Releases: Solvro/mobile-topwr
Releases · Solvro/mobile-topwr
v1.1.0 - Operation Squash-a-Bug
Stable version after v1.0.0 and few new small features
autogenerated PRs:
What's Changed
- refactor: change different paddings to widget SmallHorizontalPadding by @kamilfedio in #245
- fix: add small padding to logos by @kamilfedio in #248
- fix: change bottom padding on home view by @kamilfedio in #246
- Refactor/add custom nice license dialog by @kamilfedio in #254
- Fix/add padding to right scrolls by @kamilfedio in #255
- feature: add tooltip widget with config by @kamilfedio in #259
- fix/overflow-in-sci-clubs-card by @tomasz-trela in #232
- refactor/move-about-us-KN-links-above-team by @tomasz-trela in #271
- feat/add-academic-calendar-link-on-day-counter by @tomasz-trela in #274
- feat: add guide info about development by @kamilfedio in #281
- Fix/ about us freeze after scroll on open by @mikolaj-jalocha in #284
- Feat/ add verified checkmark to science clubs in all other places by @mikolaj-jalocha in #291
- Feat/add checmark in sci club detail view by @mikolaj-jalocha in #293
- Feat/ add app's streak counter by @simon-the-shark in #294
- feat/add-shadows-to-trend-arrow by @tomasz-trela in #297
- fix/map-rotating-when-zooming by @tomasz-trela in #299
- feature: add dates to guide by @kamilfedio in #308
- Fix / unknown trend on parking view by @mikolaj-jalocha in #306
- feature: change text-align justify to left by @kamilfedio in #313
- feat: change pomegrenade underline on not link do black by @kamilfedio in #314
- Feat/upgrade dialog with in app & about us crash fix & dependencies bump by @simon-the-shark in #315
- Feat/add apply filters button by @tomasz-trela in #344
- #286 feat add in app review by @mikolaj-jalocha in #345
- refactor: remove deprecated refs by @simon-the-shark in #346
- feat: handle in app deep links by @simon-the-shark in #347
- Feat/add riverpod linter by @simon-the-shark in #349
- Feat/ animate maps camera by @simon-the-shark in #351
- Fix: fix chart labels by @mikolaj-jalocha in #354
- Chore: hide streak counter from user by @mikolaj-jalocha in #353
- Feat/add app changelog for user by @tomasz-trela in #352
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Production release of new refreshed ToPWR:
This is a complete set of features planned for v1.0.0
. We're only planning patches and minor tweaks as v1.0.x
. Milestone v1.1.0
is planned to be a stable version milestone.
Leave a review in app stores and a github star!
What's Changed (automatically generated)
- [MOBILE-1] changed readme md by @dev-dwr in #1
- [MOBILE-1] updated readme by @dev-dwr in #2
- topwr description by @dev-dwr in #3
- [MOBILE-1] update readme with smth by @dev-dwr in #4
- [MOBILE-2] readme change by @dev-dwr in #5
- conflict by @dev-dwr in #6
- [Mobile 1] & [Mobile 2] & Theme by @simon-the-shark in #16
- API_BASE by @simon-the-shark in #17
- [ Mobile 4 ] by @kamilfedio in #20
- [MOBILE-3] by @mikolaj-jalocha in #18
- added localization translation and splited widgets on home_view by @kamilfedio in #21
- Mobile 09 tab navigation by @gry-mar in #22
- Implemented news and Study Circles sections. Added Logger class. by @mikolaj-jalocha in #27
- Mobile 08 by @kamilfedio in #30
- Mobile 06 by @gry-mar in #31
- Mobile 12 by @kamilfedio in #29
- Mobile 15 by @mikolaj-jalocha in #36
- [Mobile-11 ] Map tab by @simon-the-shark in #37
- Study circle detail page by @mikolaj-jalocha in #39
- Mobile 14 by @gry-mar in #43
- Sliver appbar by @mikolaj-jalocha in #44
- iParking module: data and domain layer + placeholder example usage widgets by @simon-the-shark in #48
- [Mobile-10] TTL for graphql client's cache by @simon-the-shark in #49
- Mobile 19, 27, 25 by @simon-the-shark in #60
- Distribution preparation by @simon-the-shark in #62
- Bug fixes by @mikolaj-jalocha in #71
- changed colors in TagsRow by @gry-mar in #72
- mobile-34-icons-change by @mikolaj-jalocha in #73
- Parkings map final design [Mobile-24]&[Mobile-36] by @simon-the-shark in #74
- Location dot by @mikolaj-jalocha in #75
- feat: simple offline parking message by @simon-the-shark in #76
- Offline messages feature by @simon-the-shark in #78
- Fixed navigation bug. by @mikolaj-jalocha in #80
- Directus CMS & new Academic Day impl by @simon-the-shark in #89
- UI improvements by @mikolaj-jalocha in #92
- Nested-navigator-based TabBar navigation (Back button improvements) by @simon-the-shark in #94
- Mobile 23 by @kamilfedio in #102
- fix: change tabsconfig, conflicts and errors by @kamilfedio in #105
- Add youtube and github icon [MOBILE 53] by @mikolaj-jalocha in #103
- feature: add new filter to bulding search by @kamilfedio in #107
- Parking UI improvements by @mikolaj-jalocha in #108
- #25 Faculty details by @mikolaj-jalocha in #110
- Refactor/assets icons fonts by @simon-the-shark in #111
- Refactor/ unify codebase naming by @simon-the-shark in #121
- Refactor/ navigation remake attempt by @simon-the-shark in #118
- Feat/ new sci clubs sorting rules by @simon-the-shark in #132
- Feat/ remove cover from department detail view by @simon-the-shark in #140
- #128 implement guide detail view by @mikolaj-jalocha in #147
- Feat/143 implement deparments links sorting by @mikolaj-jalocha in #148
- Feat/135 temp change news section to faq previews by @mikolaj-jalocha in #149
- Feat/open buildings from contact by @simon-the-shark in #150
- Feat/guide details enhancement by @simon-the-shark in #151
- fix: add extension to change null address to new value by @kamilfedio in #146
- Fix/home view tweaks by @simon-the-shark in #153
- Fix/129 fix eliminate parkings flickering by @mikolaj-jalocha in #152
- Feat/ add guide view by @simon-the-shark in #156
- Feat/new filters section by @simon-the-shark in #162
- Fix/125 fixabout us center icons by @mikolaj-jalocha in #167
- #124 - parking typos - fix by @mikolaj-jalocha in #168
- #123 - greeting grammar/typos - fix by @mikolaj-jalocha in #171
- #164 - add splash on field of study tile by @mikolaj-jalocha in #173
- Simple error, not found, offline animations by @mikolaj-jalocha in #172
- #175 - missing new line in parking's section by @mikolaj-jalocha in #175
- Feat/ optimize images on directus by @simon-the-shark in #176
- Feat/ add wiredash feedback form by @simon-the-shark in #177
- feat: add android adaptive icon by @simon-the-shark in #180
- Refactor/
and nullstafety tweaks by @simon-the-shark in #182 - Fix/home screen offline flickering by @simon-the-shark in #181
- feat/ add favorite parkings feature by @TTomaszPWR in #193
- Feat/ add days to semester mode by @mikolaj-jalocha in #187
- Feat/place fav parking on top of parkings list by @TTomaszPWR in #195
- Feat/ animate parkings tiles by @simon-the-shark in #206
- refactor/replace dashes with arrows trend and fix layout by @TTomaszPWR in #208
- Feat/ add remote cache flushing by @simon-the-shark in #207
- feat/ add bug app icon button to open feedback form by @TTomaszPWR in #212
- Try to use svg optimizer by @mikolaj-jalocha in #211
- Feat/change arrows and fav colors by @TTomaszPWR in #216
- #142 - fix RenderFlex overflow error - fix by @mikolaj-jalocha in #217
- #213 - fix tags loading view - fix by @mikolaj-jalocha in #218
- Feat/remove slide tab bar transitions by @simon-the-shark in #219
- #198 - deep links support by @mikolaj-jalocha in #215
- Feat/new map solution by @simon-the-shark in #220
- refactor/ try flutter hooks by @simon-the-shark in #225
- feat: add shimmer effect on about us view by @kamilfedio in #224
- Feat/crashlytics by @simon-the-shark in #228
- #230 - replace decimal numbers with integers at parking's page & make sure that free slots are always >= 0 by @mikolaj-jalocha in #231
- #221 - add cache support for map tiles by @mikolaj-jalocha in #229
New Contributors
- @dev-dwr made their first contribution in #1
- @kamilfedio made their first contribution in #20
- @mikolaj-jalocha made their first contribution in #18
- @gry-mar made their first contribution in #22
- @TTomas...