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Releases: huggingface/huggingface_hub

v0.0.14: LFS Auto tracking, `dataset_info` and `list_datasets`, documentation

18 Jul 08:06
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v0.0.14: LFS Auto tracking, dataset_info and list_datasets, documentation


Datasets repositories get better support, by first enabling full usage of the Repository class for datasets repositories:

from huggingface_hub import Repository

repo = Repository("local_directory", clone_from="<user>/<model_id>", repo_type="dataset")

Datasets can now be retrieved from the Python runtime using the list_datasets method from the HfApi class:

from huggingface_hub import HfApi

api = HfApi()
datasets = api.list_datasets()

# 1048 publicly available dataset repositories at the time of writing

Information can be retrieved on specific datasets using the dataset_info method from the HfApi class:

from huggingface_hub import HfApi

api = HfApi()
# DatasetInfo: {
# 	id: squad
#	lastModified: 2021-07-07T13:18:53.595Z
#	tags: ['pretty_name:SQuAD', 'annotations_creators:crowdsourced', 'language_creators:crowdsourced', 'language_creators:found', 
# [...]

Inference API wrapper client

Version v0.0.14 introduces a wrapper client for the Inference API. No need to use custom-made requests anymore. See below for an example.

from huggingface_hub import InferenceApi

api = InferenceApi("bert-base-uncased")
api(inputs="The [MASK] is great")
# [
#    {'sequence': 'the music is great', 'score': 0.03599703311920166, 'token': 2189, 'token_str': 'music'}, 
#    {'sequence': 'the price is great', 'score': 0.02146693877875805, 'token': 3976, 'token_str': 'price'}, 
#    {'sequence': 'the money is great', 'score': 0.01866752654314041, 'token': 2769, 'token_str': 'money'}, 
#    {'sequence': 'the fun is great', 'score': 0.01654735580086708, 'token': 4569, 'token_str': 'fun'}, 
#    {'sequence': 'the effect is great', 'score': 0.015102624893188477, 'token': 3466, 'token_str': 'effect'}
# ]

Auto-track with LFS

Version v0.0.14 introduces an auto-tracking mechanism with git-lfs for large files. Files that are larger than 10MB can be automatically tracked by using the auto_track_large_files method:

from huggingface_hub import Repository

repo = Repository("local_directory", clone_from="<user>/<model_id>")

# save large files in `local_directory`
repo.git_commit("Add large files")
# No push rejected error anymore!

It is automatically used when leveraging the commit context manager:

from huggingface_hub import Repository

repo = Repository("local_directory", clone_from="<user>/<model_id>")
with repo.commit("Add large files"):
    # add large files

# No push rejected error anymore!


Breaking changes

Reminder: the huggingface_hub library follows semantic versioning and is undergoing active development. While the first major version is not out (v1.0.0), you should expect breaking changes and we strongly recommend pinning the library to a specific version.

Two breaking changes are introduced with version v0.0.14.

The whoami return changes from a tuple to a dictionary

The whoami method changes its returned value from a tuple of (<user>, [<organisations>]) to a dictionary containing a lot more information:

In versions v0.0.13 and below, here was the behavior of the whoami method from the HfApi class:

from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, HfApi
api = HfApi()
# ('<user>', ['<org_0>', '<org_1>'])

In version v0.0.14, this is updated to the following:

from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, HfApi
api = HfApi()
# {
#     'type': str, 
#     'name': str, 
#     'fullname': str, 
#     'email': str,
#     'emailVerified': bool, 
#     'apiToken': str,
#     `plan': str, 
#     'avatarUrl': str,
#     'orgs': List[str]
# }

The Repository's use_auth_token initialization parameter now defaults to True.

The use_auth_token initialization parameter of the Repository class now defaults to True. The behavior is unchanged if users are not logged in, at which point Repository remains agnostic to the huggingface_hub.

Improvements and bugfixes

v0.0.13: Context Manager

28 Jun 12:57
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v0.0.13: Context Manager

Version 0.0.13 introduces a context manager to save files directly to the Hub. See below for some examples.

Example with a single file

from huggingface_hub import Repository

repo = Repository("text-files", clone_from="<user>/text-files", use_auth_token=True)

with repo.commit("My first file."):
    with open("file.txt", "w+") as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({"key": "value"}))

Example with a statement:

import torch
from huggingface_hub import Repository

model = torch.nn.Transformer()

repo = Repository("torch-files", clone_from="<user>/torch-files", use_auth_token=True)

with repo.commit("Adding my cool model!"):, "")

Example with a Flax/JAX seralization statement

from flax import serialization
from jax import random
from flax import linen as nn
from huggingface_hub import Repository

model = nn.Dense(features=5)

key1, key2 = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0))
x = random.normal(key1, (10,))
params = model.init(key2, x)

bytes_output = serialization.to_bytes(params)

repo = Repository("flax-model", clone_from="<user>/flax-model", use_auth_token=True)

with repo.commit("Adding my cool Flax model!"):
    with open("flax_model.msgpack", "wb") as f:

Patch release: Repository clones

23 Jun 16:24
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Patches an issue when cloning a repository twice.

v0.0.11: Improved documentation, `hf_hub_download` and `Repository` power-up

23 Jun 11:01
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v0.0.11: Improved documentation, hf_hub_download and Repository power-up

Improved documentation

The huggingface_hub documentation is now available on! Additionally, a new step-by-step guide to adding libraries is available.

New method: hf_hub_download

A new method is introduced: hf_hub_download. It is the equivalent of doing cached_download(hf_hub_url()), in a single method.

Repository power-up

The Repository class is updated to behave more similarly to git. It is now impossible to clone a repository in a folder that already contains files.

The PyTorch Mixin contributed by @vasudevgupta7 is slightly updated to have the push_to_hub method manage a repository as one would from the command line.

Improvement & Fixes

v0.0.10: Merging `huggingface_hub` with `api-inference-community` and hub interfaces

08 Jun 13:43
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v0.0.10: Merging huggingface_hub with api-inference-community and hub interfaces

v0.0.10 Signs the merging of three components of the HuggingFace stack: the huggingface_hub repository is now the central platform to contribute new libraries to be supported on the hub.

It regroups three previously separated components:

  • The huggingface_hub Python library, as the Python library to download, upload, and retrieve information from the hub.
  • The api-inference-community, as the platform where libraries wishing for hub support may be added.
  • The interfaces, as the definition for pipeline types as well as default widget inputs and definitions/UI elements for third-party libraries.

Future efforts will be focused on further easing contributing third-party libraries to the Hugging Face Hub

Improvement & Fixes

v0.0.9: HTTP File uploads, multiple filter model selection

20 May 15:19
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v0.0.9: HTTP file uploads, multiple filter model selection

Support for large file uploads

Implementation of an endpoint to programmatically upload (large) files to any repo on the hub, without the need for git, using HTTP POST requests.

The HfApi.model_list method now allows multiple filters

Models may now be filtered using several filters:

                Example usage:

                    >>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi
                    >>> api = HfApi()

                    >>> # List all models
                    >>> api.list_models()

                    >>> # List only the text classification models
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="text-classification")

                    >>> # List only the russian models compatible with pytorch
                    >>> api.list_models(filter=("ru", "pytorch"))

                    >>> # List only the models trained on the "common_voice" dataset
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="dataset:common_voice")

                    >>> # List only the models from the AllenNLP library
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="allennlp")

ModelInfo now has a readable representation

Improvement of the ModelInfo class so that it displays information about the object.

Improvements and bugfixes

v0.0.8: Model Info, Snapshot download

07 Apr 23:57
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  • Addition of the HfApi.model_info method to retrieve information about a repo given a revision.
  • The accompanying snapshot_download utility to download to cache all files stored in that repo at that given revision.

Example usage of HfApi.model_info:

from huggingface_hub import HfApi

hf_api = HfApi()
model_info = hf_api.model_info("lysandre/dummy-hf-hub")

print("Model ID:", model_info.modelId)

for file in model_info.siblings:
    print("file:", file.rfilename)


Model ID: lysandre/dummy-hf-hub
file: .gitattributes

Example usage of snapshot_download:

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
import os

repo_path = snapshot_download("lysandre/dummy-hf-hub")


['.gitattributes', '']

v0.0.7: Networking improvements + PyTorch mixin

18 Mar 17:54
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  • Networking improvements by @Pierrci and @lhoestq (#21 and #22)

  • Adding mixin class for ease saving, uploading, downloading a PyTorch model. See PR #11 by @vasudevgupta7

Example usage:

from huggingface_hub import ModelHubMixin

class MyModel(nn.Module, ModelHubMixin):
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
      self.config = kwargs.pop("config", None)
      self.layer = ...
   def forward(self, ...):
      return ...

model = MyModel()

# saving model to local directory & pushing to hub
model.save_pretrained("mymodel", push_to_hub=True, config={"act": "gelu"})

# initiatizing model & loading it from trained-weights
model = MyModel.from_pretrained("username/mymodel@main")

Thanks a ton for your contributions ♥️


02 Mar 15:03
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[Repository] Strip basic auth info

Repository class + other tweaks

02 Mar 14:41
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