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Hempfest edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

With kingdoms themselves you can have multiple "owning" clans because there is no exterior management so any kingdom member (i.e. a clan) is an "owner" kingdoms themselves are just progression trackers, they keep track of clan(s) progression on quests and provided rewards for playing the game.

There is a bonus feature included with kingdoms that's called "The Roundtable" this feature isn't finished yet and is to be expected by version 1.3.2 with more explanation on what it provides.

Configuration preview:

    ##                                                                       ##
    ## Kingdoms is a progression tracking feature with rewarding attributes  ##
    ##                                                                       ##
    enabled: false
    required-creation-power: 180.00
      # The consistent name of the hierarchy of clan users.
      name: 'Roundtable'
      # Kingdoms has a stacked permissions system for the roundtable only.
      # Kingdoms by themselves simply follow normal clan permissions.
        # 4 = HIGHEST
        # 3 = HIGHER
        # 2 = HIGH
        # 1 = LOW
        name-change: 2
        invite: 3
        promote: 4
        demote: 4
        kick: 4
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