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Jorrit Mesman edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 1 revision
General Information
Acronym of the model GOTM
Full name of the model General Ocean Turbulence Model
Model components Hydrodynamics. Can be coupled to other models for Chemistry and Biology
Supported platforms Windows, Mac, Linux
Programming Language Fortran
Still maintained Yes, by: Bolding & Bruggeman
Most recent version 5.2 (2019)
Model structure
Can be compiled, but executables are available
Fixed grid (Eulerian)
Mass balance included
Model description
Model objective It is a one-dimensional water column model for the most important hydrodynamic and thermodynamic processes related to vertical mixing in natural waters.
Specific application Modelling 1-dimensional thermodynamics in a lake, modelling DOC dynamics in a lake
Background knowledge needed to run model Knowledge of how to work with namelist files. Basic understanding of lake physics
Basic procedures Formatting of input files, editing of XML file, using python editscenario to prepare namelist files to run the model, run the model.
Link to website/manual Website
Model characteristics
Input variables Obligatory:
Hypsograph (for lakes)
Meteorlogical variables (wind speed, MSLP, air temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover)
Initial temperature profile
Water level
Shortwave radiation
Input file format ASCII
Output variables potential temperature
potential density
observed temperature
observed salinity
observed x-velocity
observed y-velocity
extra friction coefficient in water column
drag coefficient in water column
shear frequency squared
shear production
variance of u-fluctuations
variance of v-fluctuations
variance of w-fluctuations
buoyancy frequency squared
contribution of T-gradient to buoyancy frequency squared
contribution of S-gradient to buoyancy frequency squared
(half) buoyancy variance
destruction of buoyancy variance
buoyancy production
production of buoyancy variance
extra turbulence production
eddy diffusivity
turbulent kinetic energy
energy dissipation rate
turbulence length scale
turbulent diffusivity of momentum
turbulent diffusivity of heat
potential temperature
potential density
observed temperature
observed salinity
observed x-velocity
observed y-velocity
extra friction coefficient in water column
drag coefficient in water column
shear frequency squared
shear production
variance of u-fluctuations
variance of v-fluctuations
variance of w-fluctuations
buoyancy frequency squared
contribution of T-gradient to buoyancy frequency squared
contribution of S-gradient to buoyancy frequency squared
(half) buoyancy variance
destruction of buoyancy variance
buoyancy production
production of buoyancy variance
extra turbulence production
eddy diffusivity
turbulent kinetic energy
energy dissipation rate
turbulence length scale
turbulent diffusivity of momentum
turbulent diffusivity of heat
turbulent diffusivity of salt
non-local flux of u-momentum
non-local flux of v-momentum
non-local buoyancy flux
non-local heat flux
non-local salinity flux
stability function for momentum diffusivity
stability function for scalar diffusivity
non-dimensional non-local buoyancy flux
non-dimensional buoyancy time scale
non-dimensional shear time scale
non-dimensional buoyancy variance
turbulent time scale ratio
gradient Richardson number
flux Richardson number
surface friction velocity
10m wind (x)
10m wind (y)
2m air temperature
air pressure
dew point temperature
saturation water vapor pressure
actual water vapor presure
saturation specific humidity
specific humidity
air density
cloud cover
integrated precipitation
integrated evaporation
integrated short wave radiation
integrated surface heat fluxes
integrated total surface heat exchange
incoming short wave radiation
sensible heat flux
latent heat flux
long-wave back radiation
net surface heat flux
wind stress (x)
wind stress (y)
sea surface temperature
observed sea surface temperature
sea surface salinity
sea surface elevation
surface mixed layer depth
bottom friction velocity
bottom stress
bottom mixed layer depth
short-wave radiation
fraction of visible light that is not shaded by overlying biogeochemistry
coordinate scaling
hypsograph at grid interfaces
layer thickness
integrated total water balance
inflows over water column
salt inflow
temperature inflow
vertical water balance advection velocity
vertical water balance flux
residual water balance inflows
integrated inflow
integrated outflow
kinetic energy
potential energy
turbulent kinetic energy
Output file format .netcdf or ASCII
Biogeochemical model components O2, CO2, NO3, NH4, PO4, cyanobacteria, small phytoplankton, large phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophtes , DOC
cyanobacteria chlorophyll concentration
cyanobacteria gross primary production
cyanobacteria net primary production
cyanobacteria concentration
diatoms chlorophyll concentration
diatoms gross primary production
diatoms net primary production
diatoms concentration
dom labile
dom semi-labile
flagellates chlorophyll concentration
flagellates gross primary production
flagellates net primary production
flagellates concentration
selma nitrate conc in mass unit
selma ammonium conc in nitrogen mass unit
selma phosphate conc in phosphorus mass unit
selma oxygen in O2 mass unit
selma denitrification pelagic
selma denitrification benthic
selma sediment burial
selma phosphorus burial
selma oxygen surface flux (positive when into water)
selma detritus
selma ammonium
selma nitrate
selma phosphate
selma oxygen
selma PFe_w
selma fluff
selma PFe_s
zooplankton concentration
total_nitrogen_calculator result
total_carbon_calculator result
total_phosphorus_calculator result
total_chlorophyll_calculator result
attenuation_coefficient_of_photosynthetic_radiative_flux_calculator result
total_carbon_at_interfaces_calculator result
total_phosphorus_at_interfaces_calculator result
Temporal resolution [0.001, 86400s] – integration timestep
Minimal spatial resolution [1, 1000] levels to resolve the water column
Variables needing calibration Wind_factor, swr_factor, g1, g2 (light attenuation), shf_factor, k_min (minimum turbulence kinetic energy)
Has successfully been used in
Climate Change Scenario Ongoing ISIMIP work
Shallow Lake/Reservoir
Deep lake/Reservoir Sachse et al., 2014; Kerimoglu et al., 2017
Oligotrophic water
Mesotrophic water
Eutrophic water
Ocean Ciglenečki et al., 2015
Countries in which the model has been applied Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Israel
Which institutes have applied the model Aarhus University, Denmark
Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Ireland
Uppsala University, Sweden
NIVA, Norway
Open-Source, GUI, Test cases available
Available tools for pre- and post-processing R-package (gotmtools)
Support Google Group
Can be coupled to the following models PCLake, ERGOM, AED
How can someone get access to this model Github
Comments Ice model is currently being developed.
Input files are tab-delimited
Links WET – user interface for GOTM
GOTMr – package for running GOTM in R
gotmtools – package for pre and post-processing
GOTM Google group
Bolding & Bruggeman
Form was updated: 2019-07-29

Reference list:
Belolipetsky, P. V., Belolipetskii, V. M., Genova, S. N., & Mooij, W. M. (2010). Numerical modeling of vertical stratification of Lake Shira in summer. Aquatic Ecology, 44(3), 561–570.

Bruggeman, J., & Bolding, K. (2014). A general framework for aquatic biogeochemical models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 61, 249–265.

Burchard, H., & Baumert, H. (1995). On the performance of a mixed-layer model based on the κ-ε turbulence closure. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 8523–8540.

Burchard, H., Bolding, K., Kühn, W., Meister, A., Neumann, T., & Umlauf, L. (2006). Description of a flexible and extendable physical-biogeochemical model system for the water column. Journal of Marine Systems, 61, 180–211.

Burchard, H., & Petersen, O. (1999). Models of turbulence in the marine environment – A comparative study of two-equation turbulence models. Journal of Marine Systems, 21(1–4), 29–53.

Joehnk, K. D., Stepanenko, V. M., Bueche, T., Gal, G., Goyette, S., Janssen, A. B. G., … Wen, L. (2015). Integrated modelling of lakes in the climate system – a summary from ASLO Granada and more. 4th Workshop on “Parameterization of Lakes in Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling", (August).

Umlauf, L., & Burchard, H. (2003). A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models. Journal of Marine Research, 61(2), 235–265.

Umlauf, L., & Burchard, H. (2005). Second-order turbulence closure models for geophysical boundary layers. A review of recent work. Continental Shelf Research, 25(7–8 SPEC. ISS.), 795–827.

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