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Casimir Eisenach edited this page Feb 27, 2025 · 3 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.DeckSkin

This API extends the game's Friends of Jimbo collabs screen to create new deck skins for all suits, including modded ones.

Note: Atlases in this class are not automatically prefixed.

  • Required parameters:
    • key
    • suit: The suit this skin applies to.
    • loc_txt or localization entry (reference)
    • palettes: A list of tables with the following values:
      • key (Use 'hc' or 'lc' to consider this palette a default high-/low-contrast palette)
      • ranks: A list of ranks the skin provides sprites for.
      • display_ranks: A list of ranks to show in the preview.
      • atlas: Atlas for the cards.
      • pos_style = 'deck': Determines how to access sprite positions.
        • As a string:
          • 'deck': Use the pos table of the playing card.
          • 'suit': y position is always zero, x position is taken from the card's pos.
          • 'collab': Use the base game's G.COLLABS.pos.
          • 'ranks': Use the palette's rank list for the x position.
        • As a table:
          • fallback_style: Any of the above strings. Is used when a rank that isn't specified is loaded.
          • [rank]: Using a rank as a key, it takes a table with an atlas and pos.
      • colour: Replaces the suit's colour in the G.C table with this one when skin is applied.
      • suit_icon: A table defining the icon for the suit
        • atlas: An atlas with the icons
        • pos = 0: The position for the icon. If set to a number, it will use y = pos, x = suit's vanilla icon pos. If it's a table see reference.
      • loc_txt or localization entry (reference)
      • hc_default (optional): If this is true, use high-contrast textures for unchanged sprites.
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