released this
13 Dec 11:09
📝 Page templates (#66 ).
♻️ Update page list when it changes on the server (#50 ).
🙂 Allow to change emoji of collectives (#210 ).
📂 Ignore folders without markdown files in page tree (#171 ).
👤 Show avatar of person who created the collective (#197 ).
✅ Display todo items with checkbox in preview (#178 ).
📜 Highlight active page in page list (#208 ).
🔝 Highlight selected page order (#205 ).
🔌 Add files_versions to list of required apps (#193 ).
🖼️ Display animated gifs and webp graphics (#202 ).
👥 Show member management link only to admins (#212 ).
🧽 Update document title when changing collective (#211 ).
🔂 Don't repeat page content after updating the page list (#214 ).
💱 Allow to rename pages without explicit save (#206 ).
🌀 Remove spinning wheel in page list.
🗣️ Initial Sinhala translation thanks to HelaBasa.
🗣️ Updated Czech translation thanks to Pavel Borecki.
🚧Updates & Tooling
😎 Check if versions match before building new release.
📋 Screenshots and documentation updates.
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