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Releases: nasa/openmct

Open MCT v2.0.4

13 Jun 20:10
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Open MCT v2.0.4 Pre-release

Bug Fixes
Issues when viewing imagery #5274

Open MCT v2.0.3

03 May 18:06
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Open MCT v2.0.3 Pre-release

In Memory Search performance and namespacing issues bug:regression #4946
Align image freshness indicators with VERVE #4885
Make image thumbnails available from display layouts #4884
Add Gauge plugin #4896
Optimize "View Large" action for imagery #4850
[Performance] Investigate and implement userTiming API metrics to a "problematic page" #4401
Multiple telemetries destroy table performance #5102

Bug fixes
Image thumbnails should be right-aligned #4847
Changing object name from edit properties does not get re-indexed for search #4948
The View menu option on domain object in the tree and layout view does not do what is expected #5043
[Imagery View] View large has a delay for image sizing #5053
[Plot] y-axis label missing for multiple endpoints even if they share the same range #5057
[Plot] Unit column is not populating in plot legend #5058
Flexible layouts do not save changes when switched into "rows" mode #5084
[Telemetry Collection] Telemetry table excluding start and end bound values #5095
After a Domain Object is modified, composition changes are not being saved #5097
LAD table not quite as LAD as telemetry table #5111
[Alphanumerics] Alphanumeric Telemetry Views in Display Layouts Bounds Issue #5130
Condition Widgets trigger hundreds of persistence calls. #5137

Add e2e tests to verify that basic CRUD operations are working #4700
[Build] Add support for node18 #4964
Vue makes telemetry collections reactive in Telemetry Tables #5037
[e2e] Snapshot bugs in exportAsJSON
[Testing] performance marks for telemetry tables #5108
tests flake #5060

Open MCT v2.0.2

19 Apr 13:39
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Open MCT v2.0.2 Pre-release

[Image Telemetry] Support pan-zoom #34
Optimize "View Large" action for imagery #4850
Image thumbnails should be right-aligned #4847
Align image freshness indicators with VERVE #4885
Raw-loader needs to be replaced with asset modules in webpack 5 #4997
[Build] Move off of all unnecessary loaders for webpack 5 #5007

Bug Fixes
[Stacked Plot] Conditional styles on an object does not show inside a stacked plot #3038
Form validation error messages are not being displayed properly #4697
Unsaved changes to notebook entries can sometimes be lost #4744
Sometimes difficult to add new entries to notebooks in layouts #4748
Domain object properties validation not working always #4849
[clock] timezone dropdown once expanded does not collapse #4878
Event Generator does not show data in fixed time mode #4879
[Plots] "Grab" cursor should be shown when panning #4911

Bump git-rev-sync and add coverage #4962
[Build] Remove Support for Node12 after EOL #4872
[build] Update eslint and eslint-vue packages and enforce new rules #4659
[build] Invert npmignore file to reduce complexity #4641
[Dependencies] Lock dependency version numbers #3178
add type annotations #4793
[Docs] Make browser support explicit #4802
[e2e] e2e PR Triggers are currently broken #4942

Open MCT v2.0.1

23 Mar 18:00
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Open MCT v2.0.1 Pre-release

Revisit plan views to accomodate changes to VIPER plan JSON #4882
Add user name attribution to Notebook entries #4599
Fix all code that is using creatability as a proxy for persistability #4323

Bug Fixes
Plans folder gives false sense of editability #3741
Static root plugin not loading after namespace/key changes in OpenMCT #4684
Scrubbing and zooming the time conductor should update the start and end inputs in real time #4352
Changing display layout grid size throws console error #4901
Plot x-axis getting cut off in display layout #4902
Time Conductor input fields do not work at all in real-time mode #4914
[Link Action] Unable to link root level objects #4951

[Build] Add support for node:16 #3966
[Build] Remove API Doc Generation #4808
[CI] Inline linting warnings are extremely noisy on pr:platform workflow #4909

Open MCT v2.0.0

18 Feb 14:34
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Open MCT v2.0.0 Pre-release

Remove or replace all remaining code that depends upon Angular 1.x #4525

Bug Fixes
[Display Layout] Grid half visible on inspector collapse #4467
Adding an item with the same name doesn't update tree view #4571
Fix code scanning alert - Client-side URL redirect #4757
Timestrip View doesn't display Plans properly #4810

Maintenance and Tests
Re-implement the event generator as a new-style #4552
Make node support explicit #3952
[e2e] Add MMOC Monitor Resolution to functional, visual, and performance testing #4694
[Build] Webpack Compilation Error is shown in some scenarios #4778
[CI] Remove dependabot whitelist #4794
[Build] npm run clean script references absolute path instead of relative for node_modules #4800
[Build] Enforce node version at build-time #4845

Open MCT v1.8.4

31 Jan 13:46
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Open MCT v1.8.4 Pre-release

[Root Objects] Need a way to specify order (use priorities API) #4638
Add independent time conductor to plots #4503
locator menus should all be alphabetically sorted #4466
Implement User API #4407
[UTCTimeFormat] Convert to ES6 Plugin refactor #4390
fix plot color scheme (especially in espresso) #4360
Reimplement in-memory search indexer refactor #4041
Use Server-Sent Events in the Couch DB adapter #3881
Re-implement Create and EditProperties actions and dialogs in new API #3787
[Condition Widgets] Should show text output of condition set #3634

Bug Fixes
Flexible layouts are not tracking changes in sub objects #4773
Snapshot tray is sometimes obscured by long notebooks #4746
Notebooks synchronization issues #4737
Independent time setting persists across domain objects #4722
Move action issue fix #4663
Error building Open MCT on some systems bug:regression #4652
[Display Layout] grid disable toggle does not hide grid in display layout #4543
Copyright updates for Open MCT template (and other files) #3979
[Self updating plans] When plan name is updated, the title of the plan on the browser tab will stay as the original name #3739

Maintenance and Tests
Add requisites to installation instructions #4730
[Build] Support IDE Intellisense #4690
[CI] Enable more e2e tests as a part of our CI Checks #4674
[CI] Actually build on a specified nvm version instead of lts/fermium #4654
[CI] Modify the dependabot config to pick up packages which contain the dependency name instead of startwith #4642
[Doc] Update Readme to include badge from npm registry #4618
fix .spec.js file not being executed. #4606
[CI] Implement Cache busting in our CircleCI Config #4575
[CI] Determine why is reporting ~50% coverage instead of ~70% #4563
Many ExportAsJSONAction spec tests are X'd out. #4558
Update copyright to 2022 - automate this? #4532
[Build] Upgrade Webpack version to 5 #3899

Open MCT v1.8.3

17 Jan 18:57
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Open MCT v1.8.3 Pre-release

WorkerService is no longer needed Needs: Test Procedure #4482
Implement Telemetry Request Abort #4361
[My Items] Customizable folder name on install #4626
Remove usage of the IdentifierService from any non-legacy code #4590
Make legacy support optional #4615
[Code cleanup] Remove legacy about dialog #4038

Replace legacy format service #4530
Remove Angular code from Summary Widgets and make them non-creatable #4588
Re-implement LocalStorage in ES6 and without Angular #4589
[CI] Update Circle CI branch protection rules for 1.8.3 to match the overall circleci check #4596
Do not install legacySupport plugin by default in index.html #4613
Should use relative paths for npm build purposes #4682

Unable to create links for objects #4695
Editing a Display Layout and saving throws some errors #4681
[Condition Set] When creating a new condition set, the resulting domain object does not result in 'Edit mode' #4600
Imagery click on left/right arrow not working #3779
[Notebook] Creating Notebook entries randomly throws errors with a Couch backend #2918
Snapshot notice link not navigating as expected #4194
Imagery in timestrip view shows the wrong image in large view #4327
Notebook Snapshotting to the default Notebook isn't working #4469
[Snapshots] Blank PNG/JPG image generated for snapshots #4526
[Imagery] Adjusting the bounds will sometimes cause the focusedImage to shift which image is selected #4555
Unable to add LAD tables to LAD table sets #4579

Open MCT v1.8.2

27 Dec 21:59
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Open MCT v1.8.2 Pre-release

Remove time context switching from views #4226

Bug Fixes
"Export as JSON" yielding corrupted data #4577
Unable to create new Condition set #4542
[Import from Json] Imported options need to have the File Selector clicked twice to Import #4561
Domain object properties Notes don't appear in Inspector, but should #4430

Tests and Maintenance
Replace all remaining usage of the legacy dialogService under /src/ #4551
[CI] Ignore tests in codecov reporting #4549
Remove mct-template component #4536
[Release] Remove tests from npm scripts #4511Alphabetical sorting should ignore case #4483
"My Items" interceptor test failing #4476
Investigate flakey Couch DB test #4462
Object API changes for Transactions needs test specs #4460
New Transactions API needs test specs severity:blocker Target:1.8.2 type:maintenance #4369

Open MCT v1.8.1

12 Dec 14:22
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Open MCT v1.8.1 Pre-release

indicators display order should be configurable #4170
Configurable example imagery #4026
[LAD] [Alphanumeric] Update views to use Request Animation Frame (RAF) #4339
The Object API should propagate out fresh model to any observers when .get() is called #4305

New "My Items" plugin needed #4088
Implement transactions in Object API and retire legacy transactions #4089
[Timer] Re-implement Timer object in Vue.js #4131

Bug Fixes

[Infrastructure] method name sortDescending should be renamed to sortAscending #4481
imported objects are not persisting #4470
Install timer plugin for VIPER #4465
New objects sporadically overlap in treeview #4464
[Tabs] Clicking on a tab will reload the view unnecessarily performance #4435
Notebook Objects cannot be created with CouchDB enabled #4422
[Bar Graph Plugin] Accepts types that it should not #4400
Moving an object in a Display Layout and clicking off causes it to snap back to previous position #4385
Creating a new Condition Set goes into Browse mode #4378
Changing the Time Conductor bounds while the Imagery View is paused displays a broken image #4328
New objects not getting added to parent object - couchdb #4293
[Display Layout] Grid disappearing when scrolling down (in Edit Mode) #4207
LAD Table does not show string telemetry items #3323

Fix typo in security policy and duplicate security issue entries in template #4448
Add Issue template for Security Issues and type:maintenance #4424
[CI] Add Dependabot to our infrastructure, test, and tooling dependencies #4399

Open MCT v1.7.8

26 Oct 22:08
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TelemetryCollections now yield historical data progressively as pages return.(Rather than blocking until everything comes back) #4200
Support Bar Graphs in Open MCT #4177
Re-implement Clock object and indicator in Vue.js refactor #4042
Support independent time control of Time Views #3927
Re-implement DeviceClassifier in vanilla JS #3788
[Time Views] Basic prototype Time View that supports composition with imagery #2977
[Performance] Table performance issue when inserting new rows #4284
[Performance] [Plots] Plot performance degradation in vue from angular performance #4084 #4282
[Performance] Memory leak in Import/Export Plugin #4060

Bug fixes
[Time Conductor] Pan/Zoom causes duplicate bounds events #4294
User inputs need to be sanitized #4265
Condition widgets are causing persistence conflicts with Couch DB #4254
Import as JSON dialog select file button not working properly #4241
JSON import causing 409 errors regression #4240
Table data export does not export all available rows #4234
Conditional Styling not being applied when editing a Condition Widget #4196
Changing time bounds results in duplicate telemetry requests #4167
Persistence errors in Condition Sets when editing Condition Widgets #4146
Flexible Layouts display Condition Sets as their editing/browsing interface #4141
Plots should not request on vertical resize performance #4139
Only zoom and pan should pause plot, not click #4138
Y-axes for stacked plots do not line up #4129 #3955
Persistence errors for multiple users making new Snapshot entries in same Notebook #4122
Notebook console error when Open MCT starts up #4119
Snapshot clicked while in edit mode should open in preview mode #4115
Clear data for objects clears data for all objects #4065
[Painterro] Painterro text input not being removed after annotating Snapshot #4019
Display Layout snapshot issue #4013
[Snapshots] Deleting Notebook Snapshots doesn't clear out mct Local Storage #4000
[Timestrip] Zoom and pan are incorrectly disabled for Plot object views contained within a Timestrip #3974
Pausing Imagery telemetry in Fixed Time mode shows alert styling, but shouldn't #3898
[Overlay Plot] Should not accept Imagery on Drop #3599
Error in console on exiting new condition set #3223
[Notebook] Example Imagery doesn't capture images #2942

[Telemetry Table] Progress Bar Tests #4248