Releases: quokka-astro/quokka
Quokka 25.01
Notable changes in this release include a code reorganization into subdirectories, hydro robustness updates in the presence of source terms, piecewise power-law opacity models for multigroup radiation, additional ISM physics in the radiation solver, support for unit systems (with metadata included in output files), and enforcement of a minimum version of the AMD ROCm toolkit (to avoid compiler bugs).
Known issues
- Self-gravitating particles may traverse more than one cell per timestep, which can cause crashes (see #833). This will be fixed in a future release of Quokka.
Major changes
- If microphysics burn fails, retry hydro by @psharda in #615
- Retry hydro update if cooling solve fails by @BenWibking in #616
- Mean opacity for variable kappa based on piecewise-power-law approximation by @chongchonghe in #626
- PPL opacity models by @chongchonghe in #678
- Random blast ISM problem by @BenWibking in #179
- Reorganize source code into subdirectories by @BenWibking in #689
- Rename RadhydroSimulation class to QuokkaSimulation by @chongchonghe in #702
- Dust temperature coupled to gas and radiation by @chongchonghe in #715
- Update microphysics to include metal chemistry by @psharda in #725
- Improve convergence rate of the radiation Newton-Raphson solver by @chongchonghe in #720
- Separate single- and multi-group radiation modules by @chongchonghe in #731
- A robust numerical scheme for the dust-gas coupling model by @chongchonghe in #733
- Photoelectric heating by @chongchonghe in #766
- Line cooling and cosmic ray heating by @chongchonghe in #773
- Add support for unit systems: CGS, CONSTANTS, CUSTOM by @chongchonghe in #782
- Enforce minimum ROCm version >= 6.3 by @BenWibking in #843
All changes (except submodule updates and CI changes)
- Update some default values for the PopIII test by @psharda in #613
- Use mass scalars while computing EOS quantities in NSCBC by @psharda in #610
- Print timestep info in scientific notation by @psharda in #614
- If microphysics burn fails, retry hydro by @psharda in #615
- retry hydro update if cooling solve fails by @BenWibking in #616
- Changed parameters in pulse_grey test to reduce runtime by @chongchonghe in #625
- change initial condition of RadForce by @chongchonghe in #627
- Mean opacity for variable kappa based on piecewise-power-law approximation by @chongchonghe in #626
- Fix GPU problems in pulse_MG.cpp by @chongchonghe in #629
- Add "copy" button to the sphinx documentation page. by @chongchonghe in #609
- Fix radiation transport error in Y and Z directions. by @chongchonghe in #633
- Add citation to quokka paper by @psharda in #577
- quokka::EOS code linting by @BenWibking in #578
- remove old debugging code from ODE integrator by @BenWibking in #645
- Update for NumPy 2.0 compatibility by @BenWibking in #656
- update docs re Intel GPUs by @BenWibking in #654
- Delete perfdata directory by @BenWibking in #655
- Use specific Intel compiler version in CI by @BenWibking in #658
- update shock-cloud problem by @BenWibking in #350
- remove unnecessary EnforceLimits on old state by @BenWibking in #668
- no ghost cells in reference solution multifab by @BenWibking in #671
- Update microphysics: primordial chemistry actual_rhs updated to speedup chemistry by @psharda in #673
- random blast ISM problem by @BenWibking in #179
- simplify EnforceLimits by @BenWibking in #667
- update Setonix config by @BenWibking in #676
- update Setonix job scripts by @BenWibking in #677
- PPL opacity models by @chongchonghe in #678
- remove unused function ComputeSourceTermsExplicit by @chongchonghe in #682
- Add VSCode/Codespaces Dev Container settings by @BenWibking in #687
- fix Sphinx warnings by @BenWibking in #688
- reorganize source code into subdirectories by @BenWibking in #689
- Clean up code for single-group radiation by @chongchonghe in #684
- Update citations by @chongchonghe in #690
- add equations to docs by @BenWibking in #691
- update docs for runtime parameters by @BenWibking in #697
- Rename RadhydroSimulation class to QuokkaSimulation by @chongchonghe in #702
- CUDA 12.6 hotfix by @BenWibking in #708
- Use MkDocs to generate documentation by @chongchonghe in #705
- Metal Advection Problem by @aditivijayan in #704
- Revert "Metal Advection Problem" by @BenWibking in #710
- fix Setonix compiler version by @BenWibking in #709
- Upload results even if regression tests fail by @BenWibking in #711
- Cleanup: remove repeating calculation of kappa by @chongchonghe in #714
- Dust temperature coupled to gas and radiation by @chongchonghe in #715
- Make assertion work in the exchange step and dust temperature solution step by @chongchonghe in #716
- Redefine PRIMORDIAL_CHEM preprocessor as CHEMISTRY by @psharda in #724
- Update microphysics to include metal chemistry by @psharda in #725
- improve convergence rate of the radiation Newton-Raphson solver by @chongchonghe in #720
- Separate single- and multi-group radiation modules by @chongchonghe in #731
- Restructure AddSourceTermsMultiGroup by @chongchonghe in #734
- A robust numerical scheme for the dust-gas coupling model by @chongchonghe in #733
- Update Dockerfile by @BenWibking in #741
- Create CODEOWNERS by @BenWibking in #749
- Restructure: put radiation flux update into a function by @chongchonghe in #750
- Update to list Python as required by @BenWibking in #753
- Add OpenSSF Security Scorecard action by @BenWibking in #736
- Add a CUDA devcontainer by @chongchonghe in #751
- fix bug in by @BenWibking in #755
- Restructure: define ComputeModelBasedKappaEAndKappaP by @chongchonghe in #767
- photoelectric heating by @chongchonghe in #766
- Move enable_dust_gas_thermal_coupling_model to ISM_Traits by @chongchonghe in #771
- fix 'pure virtual method called' error by @chongchonghe in #774
- Line cooling and cosmic ray heating by @chongchonghe in #773
- Speed up unit tests by running ctest in parallel by @chongchonghe in #784
- Add script to make a movie from simulation images by @BenWibking in #779
- Add support for unit systems: CGS, CONSTANTS, CUSTOM by @chongchonghe in #782
- Write 2D plotfiles for projections by @BenWibking in #791
- remove scripts to run on Summit by @BenWibking in
Quokka 21.10
This is the first release of Quokka! This version is well-tested on CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs and includes an automated test suite (see
) of 1D problems and additional problems (not yet automated) in 2D and 3D provided in the src
subdirectory. For simplicity (and following AMReX and other codes), we have chosen to use "calendar versioning," denoting each release with the year and month.
What's Changed
- Refactor kernels to use AMReX abstractions by @BenWibking in #2
- added AMR using amrex::AmrCore by @BenWibking in #4
Full Changelog: