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Software Requirements

Emanuele Leonardi edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 1 revision

Software Requirements

This page describes the packages and configurations required to run the PADME software.

Operative System

All PADME software is developed and tested on Scientific Linux. Both SL6 and SL7 are currently supported.


ROOT is used for (almost) all PADME data formats and is therefore needed by most packages.

ROOT 5 is the current certified version. ROOT 6 is being validated.


GEANT4 is used by the PadmeMC package.

The version currently in use is v.10.3.


MySQL is the DB system in use by our collaboration.

Currently, only the on line packages (PadmeDAQ, RunControl, Level1) depend the MySQL client libraries to access the on line DB hosted by padmesrv1. This will change when the Calibration and Configuration DBs will be developed.

CAEN libraries

Several CAEN library packages are needed to interact with the on line electronics (ADC, HV systems, ...). Only on-line related packages use them.

Obtaining the software

The recommended way to get access to the ROOT and GEANT4 packages is via the official pre-installed versions available from CERN on CVMFS.

Instructions on how to install and configure CVMFS can be found on the CernVM-FS Client Quick Start guide (need root access).

If CVMFS is available, the PADME software can be configured to use it by calling the script included in the official distribution:

[leonardi@padmesrv1]$ cd padme-fw
[leonardi@padmesrv1]$ . Configure/

If CVMFS cannot be accessed, users can install their own local version of ROOT and GEANT4 either by using precompiled distributions or by fully recompiling the source code. Instructions can be found on the official ROOT and GEANT4 web sites.

IMPORTANT NOTE The latest versions of PadmeMC require support for GDML: this is active in the GEANT4 version available from CVMFS but must be explicitly activated if GEANT4 is recompiled from the source code.

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