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Dylan Hall edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 4 revisions

Costs in Synthea represent a very simplified version of real-world costs. While real-world costs can vary wildly due to differences in providers, cities, states, and payers -- as of May 2018 -- Synthea only models cost at a basic level, where prices for a service are selected from a range and then adjusted using a state-based adjustment factor. Synthea stores all these prices in lookup tables as listed below.

In the case where costs are not included in the lookup tables, there are default values configured in the src/main/resources/ file:

# Default Costs, to be used for # something that we don't have a specific price for
# -- $500 for procedures is completely invented
generate.costs.default_procedure_cost = 500.00
# -- $255 for medications - also invented
generate.costs.default_medication_cost = 255.00
# -- Encounters billed using avg prices from
# -- Adjustments for initial or subsequent hospital visit and level/complexity/time of encounter
# -- not included. Assume initial, low complexity encounter (Tables 4 & 6)
generate.costs.default_encounter_cost = 125.00
# --
# -- currently all vaccines cost $136.
generate.costs.default_immunization_cost = 136.00


Encounter costs are stored in src/main/resources/costs/encounters.csv.


Code Min Mode Max Comments
The SNOMED code for the encounter The minimum cost, in USD. The most common cost, in USD. The maximum cost, in USD. Any comments on how the cost was determined. This is only intended to be read by maintainers and not parsed by the system


Procedure costs are stored in src/main/resources/costs/procedures.csv.

Code Min Mode Max Comments
The SNOMED code for the procedure The minimum cost, in USD. The most common cost, in USD. The maximum cost, in USD. Any comments on how the cost was determined. This is only intended to be read by maintainers and not parsed by the system

Where not otherwise mentioned, procedure costs are likely based on publicly available Medicare data:


Medication costs are stored in src/main/resources/costs/medications.csv.

Code Min Mode Max Comments
The RxNorm code for the medication The minimum cost, in USD. The most common cost, in USD. The maximum cost, in USD. Any comments on how the cost was determined. This is only intended to be read by maintainers and not parsed by the system

Where not specifically mentioned in the comments, cost data for medications is likely to have been sourced from publicly available Medicare data: For example, this data source provides medication costs grouped by drug name and provider NPI. By grouping by drug name, dividing the total_drug_cost column by the total_claim_count column, and then averaging across providers, we obtain a rough estimate of the unit cost of that drug.


Immunization costs are stored in src/main/resources/costs/immunizations.csv.

Code Min Mode Max Comments
The CVX code for the immunization The minimum cost, in USD. The most common cost, in USD. The maximum cost, in USD. Any comments on how the cost was determined. This is only intended to be read by maintainers and not parsed by the system

Regional Adjustment Factors

Adjustment factors are stored in src/main/resources/costs/adjustmentFactors.csv

State Adj_Factor
The abbreviation of the state for which the factor applies The amount to multiply costs taking place in this state by

The initial values provided in this table are not intended to be comprehensive or authoritative. These were calculated using CMS urban and rural GAFs for 2011, weighted by the % of the population living in urban in rural areas by that state.

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