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Generic Module Framework: States

Jason Walonoski edited this page May 13, 2024 · 81 revisions

The Generic Module Framework currently supports a variety of state types (see below). During generation, Synthea processes each module state-by-state. Synthea will always continue processing the module and transition to the next state, unless the current state is:

  1. Terminal, in which case the module ends.
  2. Delay, in which case the module will only continue after the specified amount of time has passed.
  3. Guard, in which case the module will only continue if the specified allow logic resolves to true.
  4. wellness Encounter and the patient is not actively in a wellness encounter (in other words, it will wait until the next scheduled wellness visit).
  5. CallSubmodule, in which case whether or not processing continues is a result of the submodule.

The Generic Module Framework currently supports the following states:

Control States

Clinical States

Other States


The Initial state type is the first state that is processed in a generic module. It does not provide any specific function except to indicate the starting point, so it has no properties except its type. The Initial state requires the specific name "Initial". In addition, it is the only state for which there can only be one in the whole module.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Initial".


Please note that, for simplicity, state examples in this document will not include any transition properties. See the Transitions section for information about transitions.

"Initial": {
  "type": "Initial"


The Terminal state type indicates the end of the module progression. Once a Terminal state is reached, no further progress will be made. As such, Terminal states cannot have any transition properties. If desired, there may be multiple Terminal states with different names to indicate different ending points; however, this has no actual effect on the records that are produced.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Terminal".


"Terminal": {
  "type": "Terminal"


The Simple state type indicates a state that performs no additional actions, adds no additional information to the patient entity, and just transitions to the next state. As an example, this state may be used to chain conditional or distributed transitions, in order to represent complex logic.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Simple".


"Simple_State": {
  "type": "Simple"


The Guard state type indicates a point in the module through which a patient can only pass if they meet certain logical conditions. For example, a Guard may block a workflow until the patient reaches a certain age, after which the Guard allows the module to continue to progress. Depending on the condition(s), a patient may be blocked by a Guard until they die - in which case they never reach the module's Terminal state.

The Guard state's allow property provides the logical condition(s) which must be met to allow the module to continue to the next state. Please see the Logic section for more information about creating logical conditions.

Guard states are similar to conditional transitions in some ways, but also have an important difference. A conditional transition tests conditions once and uses the result to immediately choose the next state. A Guard state will test the same condition on every time-step until the condition passes, at which point it progresses to the next state.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Guard".
allow {} (choice) Any valid logical condition to test.


The following is an example of a Guard state that only allows the module to continue if the patient is male and at least 40 years old.

"Age_Guard": {
  "type": "Guard",
  "allow": {
    "condition_type": "And",
    "conditions": [
        "condition_type": "Gender",
        "gender": "M" 
        "condition_type": "Age",
        "operator": ">=",
        "quantity": 40,
        "unit": "years"


The Delay state type introduces a pre-configured temporal delay in the module's timeline. As a simple example, a Delay state may indicate a one-month gap in time between an initial encounter and a followup encounter. The module will not pass through the Delay state until the proper amount of time has passed. The Delay state may define an exact time to delay (e.g. 4 days) or a range of time to delay (e.g. 5 - 7 days).

Implementation Details

Synthea generation occurs in time steps; the default time step is 7 days. This means that if a module is processed on a given date, the next time it is processed will be exactly 7 days later. If a delay expiration falls between time steps (e.g. day 3 of a 7-day time step), then the first time step after the delay expiration will effectively rewind the clock to the delay expiration time and process states using that time. Once it reaches a state that it can't pass through, it will process it once more using the original (7-day time step) time.

Supported Properties

Attribute GMF Version Type Description
type All string Must be "Delay".
exact or range 1 {} (choice) Must be either an exact delay or a range delay.
distribution 2 {} (choice) Structure dependent on kind.
unit 2 string The unit of time, e.g. "days". Must be a valid unit of time.
exact (v1 only):
Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The number of unit.
unit string The unit of time, e.g. "days". Must be a valid unit of time.
range (v1 only):
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The lowest (inclusive) number of unit.
high numeric The greatest (inclusive) number of unit.
unit string The unit of time, e.g. "days". Must be a valid unit of time.

The exact delay will be chosen randomly from the specified range as a real number, using a uniform distribution. For example, if the unit of time selected is years, Synthea will not produce delays in year increments; instead, it will select a random date/time within the specified range, regardless of the units in which the range is specified.

distribution (v2 only):
Attribute Type Kind Description
kind string * One of 'EXACT', 'GAUSSIAN', 'UNIFORM', 'EXPONENTIAL'
value numeric EXACT The time to delay of unit.
mean numeric GAUSSIAN or EXPONENTIAL The mean time to delay of unit.
standardDeviation numeric GAUSSIAN The standard deviation around the mean.
min numeric GAUSSIAN The minimum time to delay of unit.
max numeric GAUSSIAN The maximum time to delay of unit.
low numeric UNIFORM The lowest (inclusive) number of unit.
high numeric UNIFORM The greatest (inclusive) number of unit.


The following is an example of a Delay state that delays exactly 4 days:

"Delay_For_Followup_Visit": {
  "type": "Delay",
  "exact": {
    "quantity": 4,
    "unit": "days"

The following is an example of a Delay state that delays at least 5 days and at most 7 days:

"Delay_Until_Symptoms_Improve": {
  "type": "Delay",
  "range": {
    "low": 5,
    "high": 7,
    "unit": "days"


The Encounter state type indicates a point in the module where an encounter should take place. Encounters are important in Synthea because they are generally the mechanism through which the actual patient record is updated (a disease is diagnosed, a medication is prescribed, etc). The generic module framework supports integration with scheduled wellness encounters from Synthea's Encounters module, as well as creation of new stand-alone encounters.

Scheduled Wellness Encounters vs. Standalone Encounters

An Encounter state with the wellness property set to true will block until the next scheduled wellness encounter occurs. Scheduled wellness encounters are managed by the Encounters module in Synthea and, depending on the patient's age, typically occur every 1 - 3 years. When a scheduled wellness encounter finally does occur, Synthea will search the generic modules for currently blocked Encounter states and will immediately process them (and their subsequent states). An example where this might be used is for a condition that onsets between encounters, but isn't found and diagnosed until the next regularly scheduled wellness encounter.

An Encounter state without the wellness property set will be processed and recorded in the patient record immediately. Since this creates an encounter, the encounter_class and one or more codes must be specified in the state configuration. This is how generic modules can introduce encounters that are not already scheduled by other modules.

Encounters and Related Events

Encounters are typically the mechanism through which a patient's record will be updated. This makes sense since most recorded events (diagnoses, prescriptions, and procedures) should happen in the context of an encounter. When an Encounter state is successfully processed, Synthea will look through the previously processed states for un-recorded ConditionOnset or AllergyOnset instances that indicate that Encounter (by name) as the target_encounter. If Synthea finds any, they will be recorded in the patient's record at the time of the encounter. This is the mechanism for onsetting a disease before it is discovered and diagnosed.

Current Encounter

During a single time step, if an Encounter state is processed it becomes the current_encounter. This encounter will be used as the encounter for all subsequent clinical states, for example a Procedure or MedicationOrder. When an EncounterEnd state is reached, the current_encounter ends and remains nil until another Encounter is processed. If Synthea cannot identify a current_encounter for a clinical state an error is raised.

Encounter Classes

Common encounter classes are:

  • "wellness": A regularly scheduled appointment with a PCP.
  • "ambulatory": A visit in a variety of outpatient settings, e.g. a visit to a PCP or a specialist
  • "emergency": A visit to an emergency department
  • "urgentcare": A visit to an urgent care facility
  • "inpatient": A non-emergency visit to a hospital, e.g. for routine surgery
  • "outpatient": A visit in a variety of outpatient settings, e.g. a visit to a PCP or a specialist. See ambulatory.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Encounter".
wellness boolean If true, Synthea blocks 1-3 years until the next wellness encounter.
(optional) if false.
encounter_class string One of ["wellness", "ambulatory", "emergency", "urgentcare", "inpatient", "outpatient"]
reason string (optional) Either an "attribute" or a "State_Name" referencing a
previous ConditionOnset state.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Encounter. Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of an Encounter state that blocks until a regularly scheduled encounter:

"Next_Wellness_Encounter": {
  "type": "Encounter",
  "wellness": true

The following is an example of an Encounter state indicating an ED visit:

"ED_Visit_For_Fracture": {
  "type": "Encounter",
  "encounter_class": "emergency",
  "reason": "broken_leg",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "50849002",
      "display": "Emergency Room Admission"


The EncounterEnd state type indicates the end of the encounter the patient is currently in, for example when the patient leaves a clinician's office, or is discharged from a hospital. (See also Encounter#Current Encounter for more information on "current encounters".) The time the encounter ended is recorded on the patient's record.

Note on Wellness Encounters

Because wellness encounters are scheduled and initiated outside the generic modules, and a single wellness encounter may contain observations or medications from multiple modules, an EncounterEnd state will not record the end time for a wellness encounter. Hence it is not strictly necessary to use an EncounterEnd state to end the wellness encounter. Still, it is recommended to use an EncounterEnd state to mark a clear end to the encounter.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "EncounterEnd".
discharge_disposition code (optional) A single code that describes the discharge disposition. Should be a code from the Discharge Disposition set


The following is an example of an EncounterEnd state that ends the current encounter, where the patient is discharged to their home.

"End_Encounter" : {
   "type" : "EncounterEnd",
   "discharge_disposition" : {
     "system" : "NUBC",
     "code" : "01",
     "display" : "Discharged to home care or self care (routine discharge)"


The ConditionOnset state type indicates a point in the module where the patient acquires a condition. This is not necessarily the same as when the condition is diagnosed and recorded in the patient's record. In fact, it is possible for a condition to onset but never be discovered.

If the ConditionOnset state's target_encounter is set to the name of a future encounter, then the condition will only be diagnosed when that future encounter occurs.

Future Implementation Considerations

Although the generic module framework supports a distinction between a condition's onset date and diagnosis date, currently only the diagnosis date is recorded. In the future, the Synthea::Output::Record::condition method should be updated to support an onset date.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "ConditionOnset".
target_encounter string A "State_Name" referencing a
future or concurrent Encounter state.
assign_to_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" to assign this state to.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Condition. Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of a ConditionOnset that should be diagnosed at the "ED_Visit" Encounter.

"Appendicitis": {
  "type": "ConditionOnset",
  "target_encounter": "ED_Visit",
  "assign_to_attribute": "appendicitis",
  "codes": [
    "system": "SNOMED-CT",
    "code": "47693006",
    "display": "Rupture of appendix"


The ConditionEnd state type indicates a point in the module where a currently active condition should be ended, for example if the patient has been cured of a disease. The ConditionEnd state supports three ways of specifying the condition to end:

  1. By codes[], specifying the system, code, and display name of the condition to end
  2. By condition_onset, specifying the name of the ConditionOnset state in which the condition was onset
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous ConditionOnset state assigned a condition

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "ConditionEnd".

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
condition_onset string The "State_Name" of a previous ConditionOnset state.
referenced_by_attribute string The name of the "attribute" the condition was assigned to.
codes [] One or more codes that described the Condition. Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of a ConditionEnd state that ends the condition Influenza by code:

"End_Influenza": {
  "type": "ConditionEnd",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "6142004",
      "display": "Influenza"

The following is an example of a ConditionEnd state that ends a condition by attribute:

"End_Cold": {
  "type": "ConditionEnd",
  "referenced_by_attribute": "common_cold"

The following is an example of a ConditionEnd state that ends a condition by the name of a ConditionOnset state:

"End_Pre_Diabetes": {
  "type": "ConditionEnd",
  "condition_onset": "Pre_Diabetes"


The AllergyOnset state type indicates a point in the module where the patient acquires an allergy. This is not necessarily the same as when the allergy is diagnosed and recorded in the patient's record. In fact, it is possible for an allergy to onset but never be discovered.

If the AllergyOnset state's target_encounter is set to the name of a future encounter, then the allergy will only be diagnosed when that future encounter occurs.

Allergy Codes

It is best practice in Synthea to use substance codes for allergies / intolerances. Code systems such as SNOMED-CT offer codes for the allergy condition, such as "Allergy to peanuts: 91935009" as well as just the substance "Peanut (substance): 762952008". Module authors should use the latter type of code.

Allergy Reactions

The AllergyOnset state supports defining reactions. A reaction is the symptom along with a severity level for that particular symptom. Reactions and their severity can be chosen by a random weighted selection. Each reaction has possible_severities. These contain a level and value. If the selected level is none, that represents the case where the reaction does not happen for the individual.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "AllergyOnset".
allergy_type string Must be either allergy or intolerance.
category string Choice between medication, food, or environment.
target_encounter string A "State_Name" referencing a
future or concurrent Encounter state.
assign_to_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" to assign this state to.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Allergy. Must be valid SNOMED codes or RxNorm codes.
reactions [] (optional) One or more reactions that describe the reaction to the Allergy.


Attribute Type Description
reaction {} Must be valid SNOMED code.
possible_severities [] Distribution of possible severities.


Attribute Type Description
level string Choice between none, mild, moderate, or severe.
value numeric Probability of severity (number between 0.0 - 1.0).


The following is an example of an AllergyOnset that should be diagnosed at the "ED_Visit" Encounter. In this example, 21% of the individuals that pass through this state will have an allergy to peanuts with a mild cough as a reaction. The other 79% will have an allergy to peanuts with no reactions listed.

"Peanut_allergy": {
  "type": "AllergyOnset",
  "allergy_type": "allergy",
  "category": "food",
  "target_encounter": "ED_Visit",
  "codes": [
    "system": "SNOMED-CT",
    "code": "762952008",
    "display": "Peanut (substance)"
  "reactions": [
      "reaction": {"system":  "SNOMED-CT", "code": "49727002", "display":  "Cough (finding)"},
      "possible_severities": [
         {"level":  "mild", "value": 0.21},
         {"level":  "none", "value":  0.79}


The AllergyEnd state type indicates a point in the module where a currently active allergy should be ended, for example if the patient's allergy subsides with time. The AllergyEnd state supports three ways of specifying the allergy to end:

  1. By codes[], specifying the system, code, and display name of the allergy to end
  2. By allergy_onset, specifying the name of the AllergyOnset state in which the allergy was onset
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous AllergyOnset state assigned a condition

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "AllergyEnd".

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
allergy_onset string The name of a previous AllergyOnset state.
referenced_by_attribute string The name of the "attribute" the allergy was assigned to.
codes [] One or more codes that described the Allergy. Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of an AllergyEnd state that ends a peanut allergy by code:

"Allergy_Resolves": {
  "type": "AllergyEnd",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "91935009",
      "display": "Allergy to peanuts"

The following is an example of an AllergyEnd state that ends an allergy by attribute:

"Allergy_Resolved": {
  "type": "AllergyEnd",
  "referenced_by_attribute": "allergy_variant"

The following is an example of an AllergyEnd state that ends an allergy by the name of a AllergyOnset state:

"End_Allergy": {
  "type": "AllergyEnd",
  "allergy_onset": "Shellfish_allergy"


The MedicationOrder state type indicates a point in the module where a medication is prescribed. MedicationOrder states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details.

The MedicationOrder state supports identifying a previous ConditionOnset or the name of an attribute as the reason for the prescription.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "MedicationOrder".
assign_to_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" to assign this state to.
reason string (optional) Either an "attribute" or a "State_Name"
referencing a previous ConditionOnset state.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Medication.
Must be valid RxNorm codes.
prescription {} (optional) Detailed information about the prescription, including dosage information (see below).
administration boolean (optional) If true this represents the administration of a medication rather than a prescription.
chronic boolean (optional) If true, a medication is considered a chronic medication for a chronic condition. This will cause Synthea to reissue the same medication as a new prescription AND discontinue the old prescription at each wellness encounter.
Attribute Type Description
refills numeric (optional) The number of refills to allow. If not specified, defaults to 0.
as_needed boolean If true, the medication may be taken as needed instead of on a specific schedule. (optional) if false.
dosage {} The amount and frequency that the medication should be taken.
duration {} The total length of time that the medication should be taken for.
instructions [] (optional) Specific instructions for taking the medication. Must be valid SNOMED codes from the Instruction Valueset.
Attribute Type Description
amount numeric The number of doses to take each time.
frequency numeric The number of times the medication should be taken per period.
period numeric The number of units that represents a period.
unit string The unit of time describing the period.
Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The number of units that the medication should be taken for.
unit string The unit of time describing the duration.


The following is an example of a MedicationOrder that should be prescribed at the "Annual_Checkup" Encounter and cite the "Diabetes" condition as the reason:

"Prescribe_Metformin": {
  "type": "MedicationOrder",
  "assign_to_attribute": "diabetes_medication",
  "reason": "Diabetes",
  "codes": [
      "system": "RxNorm",
      "code": "860975",
      "display": "24 HR Metformin hydrochloride 500 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet"

The following is an example of a MedicationOrder that also specifies dosage information. In this example, the patient should take "1 dose, twice per day for 2 weeks, before food":

"Examplitol": {
  "type": "MedicationOrder",
  "reason": "Examplitis",
  "codes": [
      "system": "RxNorm",
      "code": "123456",
      "display": "Examplitol 100mg [Examplitol]"
  "prescription": {
    "refills": 2,
    "dosage": {
      "amount": 1,
      "frequency": 2,
      "period": 1,
      "unit": "days"
    "duration": {
      "quantity": 2,
      "unit": "weeks"
    "instructions": [
        "system": "SNOMED-CT",
        "code": "311501008",
        "display": "Half to one hour before food"

If as_needed is true then dosage information does not need to be specified:

"Examplitol": {
  "type": "MedicationOrder",
  "reason": "Examplitis",
  "codes": [
      "system": "RxNorm",
      "code": "123456",
      "display": "Examplitol 100mg [Examplitol]"
  "prescription": {
    "as_needed": true


The MedicationEnd state type indicates a point in the module where a currently prescribed medication should be ended. The MedicationEnd state supports three ways of specifying the medication to end:

  1. By codes[], specifying the code system, code, and display name of the medication to end
  2. By medication_order, specifying the name of the MedicationOrder state in which the medication was prescribed
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous MedicationOrder state assigned a medication

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "MedicationEnd".

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
medication_order string The "State_Name" of a previous MedicationOrder state.
referenced_by_attribute string The name of the "attribute" the medication was assigned to.
codes [] One or more codes that described the MedicationOrder.
Must be valid RxNorm codes.


The following is an example of a MedicationEnd that ends a prescription for Metformin, specified by code:

"End_Metformin": {
  "type": "MedicationEnd",
  "codes": [
      "system": "RxNorm",
      "code": "860975",
      "display": "24 HR Metformin hydrochloride 500 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet"

The following is an example of a MedicationEnd that ends a prescription by attribute:

"End_Insulin_Medicine": {
  "type": "MedicationEnd",
  "referenced_by_attribute": "insulin_medicine"

The following is an example of a MedicationEnd that ends a prescription for a medication by the name of a MedicationOrder state:

"End_Bromocriptine": {
  "type": "MedicationEnd",
  "medication_order": "Bromocriptine_Start"


The CarePlanStart state type indicates a point in the module where a care plan should be prescribed. CarePlanStart states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details. One or more codes describes the care plan and a list of activities describes what the care plan entails.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "CarePlanStart".
assign_to_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" to assign this state to.
reason string (optional) Either an "attribute" or a "State_Name"
referencing a previous ConditionOnset state.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the CarePlan.
Must be valid SNOMED codes.
activities [] (optional) One or more codes that describe the CarePlan.
Must be valid SNOMED codes.
goals [] (optional) One or more goals associated with the CarePlan.
Attribute Type Description
observation {} (optional) Logical test that should be true when the goal has been achieved. For instance, BMI < 30.
text string (optional) Goal description.
addresses [] The name of an attribute assigned via ConditionOnset.
observation: ( See also the Observation logical condition type.)
Attribute Type Description
codes [] List of codes.
operator string One of ["==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "is nil", "is not nil"].
value numeric The value to test the observation against.


The following is an example of a CarePlanStart that should be prescribed at the "Annual_Checkup" Encounter and cite the "Diabetes" ConditionOnset as the reason:

"Diabetes_CarePlan": {
  "type": "CarePlanStart",
  "assign_to_attribute": "diabetes_careplan",
  "reason": "Diabetes",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "698360004",
      "display": "Diabetes self management plan"
  "activities": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "160670007",
      "display": "Diabetic diet"


The CarePlanEnd state type indicates a point in the module where a currently prescribed care plan should be ended. The CarePlanEnd state supports three ways of specifying the care plan to end:

  1. By codes[], specifying the code system, code, and display name of the care plan to end
  2. By careplan, specifying the name of the CarePlanStart state in which the care plan was prescribed
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous CarePlanStart state assigned a care plan

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "CarePlanEnd".

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
careplan string The "State_Name" of a previous CarePlanStart state.
referenced_by_attribute string The name of the "attribute" the medication was assigned to.
codes [] One or more codes that described the care plan.
Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of a CarePlanEnd that ends a prescription for "diabetes self management", by code:

"End_Diabetes_Careplan": {
  "type": "CarePlanEnd",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "698360004",
      "display": "Diabetes self management plan"

The following is an example of a CarePlanEnd that ends a prescription for a care plan by attribute:

"End_Diabetes_Careplan": {
  "type": "CarePlanEnd",
  "referenced_by_attribute": "Diabetes_CarePlan"

The following is an example of a CarePlanEnd that ends a prescription for a care plan by the name of the CarePlanStart state where the care plan was prescribed:

"End_Diabetes_Careplan": {
  "type": "CarePlanEnd",
  "careplan": "Diabetes_Self_Management"


The Procedure state type indicates a point in the module where a procedure should be performed. Procedure states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details. Optionally, you may define a duration of time that the procedure takes.

The Procedure also supports identifying a previous ConditionOnset or an attribute as the reason for the procedure.

Supported Properties

Attribute GMF Version Type Description
type All string Must be "Procedure".
reason All string (optional) Either an "attribute" or a "State_Name" referencing a
previous ConditionOnset state.
codes All [] One or more codes that describe the Procedure. Must be valid SNOMED codes.
duration v1 {} (optional) The length of the procedure, as a range with unit.
distribution v2 {} (optional) The length of the procedure. See Distribution Definition
unit v2 {} (optional, required if distribution) The unit of time measurement as 'years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', or 'seconds'
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The minimum length of time the procedure takes.
high numeric The maximum length of time the procedure takes.
unit string The unit of time, e.g. "minutes". Must be a valid unit of time.


The following is an example of a Procedure that should be performed at the "Inpatient_Encounter" Encounter and cite the "Appendicitis" condition as the reason. From start to finish, an appendectomy takes 2-3 hours.

"Appendectomy": {
  "type": "Procedure",
  "reason": "Appendicitis",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "6025007",
      "display": "Laparoscopic appendectomy"
  "duration": {
    "low": 2,
    "high": 3,
    "unit": "hours"


The ImagingStudy state type indicates a point in the module where an imaging study was performed on the patient. An ImagingStudy consists of one or more series or images.

Each series is a set of images taken of a specific body_site (for example, "Right Knee") using a specific modality (for example "Magnetic Resonance").

Images taken during each series are represented as instances, where each instance captures a title and sop_class describing the DICOM Subject-Object Pair (SOP) that constitutes the image.

An ImagingStudy must occur during an Encounter.

Usage Notes

When an ImagingStudy state is processed, both an ImagingStudy and a Procedure are added to the patient's record. Because the FHIR U.S. Core Implementation Guide does not profile ImagingStudy, large vendors in the U.S. will support Procedure via the Argonauts program, but not necessarily ImagingStudy. If modules produce both, then the fact that a patient had an X-Ray or MRI or Ultrasound will be found by clients no matter the system importing/exposing the data.

An ImagingStudy state typically precedes a series of Observation states and their encompassing DiagnosticReport state. Observations and DiagnosticReports should be used to capture the physician's interpretation of the ImagingStudy's results.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "ImagingStudy".
procedure_code {} A SNOMED code describing the ImagingStudy as a Procedure.
series [] One or more series of images.
Attribute Type Description
body_site {} A SNOMED Body Structures code describing what part of the body the images in the series were taken of.
modality {} A DICOM-DCM code describing the method used to take the images.
instances [] One or more image instances taken in the series.
Attribute Type Description
title string A title for the image.
sop_class {} A DICOM-SOP code describing the type of image taken.


The following is an example of an ImagingStudy state capturing a single X-Ray image taken of the patient's ankle:

"Ankle_X_Ray": {
  "type": "ImagingStudy",
  "procedure_code": {
    "system": "SNOMED-CT",
    "code": "19490002",
    "display": "Ankle X-ray"
  "series": [
      "body_site": {
        "system": "SNOMED-CT",
        "code": "344001",
        "display": "Ankle"
      "modality": {
        "system": "DICOM-DCM",
        "code": "DX",
        "display": "Digital Radiography"
      "instances": [
          "title": "Image of ankle",
          "sop_class": {
            "system": "DICOM-SOP",
            "code": "1.2.840.10008.",
            "display": "Digital X-Ray Image Storage"


The Device state type indicates a point in the module where a permanent or semi-permanent device or piece of medical equipment is associated to a patient. Examples of devices include a prosthetic leg, or a pacemaker.

Note that this represents the association of the device to the patient, not the actual attachment or implantation, if necessary. If the device is to be implanted in the patient, or otherwise physically attached, that should be represented with a separate Procedure state.

A Device state must occur during an Encounter.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Device".
code code A single SNOMED code that describes the device. Preferred to be a code from the Device type value set
manufacturer string (optional) The manufacturer of the device. Should be used in situations where there is one primary manufacturer for the type of device being referenced
model string (optional) The device model name. Should be used along with manufacturer in situations where there is one primary manufacturer and model for the type of device being used
assign_to_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" to assign this state to.


The following is an example of an Device state for an implantable artificial heart:

"Artificial_Heart": {
  "type": "Device",
  "code": {
    "system": "SNOMED-CT",
    "code": "13459008",
    "display": "Temporary artificial heart prosthesis, device (physical object)"
  "manufacturer": "SynCardia",
  "model": "Total Artificial Heart"


The DeviceEnd state type indicates the point that a permanent or semi-permanent device (for example, a prosthetic, or pacemaker) is removed from a person. The actual procedure in which the device is removed is not automatically generated and should be added separately. The DeviceEnd state supports three ways of specifying the condition to end:

  1. By codes[], specifying the system, code, and display name of the device to end
  2. By device, specifying the name of the Device state in which the device was added
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous Device state assigned a device

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "DeviceEnd".

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
device string The "State_Name" of a previous Device state.
referenced_by_attribute string The name of the "attribute" the device was assigned to.
codes [] One or more codes that described the Device. Must be valid SNOMED codes.


The following is an example of a DeviceEnd state that removes a ventilator device by code:

"Remove_Ventilator": {
  "type": "DeviceEnd",
  "codes": [
      "system": "SNOMED-CT",
      "code": "706172005",
      "display": "Ventilator (physical object)"


The SupplyList state type indicates that certain supplies are required for the current encounter. This may be as simple as examination gloves or audiovisual equipment for a telehealth encounter.

A SupplyList state must occur during an Encounter. Multiple SupplyList states may occur during a single encounter.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Device".
supplies [] One or more supply items required during this encounter.
Attribute Type Description
code {} A SNOMED code describing the required item
quantity number How many of this item are required


The following is an example of a SupplyList state indicating a need for 2 gloves and 1 gown:

"Necessary_Supplies": {
  "type": "SupplyList",
  "supplies": [
      "quantity": 2,
      "code": {
        "system": "SNOMED-CT",
        "code": "52291003",
        "display": "Glove, device (physical object)"
      "quantity": 1,
      "code": {
        "system": "SNOMED-CT",
        "code": "788177008",
        "display": "Examination gown, single-use (physical object)"


The VitalSign state type indicates a point in the module where a patient's vital sign is set. Vital Signs represent the physical state of the patient, in contrast to Observations which are the recording of that physical state.


This state only sets a value. It is NOT recorded in the patient record. The vital_sign attribute MUST be a legal value from the Vital Sign Enumeration.

Usage Notes

In general, the Vital Sign should be used if the value directly affects the patient's physical condition. For example, high blood pressure directly increases the risk of heart attack so any conditional logic that would trigger a heart attack should reference a Vital #stead of an Observation. On the other hand, if the value only affects the patient's care, using just an Observation would be more appropriate. For example, it is the observation of MMSE that can lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's; MMSE is an observed value and not a physical metric, so it should not be stored in a VitalSign.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "VitalSign".
vital_sign string The name of the Vital Sign, which may be referenced later. ⚠️ Currently supported vital signs can be found in the Vital Sign Enumeration.
unit string The unit of measure in which the vital sign is measured (e.g. "cm").

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
exact {} The exact value to be recorded for this Observation
range {} A range of values from which one value will be recorded
Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The exact value of unit observed.
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The lowest (inclusive) numeric value of unit observed.
high numeric The greatest (inclusive) numeric value of unit observed.


The following is an example of a VitalSign state that sets the patient's Systolic Blood Pressure to 120 mmHg:

"SetBP" : {
   "type" : "VitalSign",
   "vital_sign" : "Systolic Blood Pressure",
   "exact" : { "quantity" : "120" },
   "unit" : "mmHg"


The Observation state type indicates a point in the module where an observation is recorded. Observations include clinical findings, vital signs, lab tests, etc. Observation states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details.

Observation Categories

Common observation categories include:

  • "vital-signs" : Clinical observations measure the body's basic functions such as such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, height, weight, body mass index, head circumference, pulse oximetry, temperature, and body surface area.
  • "procedure" : Observations generated by other procedures. This category includes observations resulting from interventional and non-interventional procedures excluding lab and imaging (e.g. cardiology catheterization, endoscopy, electrodiagnostics, etc.). Procedure results are typically generated by a clinician to provide more granular information about component observations made during a procedure, such as where a gastroenterologist reports the size of a polyp observed during a colonoscopy.
  • "laboratory" : The results of observations generated by laboratories. Laboratory results are typically generated by laboratories providing analytic services in areas such as chemistry, hematology, serology, histology, cytology, anatomic pathology, microbiology, and/or virology. These observations are based on analysis of specimens obtained from the patient and submitted to the laboratory.
  • "exam" : Observations generated by physical exam findings including direct observations made by a clinician and use of simple instruments and the result of simple maneuvers performed directly on the patient's body.
  • "social-history" : The Social History Observations define the patient's occupational, personal (e.g. lifestyle), social, and environmental history and health risk factors, as well as administrative data such as marital status, race, ethnicity and religious affiliation.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Observation".
category string The type of Observation being made, for example . Must be a valid HL7 Observation Category.
unit string The unit of measure in which the observation is recorded (e.g. "cm").
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Observation. Must be valid LOINC codes.

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
exact {} The exact value to be recorded for this Observation
range {} A range of values from which one value will be recorded
attribute string The name of an attribute that contains the value of some Observation
vital_sign string The name of a Vital Sign that contains a value
value_code {} The code that describes the value of the observation. Must be a valid SNOMED code.
Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The exact value of unit observed.
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The lowest (inclusive) numeric value of unit observed.
high numeric The greatest (inclusive) numeric value of unit observed.

The actual value for the observation will be chosen randomly from this range.


The following is an example of an Observation that should be taken at the "Checkup" Encounter, that will result in an observation of body height between 40 and 60 cm:

"Height_Measurement": {
  "type": "Observation",
  "unit": "cm",
  "range": {
    "low": 40,
    "high": 60
  "codes": [
      "system": "LOINC",
      "code": "8302-2",
      "display": "Body Height"


The MultiObservation state indicates that some number of Observation values should be embedded directly within a single observation. For example consider Blood Pressure, which is really 2 values, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure. MultiObservation states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "MultiObservation".
category string The type of Observation being made, for example . Must be a valid HL7 Observation Category.
codes [] One or more codes that describe the Observation. Must be valid LOINC codes.
observations Observation[] The list of observations that should be included as sub-observations within this observation. Each observation should be a valid Observation state, excluding the type and transition.


The following example shows a MultiObservation for Blood Pressure:

    "Record_BP": {
      "type": "MultiObservation",
      "category": "vital-signs",
      "codes": [
          "system": "LOINC",
          "code": "55284-4",
          "display": "Blood Pressure"
      "observations": [
          "category": "vital-signs",
          "vital_sign": "Systolic Blood Pressure",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "8480-6",
              "display": "Systolic Blood Pressure"
          "unit": "mmHg"
          "category": "vital-signs",
          "vital_sign": "Diastolic Blood Pressure",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "8462-4",
              "display": "Diastolic Blood Pressure"
          "unit": "mmHg"


The DiagnosticReport state indicates that some number of Observations should be grouped together within a single Diagnostic Report. This can be used when multiple observations are part of a single panel. DiagnosticReport states may only be processed during an Encounter, and so must occur after the target Encounter state and before the EncounterEnd. See the Encounter section above for more details.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "DiagnosticReport".
codes [] One or more codes that describe the DiagnosticReport. Must be valid LOINC codes.
observations Observation[] The list of observations that should be included as sub-observations within this observation. Each observation should be a valid Observation state, excluding the type and transition.


The following example shows a DiagnosticReport which groups the 4 observations into a Lipid Panel Diagnostic Report:

    "Record_LipidPanel": {
      "type": "DiagnosticReport",
      "number_of_observations": 4,
      "codes": [
          "system": "LOINC",
          "code": "57698-3",
          "display": "Lipid Panel"
      "observations": [
          "category": "laboratory",
          "vital_sign": "Total Cholesterol",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "2093-3",
              "display": "Total Cholesterol"
          "unit": "mg/dL"
          "category": "laboratory",
          "vital_sign": "Triglycerides",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "2571-8",
              "display": "Triglycerides"
          "unit": "mg/dL"
          "category": "laboratory",
          "vital_sign": "LDL",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "18262-6",
              "display": "Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol"
          "unit": "mg/dL"
          "category": "laboratory",
          "vital_sign": "HDL",
          "codes": [
              "system": "LOINC",
              "code": "2085-9",
              "display": "High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol"
          "unit": "mg/dL"
      "direct_transition": "Lab_ACR"


The Symptom state type adds or updates a patient's symptom. Synthea tracks symptoms in order to drive a patient's encounters, on a scale of 1-100. A symptom may be tracked for multiple conditions, in these cases only the highest value is considered. See also the Symptom logical condition type.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Symptom".
symptom string The name of the symptom being tracked.
cause string The underlying cause of the symptom. Defaults to the name of the module if not set.
probability numeric (optional) Probability (0-100%) the patient will have the symptom.
exact or range {} (choice) Must be either an exact value or a range of values for the symptom.

Probability is expressed from 0.0 to 1.0 (0 to 100%) representing the probability the patient will have the given symptom. If the probability is not met, then the Symptom is never created, as if the Symptom state did not exist. This value does not affect the value generated for the range attribute. If no value is given, the default is 1.0 representing a 100% chance the patient will have the Symptom.

Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The exact severity of the symptom, between 0 and 100.
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The lowest (inclusive) severity of the symptom, between 0 and 100.
high numeric The greatest (inclusive) severity of the symptom, between 0 and 100.

The actual value for the symptom will be chosen randomly from this range.


The following is an example of a Symptom state that sets the symptom value for Chest Pain to be exactly 27:

"Chest_Pain": {
  "type": "Symptom",
  "symptom": "Chest Pain",
  "cause": "Asthma",
  "exact": {
    "quantity": 27

The following is an example of a Symptom state that sets the symptom value for Chest Pain to be between 90 and 100:

"Chest_Pain": {
  "type": "Symptom",
  "symptom": "Chest Pain",
  "cause": "Heart Attack",
  "range": {
    "low": 90,
    "high": 100

The following is an example of a Symptom state that will occur in a patient 20% of the time:

"Headache": {
  "type": "Symptom",
  "symptom": "Headache",
  "cause": "Tension",
  "probability": 0.2,
  "exact" : 10


The SetAttribute state type sets a specified attribute on the patient entity. In addition to the assign_to_attribute property on MedicationOrder/ConditionOnset/etc states, this state allows for arbitrary text or values to be set on an attribute, or for the attribute to be reset.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "SetAttribute".
attribute string The name of the attribute being set.

And one of:

Attribute Type Description
value numeric, boolean, or string (choice) The value of the attribute.
valueCode {} (choice) Assign a code to the attribute.
range {} (choice) Assign a value from the given range to the attribute.
expression string (choice) Evaluate the given expression on the patient.
seriesData & period string & integer (choice) Space (" ") separated-list of numbers to assign to a time series within a given period (in seconds).

If none of the above are provided, the value of the attribute is set to null.


The following is an example of a SetAttribute state that sets the value of the attribute "number_of_children" to 3:

"Set_Number_Of_Children": {
  "type": "SetAttribute",
  "attribute": "number_of_children",
  "value": 3

The following is an example of a SetAttribute state that clears the "number_of_children" attribute:

"Clear_Number_Of_Children": {
  "type": "SetAttribute",
  "attribute": "number_of_children"


The Counter state type increments or decrements a specified numeric attribute on the patient entity, by a given amount. In essence, this state can be used to count the number of times it is processed. Note: The attribute is initialized with a default value of 0 if not previously set.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Counter".
attribute string The name of the attribute being counted.
action string (choice) One of ["increment", "decrement"].
amount numeric The amount to increment or decrement the counter by when the state is hit. (optional, defaults to 1 if not provided)


The following is an example of a Counter that increments the number of "bronchitis_occurrences" by 1 every time it is processed:

"Count_A_Bronchitis_Occurence": {
  "type": "Counter",
  "attribute": "bronchitis_occurrences",
  "action": "increment"

The following is an example of a Counter that decrements the "loop_index" by 2 every time it is processed:

"Decrement_Loop_Index": {
  "type": "Counter",
  "attribute": "loop_index",
  "action": "decrement",
  "amount": 2


The Death state type indicates a point in the module at which the patient dies or the patient is given a terminal diagnosis (e.g. "you have 3 months to live"). When the Death state is processed, the patient's death is immediately recorded (the alive? method will return false) unless range or exact attributes are specified, in which case the patient will die sometime in the future. In either case the module will continue to progress to the next state(s) for the current time-step. Typically, the Death state should transition to a Terminal state.

The Cause of Death listed on a Death Certificate can be specified in three ways:

  1. By codes[], specifying the system, code, and display name of the condition causing death.
  2. By condition_onset, specifying the name of the ConditionOnset state in which the condition causing death was onset.
  3. By referenced_by_attribute, specifying the name of the attribute to which a previous ConditionOnset state assigned a condition that caused death.

Implementation Warning

If a Death state is processed after a Delay, it may cause inconsistencies in the record. This is because the Delay implementation must rewind time to correctly honor the requested delay duration. If it rewinds time, and then the patient dies at the rewinded time, then any modules that were processed before the generic module may have created events and records with a timestamp after the patient's death.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Death".
exact or range {} (optional, choice) An exact amount or range of time that the patient has left to live.
codes [] (optional) One or more codes that describe the Cause of Death. The first code is used on the Death Certificate. Must be valid SNOMED codes.
condition_onset string (optional) The "State_Name" of a previous ConditionOnset state that is the Cause of Death to be listed on the Death Certificate.
referenced_by_attribute string (optional) The name of the "attribute" the condition was assigned to, which should be used as the Cause of Death on the Death Certificate.
Attribute Type Description
quantity numeric The number of unit left to live.
unit string The unit of time, e.g. "days". Must be a valid unit of time.
Attribute Type Description
low numeric The lowest (inclusive) number of unit left to live.
high numeric The greatest (inclusive) number of unit left to live.
unit string The unit of time, e.g. "days". Must be a valid unit of time.


The following example is an immediate death:

"Death": {
  "type": "Death"

This example gives the patient 3 - 5 months to live:

"Eventual_Death": {
  "type": "Death",
  "range": {
    "low": 3,
    "high": 5,
    "unit": "months"


The CallSubmodule state immediately processes a reusable series of states contained in a submodule. These states are processes in the same time step, starting with the submodule's Initial state. Once the submodule's Terminal state is reached, execution of the calling module resumes.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "CallSubmodule".
submodule string The name of a submodule to call. If no submodule with that name is found, an error is raised.


In this example, the medications/otc_pain_reliever submodule is called to prescribe an over-the-counter pain reliever in the current time step:

"Medication_Submodule": {
  "type": "CallSubmodule",
  "submodule": "medications/otc_pain_reliever"


The Physiology state type indicates a point in the module where the patient's physiology should be simulated, typically to support a particular Observation during a medical procedure.

Supported Properties

Attribute Type Description
type string Must be "Physiology".
model string Path to the model file relative to src/main/resources/physiology/models
solver string Which differential equation solver to use for the simulation. One of ["adams_bashforth", "adams_moulton", "dormand_prince_54", "dormand_prince_853", "euler", "gragg_bulirsch_stoer", "higham_hall_54", "rosenbrock", "runge_kutta"
step_size numeric Simulation step size in seconds.
sim_duration numeric Simulation duration in seconds.
lead_time numeric (optional) Simulation lead time in seconds before output data is captured. Defaults to 0.0.
alt_direct_transition string Next state to transition to in the event Physiology States are turned off in
inputs [] List of input definitions for the model. See Inputs below.
outputs [] List of output definitions for the model. See Outputs below.

Model files

Synthea currently supports physiology models in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) format. Thousands of existing models are available in the BioModels database. Model files must be placed in src/main/resources/physiology/models, and may be placed in a subfolder for organizational purposes.


Physiology model inputs are derived from Patient VitalSigns and/or attributes. Each entry in the inputs array supports the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
type string Type of the Patient parameter. Required if using the “from” field. One of ["ATTRIBUTE", "VITAL_SIGN"].
from string Name of the Patient attribute or VitalSign where the source value is stored.
from_exp string A mathematical expression which will evaluate to provide the input value.
to string Name of the model parameter to place the input value in.

Either from or fromExp must be defined for each input definition. The type field is only required when using from. The “fromExp” allows for both VitalSigns and Attributes to be used in the equation. See Expression Processing.


Model outputs are derived from model parameters. They support many of the same fields as inputs, with a few key differences:

Attribute Type Description
type string Type of the target Patient parameter. One of ["ATTRIBUTE", "VITAL_SIGN"].
from string Name of the model parameter to pull the latest value from as the output.
from_list string Name of the model parameter to pull the list of values from. to field must target an Attribute.
from_exp string A mathematical expression of model parameters which will evaluate to provide the output value.
to string Name of the Patient attribute / VitalSign to place the output value in.
variance numeric Amount of random variance to add to the resulting value. This uses a uniform random distribution across +/- variance range.

Unlike all other instances where expressions may be used, the fromExp field in this case requires model parameters instead of Patient attributes and VitalSigns. This means the developer must be familiar with the variables defined by the model used and what their value indicates.


The following is an example of a Physiology state to simulate cardiac hemodynamics during an Encounter.

"Simulate_CVS": {
      "type": "Physiology",
      "model": "circulation/Smith2004_CVS_human.xml",
      "solver": "runge_kutta",
      "step_size": 0.01,
      "sim_duration": 4.0,
      "lead_time": 2.0,
      "inputs": [
        {"from": "Pulmonary Resistance", "to": "R_pul"},
        {"from_exp": "#{BMI} * #{BMI Multiplier}", "to": "R_sys"}
      "outputs": [
          "from": "V_ao",
          "to": "Final Aortal Volume",
          "type": "Attribute"
          "from_list": "P_ao",
          "to": "Arterial Pressure Values",
          "type": "Attribute"
          "from_exp": "((Max(#{V_lv}) - Min(#{V_lv})) / Max(#{V_lv}))*100",
          "to": "LVEF",
          "type": "Attribute"
          "from_exp": "Max(#{P_ao})",
          "to": "SBP",
          "type": "Attribute"
          "from_exp": "Min(#{P_ao})",
          "to": "DBP",
          "type": "Attribute"
      "direct_transition": "ChartObservation",
      "alt_direct_transition": "ContrivedLVEF"
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