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Jorrit Mesman edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 1 revision
General Information
Acronym of the model DYRESM
Full name of the model DYnamic REservoir Simulation Model
Model components Hydrodynamics
Supported platforms Windows
Programming Language Fortran 95
Still maintained No
Most recent version Not known
Model structure
Flexible grid (Lagrangian)
Model description
Model objective Simulate temperature stratification in lakes and reservoirs
Specific application - Lake destratification (Schladow 1993)
- Introduction of new mixing algorithm (benthic boundary layer) (Yeates & Imberger 2003)
- Simulate thermal structure in Lake Kinneret, validation of code re-write (Gal et al. 2003)
- Comparison of one-dimensional hydrodynamic models (Perroud et al., 2009)
- Simulation of meromictic lakes, coupling with geochemical model CORE (Moreira et al. 2011)
Background knowledge needed to run model - Knowledge on physical processes in lakes
- some programing language to handle input/output files, e.g., R, python or Matlab
Basic procedures 1. Prepare the input files (bathymetry, meteorology, inflow, outflow, initial profile)
2. Set the simulation settings (simulation start, min/max layer thickness, etc.)
3. Run the dycd.exe
4. Compare results with measurements
5. (optional: Adapt parameters, e.g. mixing parameters, layer thickness, extinction coefficient)
DYRESM is a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model that was developed to simulate temperature stratification in lakes and reservoirs. It has been applied to many lakes and reservoirs across the globe and served for management purposes.
DYRESM can be coupled with the biogeochemical model CAEDYM.
It is possible to include artificial mixing into the simulation.
Link to website/manual NA
Model characteristics
Input variables Obligatory:
- Bathymetry (area [m2] vs. depth [m]; zero height elevation [m]; crest elevation [m]; elevation of outflows [m]; inflow angle and slope) [degrees]; file .stg
- Meteorological forcing: wind speed [m/s], shortwave radiation [W/m2], longwave radiation [W/m2] or cloud cover [decimal fraction], air temperature [°C], vapour pressure [mbar], rain [m]); file *.met
- Inflow data: volume [m3/day], water temperature [deg C], salinity [PSU], file *.inf
- Outflow data: volume [m^3/day], file *.wdr
- Initial profile: elevation [m], water temperature [deg C], salinity [PSU]; file *.pro
- Model configuration: start day, simulation length, average extinction coefficient, time step [s], output interval [days]; file *.cfg
- Model parameter: mixing parameter + a few physical parameter; file *.par
: – Stream inflow discharge, temperature and salinity and outflow discharge
Input file format ASCII
Output variables Water temperature, salinity, density, water level (via height of layers)
Output file format netcdf
Biogeochemical model components NA
Model structure/mathematical framework PDE
Temporal resolution Hourly to daily
Minimal spatial resolution
Variables needing calibration - Extinction coefficient
- Probably it needs a wind factor (change wind input)
- Optional: mixing parameters (eta_K, eta_P, eta_S)
Has successfully been used in
Climate Change Scenario Robertson & Ragotzkie, 1990; Bayer et al. 2013;
Shallow Lake/Reservoir
Deep lake/Reservoir Gal et al. 2003
Management support
Countries in which the model has been applied Australia, Denmark, Israel, Germany, New Zealand, USA
Which institutes have applied the model CWR, University of Waikato, Kinneret Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, …
Licensed. Prompt-based, test-cases available
Available tools for pre- and post-processing There used to be some matlab scripts
Support No official support anymore
Can be coupled to the following models CAEDYM
How can someone get access to this model NA
Form was updated: 2018-10-22

Reference list:

- Imberger, J. and Patterson, J.C., 1981. A dynamic reservoir simulation model-DYRESM. In: H.B. Fischer (ed.), Transport models for inland and coastal waters, Academic Press, 1980, 310 – 36
- Robertson, D.M. and Ragotzkie, R.A., 1990. Changes in the thermal structure of moderate to large sized lakes in response to changes in air temperature. Aquatic Sciences, 52(4), pp.360-380.
- Schladow, S.G., 1993. Lake destratification by bubble-plume systems: Design methodology. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 119(3), pp.350-368.
- De Stasio Jr, B.T., Hill, D.K., Kleinhans, J.M., Nibbelink, N.P. and Magnuson, J.J., 1996. Potential effects of global climate change on small north‐temperate lakes: physics, fish, and plankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 41(5), pp.1136-1149.
- Romero, J. and Melack, J.M. (1996). “Sensitivity of Vertical Mixing in a Large Saline Lake to Variation in Runoff”, Limnol. Oceanogr., 41(5), 955–965.
- Rutherford, J.C., Dumnov, S.M. and Ross, A.H., 1996. Predictions of phosphorus in Lake Rotorua following load reductions. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 30(3), pp.383-396.
- Hamilton, D.P., 1999. Numerical modelling and lake management: applications of the DYRESM model. Theoretical reservoir ecology and its applications. Backhuys Publishers, The Netherlands, pp.153-174.
- Hamilton, D.P., Spillman, C.M., Prescott, K.L., Kratz, T.K. and Magnuson, J.J., 2002. Effects of atmospheric nutrient inputs and climate change on the trophic status of Crystal Lake, Wisconsin. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(1), 467-470.
- Yeates, P. & Imberger, J. Pseudo two-dimensional simulations of internal and boundary fluxes in stratified lakes and reservoirs International Journal of River Basin Management, Taylor & Francis, 2003, 1, 297-319
- Gal, G.; Imberger, J.; Zohary, T.; Antenucci, J.; Anis, A. & Rosenberg, T. Simulating the thermal dynamics of Lake Kinneret Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 2003, 162, 69-86
- Bruce, L.C., Hamilton, D., Imberger, J., Gal, G., Gophen, M., Zohary, T. and Hambright, K.D., 2006. A numerical simulation of the role of zooplankton in C, N and P cycling in Lake Kinneret, Israel. Ecological Modelling, 193(3-4), 412-436.
- Tanentzap, A. J.; Hamilton, D. P. & Yan, N. D. Calibrating the Dynamic Reservoir Simulation Model (DYRESM) and filling required data gaps for one-dimensional thermal profile predictions in a boreal lake Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods, 2007, 5, 484-494
- Trolle, D., Skovgaard, H. and Jeppesen, E., 2008. The Water Framework Directive: Setting the phosphorus loading target for a deep lake in Denmark using the 1D lake ecosystem model DYRESM–CAEDYM. Ecological Modelling, 219(1-2), pp.138-152.
- Trolle, D., Jørgensen, T.B. and Jeppesen, E., 2008. Predicting the effects of reduced external nitrogen loading on the nitrogen dynamics and ecological state of deep Lake Ravn, Denmark, using the DYRESM–CAEDYM model. Limnologica-Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 38(3-4), 220-232.
- Perroud, M., Goyette, S., Martynov, A., Beniston, M. and Annevillec, O., 2009. Simulation of multiannual thermal profiles in deep Lake Geneva: A comparison of one‐dimensional lake models. Limnology and Oceanography, 54(5), pp.1574-1594.
- Etemad-Shahidi, A.; Faghihi, M. & Imberger, J. Modelling Thermal Stratification and Artificial De-stratification using DYRESM; Case study: 15-Khordad Reservoir INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2010, 4, 395-406
- Rinke, K., Yeates, P. and ROTHHAUPT, K.O., 2010. A simulation study of the feedback of phytoplankton on thermal structure via light extinction. Freshwater Biology, 55(8), 1674-1693.
- Weinberger, S. & Vetter, M. Using the hydrodynamic model DYRESM based on results of a regional climate model to estimate water temperature changes at Lake Ammersee Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 2012, 244, 38-48
- Bayer, T.; Burns, C. & Schallenberg, M. Application of a numerical model to predict impacts of climate change on water temperatures in two deep, oligotrophic lakes in New Zealand Hydrobiologia, Springer Netherlands, 2013, 713, 53-71
- Frassl, M.A., Rothhaupt, K.O. and Rinke, K., 2014. Algal internal nutrient stores feedback on vertical phosphorus distribution in large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40, 162-172.
- Hadley, K. R.; Paterson, A. M.; Stainsby, E. A.; Michelutti, N.; Yao, H.; Rusak, J. A.; Ingram, R.; McConnell, C. & Smol, J. P. Climate warming alters thermal stability but not stratification phenology in a small north-temperate lake Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28, 6309-6319
- McGloin, R., McGowan, H., McJannet, D. and Burn, S., 2014. Modelling sub-daily latent heat fluxes from a small reservoir. Journal of hydrology, 519, pp.2301-2311.
- Schlabing, D., Frassl, M.A., Eder, M.M., Rinke, K. and Bárdossy, A., 2014. Use of a weather generator for simulating climate change effects on ecosystems: A case study on Lake Constance. Environmental modelling & software, 61, 326-338.
- Hetherington, A. L.; Schneider, R. L.; Rudstam, L. G.; Gal, G.; DeGaetano, A. T. & Walter, M. T. Modeling climate change impacts on the thermal dynamics of polymictic Oneida Lake, New York, United States Ecological Modelling, 2015, 300, 1 – 11

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