Releases: ldelossa/way-shell
Releases · ldelossa/way-shell
What's Changed
- panel: use widget size request over window default size by @rosefromthedead in #62
- [experimental] status notifier infra by @ldelossa in #61
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9
What's Changed
- fix,wifi: allow connecting to WPA AP's with no password by @ldelossa in #54
- refactor: use overlay for quick settings grid buttons by @ldelossa in #55
- feat,upower: add battery power menu by @ldelossa in #56
- refactor,wayland: completely refactor wayland service for modularity by @ldelossa in #58
- app-switcher: use tilde for moving between app instances by @ldelossa in #59
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
What's Changed
- rename-switcher: introduce widget for renaming workspaces by @ldelossa in #45
- change some top layer things to overlay layer by @rosefromthedead in #46
- vpn: support wireguard vpn by @ldelossa in #48
- notifications: support actions and add hide on OSD by @ldelossa in #52
- activities,fix: map keys for next/prev search by @ldelossa in #53
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
What's Changed
- fix various overflows where Way-Shell UI extends past screen boundaries.
- introduce new abstraction layer for window manager backends (opens support for other WM such as hyprland and niri)
- change aur package to tagged releases by @parmjotsinghrobot in #27
- allow configuring clock format via gsettings by @rosefromthedead in #36
- [Logind]: Use active session during initialization. by @ldelossa in #38
- refactor: fix various overflows by @ldelossa in #39
- Add AUR version badge by @parmjotsinghrobot in #40
- fix use of logind's ListSessions by @rosefromthedead in #41
New Contributors
- @rosefromthedead made their first contribution in #36
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4
What's Changed
- Keyboard Brightness OSD
- ensure brightness OSD and scales are only created if available
- change dark mode switch to toggle by @parmjotsinghrobot in #26
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3
What's Changed
- Night Light quick settings feature with adjustable temperature
- Airplane Mode quick settings feature for killing all (network manager managed) networking
- Keyboard backlight quick settings feature with dynamic backlight intensity slider
- App-Switcher re-write that not works reliably betwen application and application instance switching
- Bunch of audio fixes
- fix(makefile): install systemd service as non executable by @b1rger in #21
- fix(Makefile): add to existing flags instead of overwriting by @b1rger in #22
- README: add AUR package to install methods by @parmjotsinghrobot in #25
New Contributors
- @parmjotsinghrobot made their first contribution in #25
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2
Release v0.0.1 marks the first release with a proper COPR repository.
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: