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Land Claiming

Hempfest edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 7 revisions

What does the Raid Shield do?

You can set a custom time interval for the shields on and off period in the config. It uses minecraft world time. Since there are 24000 ticks in a Minecraft day you have that much to work with from 0 till then. The default settings will start the raidshield at dawn and the raidshield will go down at dusk. Once the raidshield goes down this enables players in other clans with more clan power than yours to then overpower the land unclaiming and taking it as their own if they choose. Either way it enables raiding.

Claiming Land

You can configure claim dependency allotting clans more or less on their claim cap. A clans claims is decided based on multiple factors, how many members the clan has, how much power, the balance. All these things are considered for the final claim allotment.

Every server has a limit

You can allot a specific limit of clan claims to each user or groups using permission nodes. This 'limit' is the total amount of claims the clan can actually claim, it doesnt give them extra claims on their claim max but rather increases the overall amount of land they can own. With this even the weakest link of a clan can provide land for the group if in the right position. Example: clanspro.claim.100 given to group default means that rank can claim no more than 100 claims.


With the latest versions 1.3.1+ there are now flags for claims which act as property management for things such as enabling / disabling custom claim titles, blocking explosives from destroying your land or various other things available and soon to come.

Custom Titles

At the same time as the 1.3.1+ updates, players can setup custom claim titles, they will be disabled by default, to use your newly configured titles make sure that you have the "claim-titles" flag enabled in the claim you want the titles to be received in, this could be an individual claim or every claim you own!

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