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Kira Noël edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 7 revisions

Write the commands you've coded, plan to code and/or think we should have in the space below. Include a brief description and which subsystem(s) would be responsible.

###Commands Coded:

  • DriveWithJoystick -- Arcade drive for Teleop (Drivetrain)
  • ClimbRope -- Climb the rope and stop when a button is pressed (Climber)
  • GearMechanism -- CommandGroup of PlaceGear and GoBackGear (Gear)

###Commands To Be Coded:

###Autonomous: Red team:

  • P1 (closest to boiler) -- shoot, drive forwards, turn 135 degrees (assuming the top of the robot is 0 degrees), drive back, turn -135 deg, drive forwards
  • P2 (centre) -- shoot, drive forward, drive back, turn 45 deg, drive forward, turn -45 deg, drive forwards
  • P3 ( farthest from boiler) -- drive straight, turn -135 deg, drive forwards, drive back, turn 135 deg, drive forwards
  • blue team has the same positions but turn in the opposite direction
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