Releases: permutive-engineering/prometheus4cats
Releases · permutive-engineering/prometheus4cats
has been upgraded to MUnit 1.0 (hence the major version change). Rest of the projects should be source-compatible with v2.0
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #64
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #66
- Add exemplar support by @janstenpickle in #65
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #67
- Merge "labelled" & "not-labelled" metric classes by @alejandrohdezma in #68
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #69
- Get rid of
from APIs by @alejandrohdezma in #70 - Allow using
the same way we uselabel
by @alejandrohdezma in #71 - Allow using
with any type having aShow
instance by @alejandrohdezma in #72 - Merge exemplar syntax into dervied metrics by @janstenpickle in #73
- Release candidate fixes by @janstenpickle in #74
- Create Scalafix migration for
2.0 by @alejandrohdezma in #76 - Exemplar sampler by @janstenpickle in #77
- Change exemplar sampler to return
by @janstenpickle in #78
New Contributors
- @alejandrohdezma made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- Release candidate fixes by @janstenpickle in #74
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-RC1...v2.0.0-RC2
What's Changed
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #64
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #66
- Add exemplar support by @janstenpickle in #65
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #67
- Merge "labelled" & "not-labelled" metric classes by @alejandrohdezma in #68
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #69
- Get rid of
from APIs by @alejandrohdezma in #70 - Allow using
the same way we uselabel
by @alejandrohdezma in #71 - Allow using
with any type having aShow
instance by @alejandrohdezma in #72 - Merge exemplar syntax into dervied metrics by @janstenpickle in #73
New Contributors
- @alejandrohdezma made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.0.0-RC1
What's Changed
- Add docs on testing MetricRegistry implementation by @TimWSpence in #62
- Dependency updates by @scala-steward in #61
- Remove
as an illegal label name by @janstenpickle in #63
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
Prometheus4Cats First Official Release!
This is the first offical release of Prometheus4Cats, representing the culmination of a lot of hard work over the years while under development internally at Permutive. This release's aim was to incoproate those the learnings from the internal metrics library with a stable API that is checked for binary compatability.
Some shout outs:
- @bastewart author of the original metrics library and reviewer of Prometheus4Cats
- @alejandrohdezma designer of the metrics DSL
- @TimWSpence resident Cats-Effect expert, contributor to the Java backend and reviewer of Prometheus4Cats
What's Changed
- Initial API design by @janstenpickle in #1
- Initial Prometheus implementation by @janstenpickle in #2
- Rename project by @janstenpickle in #4
- Rename project to
by @janstenpickle in #8 - Overhaul DSL by @janstenpickle in #7
- Initial doc layout by @janstenpickle in #10
- Add unsafe methods for string refinements by @janstenpickle in #9
- Update outcome status label and move
enum by @janstenpickle in #11 - Rename java package by @janstenpickle in #12
- Add styling for microsite by @desbo in #13
- Add callback functionality by @janstenpickle in #15
- Add info metric type by @janstenpickle in #16
- Clean up macro package by @janstenpickle in #17
- Add summary metric type and dsl by @janstenpickle in #19
- Refinement cleanup by @janstenpickle in #20
- Add more docs by @janstenpickle in #21
- Add the ability to return a metric collection via callback by @janstenpickle in #23
- Ensure callback registry returns the right type when mutated by @janstenpickle in #22
- Metrics as resources by @janstenpickle in #24
- Add more detailed docs for release candidate by @janstenpickle in #25
- Update dependencies by @janstenpickle in #26
- Fix intellij implicit resolution by @janstenpickle in #27
- Allow multiple values to be passed on a labelled callback by @janstenpickle in #28
- Update scala-library, scala-reflect to 2.12.17 by @scala-steward in #29
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.6.1 by @scala-steward in #31
- Update sbt-typelevel, sbt-typelevel-site to 0.4.16 by @scala-steward in #32
- Update sbt to 1.8.0 by @scala-steward in #33
- Update scala3-library to 3.2.1 by @scala-steward in #30
- Update to CE 3.4 by @janstenpickle in #34
- Move implicit evidence for DSL syntax by @janstenpickle in #42
- Testing implementation by @TimWSpence in #41
- Implement CallbackRegistry on Testing Metics by @TimWSpence in #46
- Fix multi callback by @TimWSpence in #51
- Fix test dependency scope in core library by @janstenpickle in #53
- Remove check for duplicates in collection. by @janstenpickle in #56
- Further lock down API by @janstenpickle in #58
- Better callback timeouts and metrics for Java registry by @janstenpickle in #59
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.9.0 by @scala-steward in #39
- Update alleycats-core, cats-core, cats-laws to 2.9.0 by @scala-steward in #35
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-kernel, ... to 3.4.5 by @scala-steward in #55
- Update sbt-typelevel, sbt-typelevel-site to 0.4.18 by @scala-steward in #50
- Update sbt to 1.8.2 by @scala-steward in #49
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.1 by @scala-steward in #60
New Contributors
- @janstenpickle made their first contribution in #1
- @desbo made their first contribution in #13
- @scala-steward made their first contribution in #29
- @TimWSpence made their first contribution in #41
Full Changelog: