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Jorrit Mesman edited this page Oct 7, 2018 · 40 revisions

This FAQ aims to provide basic explanations about the meaning of some model entries and to clarify scientific jargon. Please also take a look at the already uploaded model entry forms.

Explanations and comments to the model entries
What if I don’t know the answer to a question? You can leave a question open if you don’t know the answer and we will help you; or you can contact us via
My answer is not among the options, or there is important information that is not in the questions. We welcome you to put additional information in the comment section at the end of the entry form
What components does my model have? Hydrodynamics: Simulation of water motions, heat transfer and temperature
Chemistry: Simulation of water quality – including oxygen and nutrients – or more specific chemical processes (e.g. methane ebullition)
Biology: Simulation of at least one biological component, e.g. phytoplankton, zooplankton, or fish
How can I imagine the model structure?
How are the widths of each layer formulated? Flexible grid: Model layers act as ‘control volumes’ and can modify their thickness (a.k.a. Lagrangian structure)
Fixed grid: Thickness of each model layer is fixed (a.k.a. Eulerian structure)
What is a catchment model? With catchment model is meant that the model exists of multiple cells that model the catchment, and therefore extend outside of a lake, reservoir or sea
What are the types of input variables? Obligatory: State variables that are crucial to run the model
Optional: State variables that can be added to reduce model assumptions
What are these different file formats? ASCII: Standard code for electronic communcation, easily readable with a text editor
.netcdf: Network common data format, written in binary and mostly used in scientific applications
.csv: Comma-separated values, plain text, used to easily store tabular data
.xls: Spreadsheet data from Microsoft Excel
What are these mathematical frameworks? ODE: Ordinary differential equations like dx/dt=x
PDE: Partial differential equations like the heat equation du/dt – a ( d²u/dx² + d²u/dy² ) = 0
What is the calibration step? Fitting simulated data to observed data, mostly followed by a validation step in which the model fit is checked for a different simulated time period
What do you mean by shallow and deep? Not clearly defined; for most applications a lake/reservoir with a mean depth below 10 m could be declared as shallow; whereas often shallow also means that the photic zone reaches to the bottom of the lake
What are the meanings of the trophic criteria? Oligotrophic: Low concentrations of nutrients and low primary production
Mesotrophic Intermediate concentrations of nutrients and moderate primary productivity:
Eutrophic: High concentrations of nutrients and high primary productivity causing oxygen depletion
What are the differences regarding accessibility? Open-source: Freely available access to source code
Open-to-use: No access to source code
What are examples for the processing tools? Pre-processing: Aggregates automatically input and boundary conditions, e.g. Janet for grid and mesh generation
Post-processing: Visualizes model results and computes additional parameters from model results, e.g. glmtools for GLM or LakeAnalyzer
What are internal waves? Oscillating gravity waves that occur in stratified surface water bodies (see also seiches)
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