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New DCS monitor

Fabio Ferrarotto edited this page Jul 17, 2022 · 11 revisions

A new DCS monitor is now active to watch with timelines the details of the behaviour of most of the detectors in PADME.

The page actually is hosted on;theme=slate.

The old DCS main page is still active and displays the relevant beam and DAQ info in realtime, and may show you the ECAL and SAC temperatures, Beam info and Mimosa timeplots (and some other less frequently used plots and infos) which are NOT under the control of the new DCS system or have a better visual way to be shown.

I advise to open for each shift the following pages to control ALL informations :

  1. the experiment monitor page
  2. the OLD DCS monitor page
  3. the new DCS monitor page;theme=slate.

The new DCS control page (Damage Control System) is instead hosted at For operating instructions look also at the "Reset NIM crates" instructions and/or at the tutorial by Venelin at

For remote shifters we have also a webcam pointed in Padme Control Room on a scope showing in reaal time the 2 trigger signals coming from both the right and left trigger distribution boxes hosted in the respective crates. You can view the output of this webcam refreshed every 20 seconds at http://padmecr1/padme/ and has a timestamp to verify if it's really being updated or if it has hanged. You can also check if it's really active by looking in the bottom right corner at the scope RTC which should have a time ~ 1:20 h BEFORE the timestamp (it is NOT synchronized, but it's active).

New DCS monitor page

Once you are in the new DCS monitor page on its right panel you will see a menu experiments and, below it, a list of monitored items :

  • btf amb
  • dbupdates
  • padme eveto
  • .......

click on each voice shown and you will be brought at the beginning of the plots for the monitored quantities.

Following each header you will see a lot of timeline plots with on top the specification of WHICH item and WHICH quantity is plotted.

All the relevant and monitored informations are transferred also to the PadmeDCS database continuously.

You can check there for all the hardware parts monitored ALl relevant informations : just be patient and scroll until you have arrived at the information you need (voltage output, currents, temperatures ....).

For the majority of them (vetos, crates, HV) the MOST relevant information is the voltage output item.

Please be patient and scroll through the web page until you find it.. :)

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