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List of contributors

aemon-j edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 18 revisions

Because we know that it’s a lot of work, we are thankful to everybody contributing to this model library:
- RiSyM-Lab (especially Andreas Gericke, Markus Venohr and Marcus Wildner)
- air2water entry: Iestyn Woolway
- PCLake entry: Annette Janssen & Sven Teurlincx
- MyLake entry: Rachel Pilla
- GOTM entry: Tadhg Moore
- SALMO entry: Thomas Petzoldt

Core group model library (AEMON-J)
Jorrit Mesman, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Marieke Frassl, Griffith University, Australia
Fenjuan Hu, Aarhus University, Denmark
Annette Janssen, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Robert Ladwig, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA

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