Releases: Flank/flank
Releases · Flank/flank
Flank Scripts 1.7.0
feat: Part 2 of IT tests (#1635) * iteration 1 * Fix tests * added withDefault * Fix tests
Flank Scripts 1.6.7
flank-scripts-1.6.7 build: Dependencies updates [2021-02-22] (#1622)
Flank Scripts 1.6.6
flank-scripts-1.6.6 fix: Authentication to Flank scripts
Flank Scripts 1.6.4
flank-scripts-1.6.4 ci: Publish Flank-scripts to Github (#1618)
Flank flank_snapshot
Snapshot release for commit 68166db
'Flank Scripts 1.6.3'
flank-scripts-1.6.3 ci: publish flank to maven central (#1614)
Flank v21.02.0
Bug Fixes
- #1547 IT test fix ()
- #1540 Dummy var for pr (Sloox)
- #1546 Fix flaky FilesTest (pawelpasterz)
- #1526 Windows Integration tests (Sloox)
- #1521 Fix NPE and logging (pawelpasterz)
- #1506 Improve Sentry logging for tests (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1470 Resolve Fails on Windows (Sloox, pawelpasterz)
- #1490 Fix incorrect method usage on master (pawelpasterz)
- #1465 CI failures on performance tests (piotradamczyk5)
CI Changes
- #1537 Integration Test for all OS's (Sloox)
- #1534 Added Windows workflow (piotradamczyk5)
- #1535 Windows integration test (Sloox)
- #1468 Use pointer workflows to preserve run date (pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #1456 Update config for CLA (piotradamczyk5)
Tests update
- #1525 Add missing iOS options in IT (pawelpasterz)
- #1514 Update compare file and make url option not required (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
- #1448 Filtering test configurations (iOS TestPlans) (axelzuziak-gogo, jan-gogo)
- #1504 Sending configuration to mixpanel (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1474 Amend pre-commit hook (Sloox)
- #1471 Migrate from bugsnag to sentry (adamfilipow92)
- #1428 Rewrite pre-commit hook & ktlint apply to idea into Flank Scripts (Sloox)
- #1495 Choose analytics tool (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1450 Enable properties file in flank scripts (pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #1473 Update picocli to latest version (pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #1466 Change packages in the common module (pawelpasterz)
Flank v21.01.1
CI Changes
- #1451 Added CLA assistant (piotradamczyk5)
- #1447 Fix dependency update workflow (pawelpasterz)
- #1443 Add missing step (pawelpasterz)
Bug Fixes
- #1453 Fix problem with test-runner-class (piotradamczyk5)
Flank v21.01.0
CI Changes
- #1439 Remove sanity checks and change full suite IT OS to macOS (piotradamczyk5)
- #1433 Change IT workflow comment (pawelpasterz)
- #1424 Auto update firebase api client (piotradamczyk5)
- #1412 1411 implement version (pawelpasterz)
- #1409 Trigger integration tests from pr comment (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1385 Get rid of binaries submodule (jan-gogo, piotradamczyk5)
- #1400 Change gradle command (pawelpasterz)
- #1398 Add create google account config step (pawelpasterz)
- #1353 Implement workflow for full suite IT (cron + manual) (pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #1378 Update GH API (pawelpasterz)
- #1436 1422 autodetect new gcloud features (pawelpasterz)
- #1429 Change uploading file output (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1426 Support for iOS gameloop tests (Sloox, jan-gogo, adamfilipow92)
- #1421 Default project Id - use GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS first, then GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT (pawelpasterz)
- #1404 Add basic gameloop IT for Android (Sloox, adamfilipow92)
- #1393 Upload matrix ids (Sloox, jan-gogo)
- #1362 Add logic to verify xml results (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1321 IOS support for testplans (axelzuziak-gogo, jan-gogo)
- #1375 Add new output style to print smaller output (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1370 Add support for "fail fast" feature on FTL (RainNapper)
- #1432 Small changes in flank-scripts module (pawelpasterz)
- #1418 Create module with shared utilities (piotradamczyk5)
- #1417 Update firebase_apis module (pawelpasterz)
Bug Fixes
- #1414 Add attempts to performance test (jan-gogo)
- #1410 Fix integration tests on CI. (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1413 Fix calculate shards test (pawelpasterz, jan-gogo)
- #1405 CancelCommandRuns should works independent (Sloox, adamfilipow92)
- #1395 Print args when iOS tests are not found (jan-gogo, adamfilipow92)
- #1387 Fix NPE (pawelpasterz, jan-gogo)
- #1372 Fix Flank Scripts version verification tasks (piotradamczyk5)
- #1401 Update orchestrator version in docs (adamfilipow92)
- #1380 Added documentation about handling #1374 issue (piotradamczyk5)
Tests update
- #1316 [IT] Add test cases (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
Flank v20.12.0
Bug Fixes
- #1369 Add fallback when cannot get reference to avoid failing tests on release (piotradamczyk5)
- #1367 Release job failure (pawelpasterz, piotradamczyk5)
- #1366 Generation of release notes (piotradamczyk5)
- #1357 Fix release Action (Sloox, piotradamczyk5)
- #1333 Publishing Flank snapshot (Sloox, piotradamczyk5)
- #1338 Fix printing supported versions id (adamfilipow92)
- #1329 Uploading performance metrics for multiple matrices (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1326 Downloading performance Metrics (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1323 Nested subdirectories in results-dir (piotradamczyk5)
- #1307 Integration tests on windows (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
- #1301 Handling broken token issues (piotradamczyk5)
- #1298 Fix incorrect printed shards number (pawelpasterz)
- #1295 Print formatted message instead of throwing NPE (pawelpasterz)
- #1283 Integration tests on windows (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1275 Fix getting PR number on pull_request_review (piotradamczyk5)
- #1272 Fix integration test counter and trigger (piotradamczyk5)
- #1219 #842 support for test targets flag in multiple testbundles xctest (axelzuziak-gogo, jan-gogo)
- #1261 Add additional index to matrix when multiple test runs (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
- #1250 Fix running flank workflows on Windows (piotradamczyk5)
- #1247 Flank web documentation link (piotradamczyk5)
- #1243 Disable cache for :test_runner:shadowJar task (pawelpasterz)
- #1233 Fix withClassName filter (pawelpasterz)
- #1221 Always dump shards (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
- #1236 Empty branch name in workflows (jan-gogo)
- #1232 Test_runner:resolveArtifacts task (jan-gogo)
- #1225 Release job missing env (jan-gogo)
- #1188 Revert "feat: Dump shards and upload on every run (#1171)" (pawelpasterz)
- #1177 Fix flank-scripts test (pawelpasterz)
- #1167 Flank action (Sloox)
- #1161 Release notes slack tweaks (Sloox)
- #1164 Dependabot security issues (Sloox)
- #1350 Ios test artifacts cleanup #1345 (axelzuziak-gogo, jan-gogo)
- #1339 Simplify beforeRunTests return singature (jan-gogo)
- #1281 Prepare flank codebase for supporting iOS testplans (axelzuziak-gogo, jan-gogo)
- #1246 Rewrite scripts to Kotlin (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
CI Changes
- #1361 Publishing and downloading flank scripts (piotradamczyk5)
- #1352 Make flank release more automatically (piotradamczyk5)
- #1344 Add directory filter for IT (pawelpasterz)
- #1310 Copy properties from issue to pull request (adamfilipow92, piotradamczyk5)
- #1320 Added pre-commit-hook (Sloox)
- #1286 Update existing bot comment (pawelpasterz)
- #1269 Add build scan for ubuntu workflow (pawelpasterz)
- #1265 Refresh integration tests (piotradamczyk5)
- #1263 Github Action optimizations (piotradamczyk5)
- #1253 Use Github app token for creating release notes (piotradamczyk5)
- #1248 Update deprecated options ::set-env and ::add-path (piotradamczyk5)
- #1240 Add current date to dependecy PR (pawelpasterz)
- #1148 Add scripts for test artifacts managment (jan-gogo, piotradamczyk5)
- #1210 Enable RC versions for gradle (dependency update task) (pawelpasterz)
- #1158 Fix test artifacts url (jan-gogo)
- #1152 Added WSL workflow (Sloox, piotradamczyk5)
- #1355 Add documentation about code review by step (jan-gogo)
- #1311 Update documentations & Add Headings (Sloox)
- #1222 Add flank website code (jan-gogo)
- #1229 Update documentation (pawelpasterz)
- #1215 Added documentation about missing options (piotradamczyk5)
- #1190 Added documentation about Cucumber support (piotradamczyk5)
- #1181 Investigation incorrect outcome for flaky tests (pawelpasterz, adamfilipow92)
- #1173 Add FAQ section about sync problems (piotradamczyk5)
- #1131 Investigate flank options (jan-gogo, adamfilipow92)
- #1325 IOS GameLoop addition (Sloox, axelzuziak-gogo)
- #1299 Add test targets for shard (Sloox, pawelpasterz)
- #1292 Added Performance Metrics for Android (piotradamczyk5)
- #1289 Add ios app for gameloop (Sloox)
- #1291 Add --test-special-entitlements for iOS (piotradamczyk5)
- [#1266](