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Hempfest edited this page Jun 27, 2022 · 6 revisions

This addon gives your clan a bank account that can be used to boost your clan power! Deposit, withdraw, and see your balance. You can customize the starting balance for new clan banks and set a maximum balance.

##                    ##
## Clan bank settings ##
##                    ##
  # Allow clans to enable the bank functions?
  enabled: true
  # Let a clans bank balance effect their total power level.
  influence: true
  # Configure starting balance of clan banks
  starting-balance: 0
  # Optionally set the maximum balance of clan banks
  #    maximum-balance: 10000000000.00 # Uncomment this line to activate
  # 0 - Silent, 1 - Successful and cancelled transaction, 2 - ALL transactions
  log-level: 0
  # Manage default clan bank access permissions
    balance: 0  # Clan rank 0 or higher can access bank balance
    deposit: 1  # Clan rank 1 or higher can deposit
    withdraw: 2 # Clan rank 2 can withdraw
    view-log: 3 # Clan rank 3 can view transaction log
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