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Jorrit Mesman edited this page Oct 7, 2018 · 4 revisions
General Information
Acronym of the model FABM-PCLake
Full name of the model FABM-PCLake
Model components Chemistry and Biology
Supported platforms Windows, Mac, Linux
Programming Language
Still maintained Yes, by: Aarhus University
Most recent version FABM-PCLake gitlab
Model structure
Needs compilation (Linux, MacOSX), Executables are available (for Windows)
Fixed grid (Eulerian)
Model description
Model objective Simulated complicated ecosystem model under multiple water domains(0D, 1D, 2D and 3D)
Specific application Not available yet, but several manuscript on the way
Background knowledge needed to run model Understanding of lake hydrodynamics and
Basic procedures 1. Choose a hydrodynamic model to run, e.g GOTM
2. calibrate temperature and light in hydrodyanmic model
3. turned on gotm_fabm=true, and then attach fabm-pclake.yaml
4. sensitivity analysis
5. calibration
FABM-PCLake describes interactions between multiple trophic levels, including piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and benthivorous fish, zooplankton, zoobenthos, three groups of phytoplankton and rooted macrophytes. The model also accounts for oxygen dynamics and nutrient cycling for nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, both within the pelagic and benthic domains.
Link to website/manual FABM-PCLake gitlab
Model characteristics
Input variables Obligatory:
Input file format namlist(.nml), yaml (.yaml)
Output variables Hydrodynamic variables
57 state variables
Diagnostic variables
Output file format .netfcdf
Biogeochemical model components FABM-PCLake describes interactions between multiple trophic levels, including
piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and benthivorous fish, zooplankton, zoobenthos, three groups of phytoplankton and rooted macrophytes. The model also accounts for oxygen dynamics and nutrient cycling for nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, both within the pelagic and benthic domains.
Model structure/mathematical framework ODE
Temporal resolution ranging from 60s—day
Minimal spatial resolution depending on the chosen hydrodyanmic model
Variables needing calibration Decide after sensitivity analysis
Has successfully been used in
Climate Change Scenario
Shallow Lake/Reservoir
Deep lake/Reservoir
Oligotrophic Water
Eutrophic Water
Management Support
Countries in which the model has been applied Denmark, China
Has been successfully used, but publications are not made
Which institutes have applied the model Aarhus University
Hohai University
Sino-Danish University
Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS)
Has coding for Sediment heat flux, Sediment dynamics
Open-Source, Test cases available
Available tools for pre- and post-processing
Support FABM-PCLake gitlab
Can be coupled to the following models To group of hydrodyanmic models ranging from 0D to 3D and the bigeochemical models under FABM Full list can be view on
How can someone get access to this model FABM-PCLake gitlab
Comments There’s a graphic user interface of GOTM-FABM-PCLake available, called Water Ecosystem Tool (WET, will be covered in another model entry form), this is a 1D version of this model.
Form was updated: 2018-07-11

Reference list:

Hu, F., Bolding, K., Bruggeman, J., Jeppesen, E., Flindt, M. R., van Gerven, L.,
Janse, J. H., Janssen, A. B. G., Kuiper, J. J., Mooij, W. M., and Trolle, D.:
FABM-PCLake – linking aquatic ecology with hydrodynamics, Geosci. Model Dev.,
9, 2271-2278,, 2016.

Nielsen, A., Bolding, K., Hu, F. and Trolle, D. 2017. An open source QGIS-based
workflow for model application and experimentation with aquatic ecosystems.
Environmental Modelling and Software 95: 358-364.

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