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Installing the Software

Emanuele Leonardi edited this page Jul 20, 2016 · 22 revisions

If you only want to download and use the PADME software, you can obtain the lastest release from the main repository hosted on GitHub.

From any machine where git is installed give the following command:

git clone <localdir>

If <localdir> is omitted, a directory named "padme-fw" is created inside the current directory.

If you want to be able to commit your changes to the software, you must first register to GitHub, create and register a ssh key (see HowTo guide below for details), and then apply to join the PADME-Experiment developers team by sending a "request for access" e-mail to specifying the GitHub user name you created.

After the registration is completed, you can get a copy of the PADME software with the command:

git clone ssh:// <localdir>

You can find a useful Git HowTo guide, explaining most standard use cases, here:

As stated in the HowTo guide, please make sure to create a new branch based on "develop" and switch to it before making any change to the code.

N.B. In order to run the PadmeDAQ software you need a CAEN A3818 optical controller and the CAENDigitizer and CAENComm libraries installed on your computer.

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