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Casimir Eisenach edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 3 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.Achievement

  • Required parameters:
    • key,
    • loc_txt or localization entry (reference)
      • Rather than a text table, loc_txt should contain a description table. When using localization files, the name should be placed in misc.achievement_names[key], the description should be placed in misc.achievement_descriptions[key].
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • atlas = 'Joker', pos = { x = 1, y = 0 }, hidden_pos = { x = 0, y = 0 } (reference)
      • pos is used when the achievement has been earned, hidden_pos if it has not been earned.
    • earned: Achievement is considered "earned". Achievement will stay earned on loaded profiles unless reset_on_startup is true
    • reset_on_startup: Unearns the achievement if already earned on profile load
    • bypass_all_unlocked = false: Achievement cannot be earned if "Unlock All" button was pressed on current profile
    • hidden_name = true: Hides the name of the achievement if not earned
    • hidden_text: Hides the description of the achievement if not earned

API methods

  • unlock_condition(self, args) -> bool
    • Runs every time check_for_unlock is called. Returns true if the achievement should be earned.
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