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IP9258 Documentation

Emanuele Leonardi edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

The IP9258 is a web based power supply controller. It controls 4 power supply ports (standard C14 plugs) which can independently be switched ON and OFF.

In PADME an IP9258 is used to reset the VME mini-crate (red crate standing on the table in the Target area) where the Target V1742 ADC board (aka Board 28) is located. The VME crate is connected to port 1 of the IP9258.

A full User Manual (PDF format) of the device can be found at the AvioSys site.

Network configuration

IP address:
MAC address: 00-92-58-01-60-AD
Username: admin
Password: <password> (please ask DAQ/DCS experts)

Web browser access

From within the INFN LNF LAN, point your browser to and then follow the instructions contained in the User Manual.

Script access

Scripts can interact with the IP9258 using the wget tool and a set of control URLs.

Within the URLs, the 4 power lines are identified as p61,p62,p63,p64.

Here is a list of examples showing how to use some of the available commands. For a full list of commands please refer to the User Manual.

Turn on power port 1

> wget -o /dev/null -O -<password>+cmd=setpower+p61=1

Turn off power port 1

> wget -o /dev/null -O -<password>+cmd=setpower+p61=0

Control multiple ports with a single command

> wget -o /dev/null -O -<password>+cmd=setpower+p61=0+p62=1+p63=1+p64=0

Get ON(1)/OFF(0) status of all ports

> wget -o /dev/null -O -<password>+cmd=getpower

Reset (OFF then ON) port 1 with a 10 seconds delay between OFF and ON

> wget -o /dev/null -O -<password>+cmd=setpower+p61=0+p61n=1+t61=10

Telnet access

The IP9258 can also be accessed via the telnet protocol. The User Manual contains the full documentation for this protocol. Here we show a sample session:

> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
9258Telnet command shell
Please input username and password!
9258Telnet-> admin:<password>

   Username and password is ok!
   Type 'help' and return for help
9258Telnet-> help
Available commands:
   setpower - Set port state
   getpower - Read port status
   setport - 1-4/4-1
   exit     - exit shell
   reboot   - reboot
9258Telnet-> getpower
Power Status[4]: 0 0 0 0
9258Telnet-> setpower p6=1001

Power Status[4]: 1 0 0 1
9258Telnet-> setpower p6=0000

Power Status[4]: 0 0 0 0
9258Telnet-> exit
9258Telnet-> Connection closed by foreign host.
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