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inputs and outputs

scanner-darkly edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 4 revisions


orca's heart will use whatever outputs are available to send notes (pitch as 1V/Oct and gate). this will be different for different modules - on meadophysics you get 8 gates (great for drum sequencing!), on ansible and teletype you get 4 full voices, on white whale you get 2 full voices and 2 extra gates etc etc.

in the future there will be an option to switch outputs between notes and modulation (stepped voltages in 0..10V range and additional gates) - this is useful when you use it with i2c devices so that you can use outputs to modulate other things, like filter cutoff etc.

clock input

modules that have a dedicated clock input can be clocked externally. on ansible and teletype trigger input 1 is the clock input. on ansible trigger input 2 is reset. since teletype is not capable of detecting whether something was connected to a trigger input, you will need to stop the internal clock manually - that's 3rd button from the top in the rightmost column on the delays page.

clock output

modules that have a clock output will send clock out 10ms trigger. for modules that don't have a dedicated clock output there will be an option added to use one of the gate outputs for that.

additional inputs


trigger input 2 can be used to reset the sequence


trigger input 1 is clock in trigger input 2 is reset
trigger input 3 toggles between scales
trigger input 4 toggles scale A transposition by an octave up
trigger input 4 toggles scale B transposition by an octave up
trigger inputs 5-8 not currently used
CV input not currently used

knobs / buttons

modules that have knobs will use one of them to control speed. the rest won't be used right now.
on ansible you can control speed with the buttons.

on all modules the front panel button is used to enter presets.

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