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Safety Guide

Robert Jordan edited this page Jun 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

How to Safely Use Trigger's PC

Because Trigger's PC is an external tool for saves there will always be risks when using it. Here are some important tips to remember to avoid any complications.

Make Backups

This is a given when using any unofficial tool. There may still be undiscovered bugs and thus it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Sometimes backups are good for saving Pokemon and items as well. For example, a bug occurred and an Item or Pokémon was not saved or disappeared. In this case you don't need to revert to an older save but just need to load up the backup and transfer the item or Pokémon to the current save.

Save Overwriting

The biggest danger with using Trigger's PC is overwriting a save when you shouldn't, thus the number one rule of Trigger's PC is don't run Trigger's PC and a game at the same time. If you follow this then there should almost never be a problem. Of course this won't stop people from opening up Trigger's PC in order to make quick checks for IVs and such. As long as you don't save any changes to any running games you will be fine.

If by chance you have accidentally made changes to an outdated save you have a few options:

  1. Overwrite your current save with your Trigger's PC save. This is usually the best course of action. You may lose progress, but if you sent items or Pokémon to the affected game then you can guarantee you won't lose them.
  2. Overwrite your Trigger's PC save with your current save. If you have only made minor changes to your save such as renaming or moving Pokémon within the same game then you won't lose anything of value by overwriting the save modified by Trigger's PC.
  3. Manually add both saves to Trigger's PC and transfer any changes to your current save. In order to do this you will need to make a backup of your save and then add that save to Trigger's PC. One will be the save modified with Trigger's PC, and the other modified by the game.

Dropbox Syncing

Make sure the saves you are editing are up to date. If your saves are synced with Dropbox, make sure they have properly synced by checking that your Pokemon are up to date or checking the update log on your Dropbox application in the Notification Tray. If your save is not up to date and you make changes to your save the older version will be overwritten and you will lose your progress. If you have lost any important progress Dropbox has the ability to restore previous versions of your files.

Reloading Modified Saves

If you currently have Trigger's PC open and it alerts you that a save has been modified outside the tool, you must be aware of how Trigger's PC handles this. If you choose to reload everything, then all the progress since you last saved will be lost (but that usually isn't a problem). If you choose to not reload, all saves that have been modified outside of the program will be marked as changed by the tool. Thus next time you save these saves will be overwritten.

This is usually the safer option to choose. For example, you opened up a game and also opened up Trigger's PC. If you have saved any changes to the game from Trigger's PC since opening it up in an emulator then you risk losing items or Pokémon traded to that game if you reload the saves. This is because your save modified from the emulator will be out of sync with the previous changes saved from Trigger's PC because it was loaded before those changes.

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