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Casimir Eisenach edited this page Feb 6, 2025 · 5 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.Blind

Class prefix: bl

  • Required parameters:
  • Optional parameters (defaults)
    • atlas = 'blind_chips', pos = { x = 0, y = 0 } (reference)
      • Any atlas specified here must set atlas_table = 'ANIMATION_ATLAS'. The y value determines the row to use for the animation. The x value is ignored and cycles through each frame of the animation.
    • discovered = false, no_collection, prefix_config, dependencies (reference)
    • dollars = 5: Amount of money obtained when defeated.
    • mult = 2: Required score relative to the Ante's Base score.
    • boss: Marks this Blind as a Boss Blind and specifies on which Antes it can appear ({ min = 1, max = 10 }). max is an artifact and not functional. Use in_pool instead for advanced conditions.
      • boss.showdown: Marks this Blind as a Final Boss Blind that shows up on every multiple of the winning Ante. min is ignored, use in_pool to restrict spawning.
    • boss_colour: Sets the background colour to use while playing this Blind (e.g. HEX('56789A'))
    • debuff = {}: Configure vanilla Blind effects with these fields:
      • Disallowing hands in full:
        • hand = { ['Hand Type'] = true} for a specific set of hands,
        • h_size_ge = n, must play at least n cards,
        • h_size_le = n, must play at most n cards.
      • Debuffing cards:
        • suit = 'Hearts' for one specific suit,
        • value = '2' for one specific rank,
        • nominal = n for all ranks scoring n base chips,
        • is_face = true for all face cards.
      • These effects are ignored if you specify a debuff_hand or debuff_card function respectively.
    • ignore_showdown_check: Enabling this allows in_pool to be evaluated regardless of whether a showdown Boss Blind was requested or not.
    • vars = {}: variables for the Blind's description in the collection. Fallback if collection_loc_vars isn't set.

API methods

In all of the following methods, use the global variable G.GAME.blind to refer to the current blind. (The base game uses self to refer to the current blind in Blind:foo().)

  • set_blind(self)
    • Effects that activate when this Blind is selected
  • disable(self)
    • Reverting effects when this Blind gets disabled
  • defeat(self)
    • Reverting effects when this Blind is defeated
  • drawn_to_hand(self)
    • Effects that activate when cards are drawn to hand
  • press_play(self)
    • Effects that activate when a hand is played
  • recalc_debuff(self, card, from_blind) -> bool
    • Determines what cards should be debuffed by this Blind
  • debuff_hand(self, cards, hand, handname, check) -> bool
    • Determines if a hand is disallowed by this Blind
  • stay_flipped(self, area, card) -> bool
    • Determines what cards are drawn face down
  • modify_hand(self, cards, poker_hands, text, mult, hand_chips) -> number, number, bool
    • Used for modifications on the base score of played hands. Expected return values in order are:
      • The modified value of mult
      • The modified value of hand_chips
      • A boolean value indicating whether any values were changed
  • get_loc_debuff_text(self) -> string
    • Allows modifying text displayed for debuff warnings on invalid hands
  • loc_vars(self) -> { vars ?= table, key ?= string } (reference)
    • Due to various constraints, the functionality of loc_vars on blinds is very limited. Only vars and key returns are supported, and no info_queue exists.
  • collection_loc_vars(self) -> { vars ?= table, key ?= string }
    • Used for passing variables to Blind descriptions when viewing the collection. If not defined, the game will use the vars field on your object.
  • in_pool(self) -> bool
    • For implementing advanced restrictions on when a Blind may appear in a run. This puts boss.min and boss.max restrictions out of effect.
    • Unless ignore_showdown_check is set, this function will not be evaluated in the following cases:
      • A showdown Boss Blind should appear, but this Blind is a regular Boss Blind.
      • A regular Boss Blind should appear, but this Blind is a showdown Boss Blind.
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