.
- q2: The end line 2.
static COLLIDE_POINT_TO_BOX(p: vec3, min: vec3, max: vec3): boolean
- p: The point.
- min: The min point of box.
- max: The max point of box.
static COLLIDE_POINT_TO_CYLINDER(p: vec3, cp: vec3, ch: number, cr: number): boolean
- p: The point.
- cp: The bottom-center of cylinder.
- ch: The height of cylinder.
- cr: The radius of cylinder.
static COLLIDE_POINT_TO_RECT(p: vec2, min: vec2, max: vec2): boolean
- p: The point.
- min: The min of rect.
- max: The max of rect.
static COLLIDE_RECT_TO_RECT(min1: vec2, max1: vec2, min2: vec2, max2: vec2): boolean
- min1: The min rect 1.
- max1: The max rect 1.
- min2: The min rect 2.
- max2: The max rect 2.
static DEG_TO_RAD(deg: number): number
- deg: Angle in degrees.
static EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD(t: number, b: number, e: number, d: number): number
- t: The time.
- b: The begin.
- e: The end.
- d: The divide.
static EASE_IN_QUAD(t: number, b: number, e: number, d: number): number
- t: The time.
- b: The begin.
- e: The end.
- d: The divide.
static EASE_OUT_QUAD(t: number, b: number, e: number, d: number): number
- t: The time.
- b: The begin.
- e: The end.
- d: The divide.
static GET_FILENAME_INFOS(filename: string)
- filename: The file name.
static GET_LINES_FROM_RECT(l: number, t: number, r: number, b: number)
- l: The left side of rectangle.
- t: The top side of rectangle.
- r: The right side of rectangle.
- b: The bottom side of rectangle.
static GET_RANDOM_FLOAT(min: number, max: number): number
- min: The min.
- max: The max.
static GET_RANDOM_INT(min: number, max: number): number
- min: The min.
- max: The max.
static LERP(a: number, b: number, t: number): number
- a: The begin.
- b: The end.
- t: The time.
static LERP_EXP(a: number, b: number, exp: number, t: number): number
- a: The begin.
- b: The end.
- exp
- t: The time.
static LINEAR(t: number, b: number, e: number, d: number): number
- t: The time.
- b: The begin.
- e: The end.
- d: The divide.
static MAT3_COPY(src: mat3, out: mat3): mat3
- src: The source matrix.
- out: The destination matrix.
- static MAT3_CREATE(): Float32Array
static MAT3_IDENTITY(out: mat3): mat3
- out: The identity matrix.
static MAT3_INVERT(a: mat3, out: mat3): mat3
- a: The matrix.
- out: The inverted matrix.
static MAT3_MULTIPLY(a: mat3, b: mat3, out: mat3): mat3
- a: The first matrix.
- b: The second matrix.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT3_MULTIPLY_BY_VEC3(a: mat3, v: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The matrix.
- v: The vector.
- out: The result transformed vector.
static MAT3_PROJECTION(w: number, h: number, out: mat3): mat3
- w: The width;
- h: The height;
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT3_ROTATE(a: number, out: mat3): mat3
- a: The angle.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT3_SCALE(x: number, y: number, out: mat3): mat3
- x: The x-scale.
- y: The y-scale.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT3_TRANSFORM(position: vec2, offset: vec2, rotation: number, scale: vec2, out: mat3): mat3
- position: The position vector.
- offset: The offset translation.
- rotation: The rotation angle.
- scale: The scale vector.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT3_TRANSLATE(x: number, y: number, out: mat3): mat3
- x: The x-translation.
- y: The y-translation.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_COMPUTE(matrices: mat4[]): mat4
- matrices: The list of matrix to multiply.
static MAT4_COPY(src: mat4, out: mat4): mat4
- src: The source matrix.
- out: The destination matrix.
- static MAT4_CREATE(): Float32Array
static MAT4_IDENTITY(out: mat4): mat4
- out: The matrix identity.
static MAT4_INVERT(a: mat4, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The origin matrix.
- out: The inverted matrix.
static MAT4_LOOKAT(position: vec3, target: vec3, vertical: vec3, out: mat4): mat4
- position: The position.
- target: The target.
- vertical: The up vector.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_MULTIPLY(a: mat4, b: mat4, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The first matrix.
- b: The second matrix.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_MULTIPLY_BY_VEC4(a: mat4, v: vec4, out: vec4): vec4
- a: The matrix.
- v: The vector.
- out: The result vector.
static MAT4_ORTHO(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, near: number, far: number, out: mat4): mat4
- left: The left limit.
- right: The right limit.
- bottom: The bottom limit.
- top: The top limit.
- near: The near limit.
- far: The far limit.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_ORTHOGRAPHIC(width: number, height: number, depth: number, out: mat4): mat4
- width: The width.
- height: The height.
- depth: The depth.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_PERSPECTIVE(fov: number, ar: number, near: number, far: number, out: mat4): mat4
- fov: The fovy angle.
- ar: The aspect-ratio.
- near: The near value.
- far: The far value.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_ROTATE_X(a: number, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The x-angle.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_ROTATE_Y(a: number, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The y-angle.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_ROTATE_Z(a: number, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The z-angle.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_SCALE(x: number, y: number, z: number, out: mat4): mat4
- x: The x-scale.
- y: The y-scale.
- z: The z-scale.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_TRANSFORM(position: vec3, rotation: vec3, scale: vec3, quaternion: Quaternion, out: mat4): mat4
- position: The position vector.
- rotation: The rotation vector (y -> x -> z).
- scale: The scale vector.
- quaternion: The rotation quaternion.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_TRANSLATE(x: number, y: number, z: number, out: mat4): mat4
- x: The x-translation.
- y: The y-translation.
- z: The z-translation.
- out: The result matrix.
static MAT4_TRANSPOSE(a: mat4, out: mat4): mat4
- a: The source matrix.
- out: The transposed matrix.
static MIX(a: number[], b: number[], t: number)
- a: The begin.
- b: The end.
- t: The time.
static NORMALIZE_ANGLE(angle: number): number
- angle: Angle in radians.
static RANDARRAY(min: number, max: number)
- min: The min.
- max: The max.
static RANGE_ARRAY(start: number, stop: number, step: number)
- start: The start value.
- stop: The stop value.
- step: Increment step.
static RAY_BOX(origin: vec3, dir: vec3, min: vec3, max: vec3, outIntersectPoint: vec3): boolean
- origin: The origin ray.
- dir: The direction ray.
- min: The min box.
- max: The max box.
- outIntersectPoint: The intersection point.
static RAY_PLAN(origin: vec3, dir: vec3, a: vec3, n: vec3, culling: boolean, outIntersectPoint: vec3): boolean
- origin: The origin ray.
- dir: The direction ray.
- a: The plan corner.
- n: The plan normal.
- culling: Culling enabled flag.
- outIntersectPoint: The intersection point.
static RAY_TRIANGLE(origin: vec3, dir: vec3, a: vec3, b: vec3, c: vec3, culling: boolean, outIntersectPoint: vec3): boolean
- origin: The origin ray.
- dir: The direction ray.
- a: The first triangle point.
- b: The second triangle point.
- c: The third triangle point.
- culling: Culling enabled flag.
- outIntersectPoint: The intersection point.
static SHUFFLE(arr: any[])
- arr: The array to shuffle.
static SPREAD(base: number, spread: number): number
- base: The origin value.
- spread: The spread value.
static TO_FIXED_NUMBER(num: number, digits: number, base: number): number
- num: The number.
- digits: The number after float.
- base: The numeric base.
static TRI2_POINT_INSIDE(p: vec2, a: vec2, b: vec2, c: vec2): number
- p: The point.
- a: The first triangle point.
- b: The second triangle point.
- c: The third triangle point.
static TRI3_NORMAL(a: vec3, b: vec3, c: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first triangle point.
- b: The second triangle point.
- c: The third triangle point.
- out: The normal vector.
static TRI3_POINT_ELEVATION(p: vec2, a: vec3, b: vec3, c: vec3): number
- p: The point.
- a: The first triangle point.
- b: The second triangle point.
- c: The third triangle point.
static TRI3_POINT_INSIDE(p: vec3, a: vec3, b: vec3, c: vec3): boolean
- p: The point.
- a: The first triangle point.
- b: The second triangle point.
- c: The third triangle point.
static VEC1_COPY(src: number, out: vec1): vec1
- src: Number.
- out: Vector one.
static VEC2_2D_TO_ISO(p: vec2): vec2
- p: The ortho point.
static VEC2_ADD(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC2_ADD_SCALED(a: vec2, b: vec2, scale: number, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector to scale and add to the first.
- scale: The scale value for second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC2_ANGLE(a: vec2): number
- a: The vector.
static VEC2_ANGLE_BETWEEN(a: vec2, b: vec2): number
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC2_CEIL(a: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The vector to ceil.
- out
static VEC2_CLAMP(value: vec2, min: vec2, max: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- value: The vector to clamp.
- min: The min vector.
- max: The max vector.
- out
static VEC2_COPY(src: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- src: The source vector.
- out: The destination vector.
static VEC2_CREATE(x: number, y: number): Float32Array
- x: The first component.
- y: The second component.
static VEC2_CROSS(a: vec2, b: vec2): number
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC2_DISTANCE(a: vec2, b: vec2): number
- a: The first point.
- b: The second point.
static VEC2_DOT(a: vec2, b: vec2): number
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC2_FLOOR(a: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The vector to floor.
- out
static VEC2_ISEQUAL(a: vec2, b: vec2): boolean
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC2_ISO_CARDINAL_POINTS(direction: string, depth: number, width: number)
- direction: The direction (FORWARD, BACKWARD, LEFT, RIGHT)
- depth: The depth of shape.
- width: The width of shape.
static VEC2_ISO_TO_2D(p: vec2): vec2
- p: The iso point.
static VEC2_ISZERO(a: vec2): boolean
- a: The vector to check.
static VEC2_LENGTH(a: vec2): number
- a: The source vector.
static VEC2_LERP(b: vec2, e: vec2, t: number, d: number): vec2
- b: The begin vector.
- e: The end vector.
- t: The time.
- d: The divide.
static VEC2_MAX(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector with maximum values for each component pair.
static VEC2_MIN(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector with minimum values for each component pair.
static VEC2_MULTIPLY(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC2_NORMALIZE(a: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The source vector.
- out: The normalized vector.
static VEC2_OPPOSITE(a: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The source vector.
- out: The opposite vector.
static VEC2_ORIENTATION(p: vec2, q: vec2, r: vec2): number
- p: The first point.
- q: The second point.
- r: The third point.
static VEC2_PARSE(str: string, separator: string, out: vec2): vec2
- str: The string.
- separator: The token separator between components.
- out: The vector.
static VEC2_PROJECTION_COS(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The projection vector.
static VEC2_QUADRATIC_BEZIER(p0: vec2, p1: vec2, p2: vec2, t: number, out: vec2): vec2
- p0: The start point.
- p1: The inter point.
- p2: The end point.
- t: The time.
- out: The result point.
static VEC2_ROTATE_AROUND(center: vec2, radius: number, angle: number): vec2
- center: The position you want to rotate around.
- radius: The radius relative to the center of the rotation.
- angle: The angle rotation.
static VEC2_SCALE(a: vec2, scale: number, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- scale: The scale value.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC2_SPREAD(base: vec2, spread: vec2): vec2
- base: The base vector.
- spread: The spread vector.
static VEC2_SUBSTRACT(a: vec2, b: vec2, out: vec2): vec2
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC3_ADD(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC3_ADD_SCALED(a: vec3, b: vec3, scale: number, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector to scale and add to the first.
- scale: The scale value for second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC3_ANGLE_BETWEEN(a: vec3, b: vec3): number
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC3_CEIL(a: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The vector to ceil.
- out
static VEC3_CLAMP(value: vec3, min: vec3, max: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- value: The vector to clamp.
- min: The min vector.
- max: The max vector.
- out
static VEC3_COPY(src: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- src: The source vector.
- out: The destination vector.
static VEC3_CREATE(x: number, y: number, z: number): Float32Array
- x: The first component.
- y: The second component.
- z: The third component.
static VEC3_CROSS(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The cross vector.
static VEC3_DISTANCE(a: vec3, b: vec3): number
- a: The first point.
- b: The second point.
static VEC3_DOT(a: vec3, b: vec3): number
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC3_FLOOR(a: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The vector to floor.
- out
static VEC3_ISEQUAL(a: vec3, b: vec3): boolean
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
static VEC3_ISZERO(a: vec3): boolean
- a: The vector to check.
static VEC3_LENGTH(a: vec3): number
- a: The vector.
static VEC3_LERP(b: vec3, e: vec3, t: number, d: number): vec3
- b: The begin.
- e: The end.
- t: The time.
- d: The divide.
static VEC3_MAX(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector with maximum values for each component pair.
static VEC3_MIN(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector with minimum values for each component pair.
static VEC3_MULTIPLY(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC3_NORMALIZE(a: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The origin vector.
- out: The normalized vector.
static VEC3_OPPOSITE(a: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The origin vector.
- out: The opposite vector.
static VEC3_PARSE(str: string, separator: string, out: vec3): vec3
- str: The string.
- separator: The token separator between components.
- out: The vector.
static VEC3_QUADRATIC_BEZIER(p0: vec3, p1: vec3, p2: vec3, t: number, out: vec3): vec3
- p0: The start point.
- p1: The inter point.
- p2: The end point.
- t: The time.
- out: The result point.
static VEC3_ROTATE_AROUND(center: vec3, radius: number, phi: number, theta: number): vec3
- center: The position you want to rotate around.
- radius: The radius relative to the center of the rotation.
- phi: The phi angle.
- theta: The theta angle.
static VEC3_SCALE(a: vec3, scale: number, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- scale: The scale value.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC3_SPREAD(base: vec3, spread: vec3): vec3
- base: The base vector.
- spread: The spread vector.
static VEC3_SUBSTRACT(a: vec3, b: vec3, out: vec3): vec3
- a: The first vector.
- b: The second vector.
- out: The result vector.
static VEC4_COPY(src: vec4, out: vec4): vec4
- src: The source vector.
- out: The destination vector.
static VEC4_CREATE(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Float32Array
- x: The first component.
- y: The second component.
- z: The third component.
- w: The fourth component.
static VEC4_ISZERO(a: vec4): boolean
- a: The vector to check.
static VEC4_PARSE(str: string, separator: string, out: vec4): vec4
- str: The string.
- separator: The token separator between components.
- out: The vector.
static WAIT(ms: number): Promise
- ms: Time to wait (in milliseconds).