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aemon-j edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 1 revision
General Information
Acronym of the model WET
Full name of the model Water Ecosystems Tool
Model components Chemistry, Biology
Supported platforms Windows, Mac
Programming Language FORTRAN95
Still maintained Yes, by: Aarhus University
Most recent version beta version
Model structure
Executables are available
1D, 2D (horizontal), 2D (vertical), 3D
Other: Flexible grid, Fixed grid, Mass balance included
Model description
Model objective Water Ecosystem Tool is an aquatic ecosystem model describing the most important processes and mass balances for freshwater ecosystems.
Specific application Impact assessment of
- Eutrophication and (re-)oligotrophication
- Climate change
- Biomanipulations
Background knowledge needed to run model Basic limnological understanding to interpret model simulation results
Basic procedures For a comprehensive series of video tutorials to set up WET coupled to GOTM, see the resources here
WET simulate the most important dynamics and interactions between multiple trophic levels, including piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and bentivorous fish, zooplankton, zoobenthos, phytoplankton and rooted macrophytes and organic and inorganic nutrients. The model tracks dry weight, nitrogen and phosphorous,as well as accounts for oxygen dynamics.
Link to website/manual Website
Model characteristics
Input variables Obligatory: Weatehr data (time series for forcing)
- Lake hypsography (for coupling to 1D models)
- Amount of water layers
- In- and outflow of nutrients and water (can also be specified as constant over time)
Input file format .nml
Output variables All state-variables in WET can be formatted to be output. The most common state-variables are:
Water column
Total phosphorus (TP), PO4, organic P-POM and P-DOM
Total nitrogen (TN), NO3, NH4, organic N-POM and N-DOM
Dissolved oxygen and silicate
Phytoplankton dry-weight (DW) biomass, N- and P-Phyto and chlorophyll a concentrations
Zooplankton DW biomass and fish DW biomass
P-adsorbed to inorganic matter, TP, PO4, P-POM, P-DOM, TN, NO3, NH4, N-POM and N-DOM
Zoobenthos DW biomass
Macrophyte DW biomass and coverage
A new feature in WET is the option to also output all or selected rates.
Output file format .netcdf
Biogeochemical model components Nutrients (NO3, NH4, NDOM, NPOM, PO4, PDOM, PPOM)
Phytoplankton (user specified groups),
Zooplankton (user specified groups),
Zoobenthos (user specified groups),
Fish (user specified groups),
Rooted macrophytes (user specified groups)
Model structure/mathematical framework ODE and empirical relartions
Temporal resolution Seconds to days
Minimal spatial resolution The minimal spatial resolution of WET has not been tested.
Variables needing calibration Please see this website for a standard set of parameters that has previously been calibrated for four Danish lakes.
Has successfully been used in
Climate Change Scenario Chen et al. (2019)
Mesotrophic water Chen et al. (2019)
Management Support Andersen et al. (2020)
Re-oligotrophication Andersen et al. (2020)
Countries in which the model has been applied Denmark
Which institutes have applied the model Institute of Bioscience, Aarhus University
Open-Source, Prompt based, GUI
Available tools for pre- and post-processing QWET is a GUI that facilitates model set-up, coupling to a SWAT catchment model, auto-calibration through ParSAC, model simulation visualization and a diverse array of scenario simulations
Support Community forum on Gitlab page on model compiling, set-up, calibration and post-processes available as well as contact information on main webpage
Can be coupled to the following models Coupled to FABM which allows a suite of hydrodynamic models to be coupled to
How can someone get access to this model Gitlab
Comments The entry form for WET is filled out with coupling to the 1D hydrodynamic model GOTM-AU.
Useful tricks and hints Check webpage
Links Gitlab
Form was updated: 2020-10-27

Reference list:
Andersen, T.K., Nielsen, A., Jeppesen, E., Hu, F., Bolding, K., Liu, Z.,Søndergaard, M., Johansson, L.S., Trolle, D., 2020. Predicting ecosystem state changes in shallow lakes using an aquatic ecosystem model: Lake Hinge, Denmark, an example. Ecol. Appl. 30., W., Nielsen, A., Andersen, T.K., Hu, F., Chou, Q., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Trolle, D., 2019. Modeling the Ecological Response of a Temporarily Summer-Stratified Lake to Extreme Heatwaves. Water 12, 94.

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