Releases: GetDKAN/dkan
This release brings official Drupal 11.x compatibility to DKAN.
We have also dropped testing for Drupal 10.2, which is no longer supported. It is highly recommended that any sites still running Drupal 10.2 upgrade to 10.3 or 10.4. Also note that while Drupal 11.1 and 10.4 support PHP 8.4, this release of DKAN is only tested up to PHP 8.3. PHP 8.4 support is coming soon.
What's Changed
- Update the link to open licenses by @janette in #4423
- ValueHandler - change some methods to protected by @stefan-korn in #4418
- Add Drupal 11 testing to CI and module requirements by @dafeder in #4401
- Update Docs with recipe for modifying the dataset form by @janette in #4164
- Use the #config_target property in the datastore settings form by @jastraat in #4183
- Make dkan:dataset-info return string rather than print by @dafeder in #4431
- Progress indicator for file upload by @beeyayjay in #4433
Full Changelog: 2.20.1...2.20.2
Note - several changes focused on moving toward full Drupal 11 compatibility, but we're not quite there yet (we expect to be in 2.20.2).
- Set 404 exception if dataset ID isn't found. by @beeyayjay in #4379
- DB connection factory cleanup by @paul-m in #4390
- Update contributing documentation. Add new issue templates. by @janette in #4327
- Filter by title on the dataset import status dashboard by @paul-m in #4376
- Refactor DatasetInfo as plugin-based service that works w/o datastore by @dafeder in #4404
- Harvest library sorts JSON before calculating hash by @paul-m in #4374
- Refactor DrupalFiles to remove deprecated system_retrieve_file() by @dafeder in #4420
- Add config option in metastore settings to stop forcing redirect by @zedmonds96 in #4381
- Some fixes for Drupal 11.0.x compatibility by @dafeder in #4354
- Post import status message by @kaise-lafrai in #4397
- Improve type translation for database table by @dafeder in #4403
- Updates to datastore install to create a valid schema for post import… by @kaise-lafrai in #4408
Full Changelog: 2.20.0...2.20.1
Deprecation of DatastoreResource
This release deprecates the DatastoreResource class, and changes some public method signatures to expect the DataResource class, with which it was very redundant. As always make sure to run drush updatedb
(even though it will say no updates required). Any custom modules that integrate with DKAN's resources may need to be updated.
What's Changed
- Factor out DatastoreResource class by @dafeder in #4372
- Refactor Post Import Service by @kaise-lafrai in #4370
- Fix @Covers annotation by @paul-m in #4388
- Add DPG badge to README by @dafeder in #4389
- Fix issue with import statuses: hash ID for Import Jobstore by @dafeder in #4391
- Make Dataset route and View perms match. by @swirtSJW in #4396
Full Changelog: 2.19.13...2.20.0
- Provide text_format render element in JSON Form Widget by @stefan-korn in #4371
- Make response stream caching max-age a configuration by @zedmonds96 in #4348
- Add logging information when a dataset has already been imported by @zedmonds96 in #4377
- Update CI matrix to target PHP 8.3, Drupal 10.3 by @dafeder in #4362
- Add test coverage for Drupal 10.4 in CI by @dafeder in #4365
- Tests for dropping datastore with missing resources by @paul-m in #4355
- Fix typos in DKAN docs by @dcgoodwin2112 in #4357
- Code quality review using Rector by @dafeder in #4367
- Make properties of schema array/item respect property specs in form by @dafeder in #4382
- 4336: Return 400 error on invalid JSON sent to the datastore API by @janette in #4341
- Add tests for ResourceImporter and sample_content by @paul-m in #4276
New Contributors
- @zedmonds96 made their first contribution in #4348
Full Changelog: 2.19.12...2.19.13
- Moved cache tag invalidation from ImportQueueWorker to ImportService by @kaise-lafrai in #4345
- Add cache tag invalidation on datastore drop by @kaise-lafrai in #4351
- Remove 'Other' option from File Format select list for Dataset Distributions. by @beeyayjay in #4318
- Upgrade select_or_other to 4.2 by @janette in #4352
Full Changelog: 2.19.10...2.19.11
- #4330: Datastore MySQL import - Change some class members from private to protected by @stefan-korn in #4331
- Validate pattern matching in StringHelper. by @beeyayjay in #4328
- Stop passing empty values to retrieveDownloadUrlFromResourceMapper by @janette in #4342
- Handle missing resource when dropping a datastore by @paul-m in #4343
Full Changelog: 2.19.9...2.19.10
What's Changed
- #4273: Datastore MySQL Import handles empty file incorrect (with a test) by @dmundra in #4293
- #4296: Typehint interfaces instead of concrete classes for some services by @stefan-korn in #4297
- #4300: Remove deprecated form class DkanSqlEndpointSettingsForm by @starsinmypockets in #4304
- #4291 Add mysql empty row removal option by @swirtSJW in #4292
- Update distribution description by @beeyayjay in #4299
- Move code of conduct to root directory by @janette in #4308
- README update by @janette in #4305
- Run fulltext index alters one at at time by @janette in #4288
- Add events for datastore pre-drop, drop, and import by @paul-m in #4312
- Include only CSV and TSV resources in import status dashboard by @beeyayjay in #4317
- Refactor datastore events to use DataResource with the event instead of id and version by @paul-m in #4322
- Data Dictionary Table Alter with Wide Columns (datastore_mysql_import) by @paul-m in #4303
- Set form title based on data node type by @janette in #4323
- Add option to drop datastore if there is an error on post_import by @janette in #4311
Full Changelog: 2.19.8...2.19.9
- Fixes misalignment of import dashboard by @paul-m in #4270
- Fixes some HarvestCommand logging by @paul-m in #4269
- Make QueryDownLoadController constant available to extended classes. by @swirtSJW in #4277
- Use same sanitization when comparing properties by @janette in #4233
- DKAN-4278 Remove upload_or_link length validation by @swirtSJW in #4279
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.19.6...2.19.7