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Casimir Eisenach edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 4 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.Stake

Class prefix: stake

  • Required parameters:
    • key
    • applied_stakes: An array of keys of stakes that should also be applied when this stake is active. This is evaluated recursively to include all stakes applied by applied stakes, so you usually don't need to specify multiple stakes here.
    • loc_txt or localization entry (reference)
      • loc_txt should contain a sticker table that also consists of a name and text. It is used for the tooltip of the stake's win sticker.
      • When using localization files, the stake description should be placed in descriptions.Stake[key], while the sticker description should be placed in descriptions.Other[key:sub(7)..'_sticker'], i.e., the stake_ prefix is removed.


An extra line that lists applied stakes is appended at the end of the description only when loc_txt is used. If you are using localization files, you should add this yourself.

  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • atlas = 'chips', pos = { x = 0, y = 0 } [(reference)](
    • sticker_atlas, sticker_pos: The atlas and position to use for this stake's win sticker.
    • unlocked = false, prefix_config, dependencies (reference)
      • If unlocked is set to false, the stake is unlocked by first winning a run on each of the applied_stakes.
    • colour = [white]: The colour used for this stake in the stake selection column.
    • above_stake: The stake's key that this stake should appear directly above in the list. By default, your stake will be placed at the top of the list.


Key prefixing is applied to applied_stakes and above_stake by default. If you want your stake above a stake from the base game or other mods, this can be adjusted by using prefix_config. (reference)

API methods

  • modifiers()
    • Used for applying changes to the game state when your stake is applied at the start of a run.
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