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GVogeler edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 10 revisions

MOM-CA uses several concepts for versioning:

  1. eXist-DB internal versioning (currently switched-off)
  2. relationships between charter representations.
  3. reuse of public charters in private collections ("hooked-in" charters).

The relationship between charter representations is stored in the atom-wrapper in atom:link. atom:link/@ref contains the atom:id of the base charter. The relationship expressed in this way is typed by @rel. Currently there is only versionOf in use for @rel.

Public charters can be "hooked-in" charters into user collections. This is expressed with the atom:id of the original charter in atom:content/@src of the charter importing the public charter. (on atom:content/@srcsee ) This mechanism is only possible for charters published in archival fonds.

In the case of meta-collections the original charters are linked via its original atom:id.

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