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Developer Setup and Running

Dylan Hall edited this page May 9, 2024 · 7 revisions

Developer Setup SyntheaTM

These instructions are intended for those wishing to examine the Synthea source code, extend it or build the code locally. Those just wishing to run Synthea should follow the Basic Setup and Running instructions instead.


  • Git
  • Java 11 or newer (select JDK, not JRE install)

To copy the repository locally and install the necessary dependencies, open a terminal window and run the following commands:

git clone
cd synthea
./gradlew build check test

Note: if running on Windows, use .\gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew -- this guide uses ./gradlew for brevity

Running SyntheaTM

The primary entry point of Synthea is the run gradle task, which can be run from the terminal in the synthea folder by running the following command.

./gradlew run

Alternatively, you may run the provided run_synthea script which makes it easier to pass command-line arguments to the simulation:


Note: if running on Windows, use .\run_synthea.bat instead of ./run_synthea -- this guide uses ./run_synthea for brevity

When you run this command, you should see output similar to the following:

example@hostname ~/synthea $ ./run_synthea

> Task :run
Loading C:\Users\example\synthea\build\resources\main\modules\allergic_rhinitis.json
Loading C:\Users\example\synthea\build\resources\main\modules\allergies\allergy_incidence.json
[... many more lines of Loading ...]
Loading C:\Users\example\synthea\build\resources\main\modules\wellness_encounters.json
Loaded 68 modules.
Running with options:
Population: 1
Seed: 1519063214833
Location: Massachusetts

1 -- Jerilyn993 Parker433 (10 y/o) Lawrence, Massachusetts

This command takes additional parameters to specify different regions or common run options. Any options not specified are left at the default value.

run_synthea [-h]
            [-s seed] 
            [-cs clinician seed]
            [-p populationSize]
            [-g gender]
            [-a minAge-maxAge]
            [-c localConfigFilePath]
            [-d localModulesDirPath]
            [state [city]]

Some examples:

  • run_synthea -h -- output help messages and command line options and quit without further processing
  • run_synthea Massachusetts -- to generate a population in all cities and towns in Massachusetts
  • run_synthea Alaska Juneau -- to generate a population in only Juneau, Alaska
  • run_synthea -s 12345 -- to generate a population using seed 12345. Populations generated with the same seed and the same version of Synthea should be identical
  • run_synthea -p 1000 -- to generate a population of 1000 patients
  • run_synthea -a 30-40 -- to generate a population of 30 to 40 year olds
  • run_synthea -g F -- to generate only female patients
  • run_synthea -s 987 Washington Seattle -- to generate a population in only Seattle, Washington, using seed 987
  • run_synthea -s 21 -p 100 Utah "Salt Lake City" -- to generate a population of 100 patients in Salt Lake City, Utah, using seed 21
  • run_synthea --exporter.fhir.use_us_core_ig true --exporter.fhir.us_core_version 4.0.0 -- generate a population that exports FHIR according to the US Core R4 Implementation Guide profiles.

Next: Common Configuration

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