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Releases: VizuaaLOG/BulmaJS


25 Jun 17:03
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  • Bug 131 Navbar will now detect if window is defined before trying to attach sticky events
  • Bug 138 Do not assume the navbar-burger element always exists


28 Nov 19:17
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  • Feature 107 Add support for the navbar dropdown
  • Feature 94 Add a new global onLoaded callback that can be defined within the window.bulmaOptions object. This is called once the library has been loaded and the DOMContentLoaded event has been fired.
  • Feature 102 Add support for panel tabs.
  • Tweak 95 The parseDocument method will now check the given context against the internal plugins
  • Refactor Add a Bulma.getGlobalConfig(key: string, default: mixed) method to the core. This allows easy access to properties within the window.bulmaOptions object and accepts a default as it's second parameter, this is null by default.


28 May 16:38
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This release comes with a lot of internal changes in preparation for future improvements and features. It's advised that your project is heavily tested before launching it to production. You can find more details on the internal changes with this update in the new (and first!) BulmaJS blog post.

  • Feature Add a getFilename method to the file plugin.
  • Feature Add a setActive method to the tabs plugin. This allows for programatically changing the active tab.
  • Feature Add the ability to enable / disable a navbar's hide on scroll behavior at any time with enableHideOnScroll and disableHideOnScroll
  • Feature Add the ability to enable / disable a navbar's sticky behaviour at any time with enableSticky and disableSticky.
  • Feature Allow a plugin instance to be grabbed from an existing element. For example Bulma('.navbar').data('navbar') will return the navbar plugin instance associated with the element.
  • Feature #71 The modal plugin can have it's HTML content loaded via an AJAX request using the new bodyUrl option.
  • Bug #71 Fixed a typo within the Alert plugin that checks if the alert should be destroyed
  • Refactor Adjust how options are internally handled, renaming variables to config and implementing a ConfigBag helper class.
  • Refactor Remove the create method in favour of using the plugin's constructor method.
  • Refactor Rewrite the API so that you can select an element Bulma(selector) and then call the relevant plugin. The core will then automatically pss the selector element as the root, or create an empty div as the root if nothing is provided.


10 May 00:25
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  • Bug #100 Fix the npm run production script failing


23 Jan 20:10
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Release Notes


23 Jan 20:10
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Release Notes

  • Bug Backported from master #88 Ensure the keyup event handler is removed then a Modal is destroyed. Thanks to @luksurious Pull Request.


04 May 22:55
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  • Feature Brand new documentation! To improve the ease of updating the docs the documentation has been ported to a new static site build, Jigsaw. As part of this it's also had a freshen up, there's still some things that needs tweaking but we're mostly there. The docs have also been moved out of the main repository, and are now in a BulmaJS-Docs repository. You can access the new docs by visiting If you would still like to use the pre 0.10 docs you can do so by visiting;
  • Feature #70 The automatic document parsing can be disabled using the bulmaOptions object.
  • Tweak #70 The traverseDOM method now accepts an optional parameter specifying an HTMLElement to use as the scope when parsing the document.
  • Tweak The destroyOnConfirm and destroyOnCancel options on the alert plugin have been moved to the buttons object and renamed to destroy.
  • Tweak The closeOnConfirm and closeOnCancel options on the alert plugin have been moved to the buttons object and renamed to close.
  • Tweak The onConfirm property on the alert object has been moved to the confirm object and renamed to onClick.
  • Tweak The onCancel property on the alert object has been moved to the cancel object and renamed to onClick.


15 Feb 23:26
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  • Feature #47 Implement an alert box. This extends the modal plugin and uses the card style. The type of alert box can be specified, adjusting the colours used.
  • Tweak #61 Remove the assumed window assignment, if you rely on this then you'll need to ensure you add this to you applications JS.
  • Tweak BREAKING The modal's type attribute has been renamed to style. This value is changing the 'style' of the modal, and so this better reflects the option.
  • Bug #61 Add a default export for the full BulmaJS bundle.
  • Deprecated Wikiki's Accordion plugin has been Deprecated from the core and will be removed in the 1.0 release. If you are using Wikiki's Accordion extension then it's recommended to use the official JS integration for it.
  • Deprecated Wikiki's Calendar plugin has been Deprecated from the core and will be removed from the 1.0 release. If you are using Wikiki's Calendar extension then it's recommended to use the official JS integration for it.


11 Feb 22:28
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  • Feature #27 Modals can now be closed by pressing the
    escape key.
  • Feature #27 Modals can now be closed by clicking outside of an open modal.
  • Feature #27 When a modal is opening the is-clipped class is applied to the body element.
  • Feature Added a new findElement helper method to the BulmaJS core. This method will allow plugins to easily normalise an arugment that needs to be either an HTMLElement or a query selector string.
  • Feature #27 Rewrite the modal plugin, providing a new functionality, options and a full Javascript API.
  • Feature #50 Allow multiple plugins to be attached to a single class.
  • Feature #39 Implement a uniformed plugin interface
  • Feature #40 Add the ability for the navbar to be sticky at a certain threshold. Also add the ability for the navbar to hide on scroll down and reappear on scroll up. Thanks to rdhar for the suggestion!
  • Tweak #51 Thanks to apecell the file plugin now supports drag and drop.
  • Bug #27 closeButton event is now correctly removed when destroying a modal.
  • Bug #53 The tabs plugin now ensures it only grabs the ul/li element that is a direct child of the tabs-content element.
  • Bug #54 Fix an issue where plugins were sometimes attached twice.


11 Feb 22:27
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The reason for this being a large version jump is due to the complete overhaul of the documentation. While this doesn't change the functionality of the code, I feel like this is a large enough change to the project to warrant more than a 'patch' version bump.

  • #36 The navbar burger button now has the is-active class toggled.
  • #22 Documentation has had a redesign and a complete rewrite. If you find a typo please blame my keyboard ( :) ) and file an issue or submit a pull request.