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Work with extracted images

GVogeler edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 3 revisions

Image Collections list

In the MyArchive area you find in the menu on the left the menu point List Image Collection. Clicking on this you can see all image ordered by collections. You can either edit the description of the whole collection or each image seperately by clicking on the button with paper and pen alongside the text. When you click on the image or into the signature above you will be directed to the charter from which this image was extracted. Below of the image and the description you find four buttons: move the image into another collection (arrow), delete it (red x), publish it (arrow) or notify another user (mail). By a click with the right mouse button into the extracted image you can download it.

When moving an image you will be asked for the collection where you want to move the image to. You close this process by clicking on Apply.

With the send-button you can notify other MOM-CA-users of your image. When clicking the button you will be asked to enter the user addressed. The software will transfer all information (image, name, notes). The adressed user will see the transfer in his MyArchive-area by clicking in the left menu on Image Requests. The addressed user can see the image and its description before adding it to his collections.

The publish-button publishes the image in a global catalog accessible by all users of MOM-CA. The dialogue is similar to the dialogue for the publication of annotations, so the moderator receives a publication request, can check the image and its description bevor confirming und publishing it. The global catalog is accessible in the MyArchives-area in the menu Image Collections. A more detailed description of this area you find below.

Image Editor

In the MyArchive-area you find a menu entry "Image Editor". This feature lets you select images from your collections in to dropdown lists and load them into the editor below. The number of images in the editor is free.

After selecting an image in the editor you see a tool bar, with which you can move, rotate, zoom, mirror horizontally and vertically of the images, modify contrast, brightness, colour values and glow. The image can be converted into grayscale, emboss and edges can be detected. With the help of the transparency function you can overlay two images to compare them on the spot. To use this feature you have to select an image und change the transparency with the slide bar.

After editing and comparing the images you can save the result (single image, combination of several images) into a collection. Only rotation and moving of images isn’t saved. The save works similar as the when extracting an area from the image. In the end you can publish and work with the saved image in the same way as you did with the original extracted image.

Publish image annotations and image collections via a moderator

The publication process starts at the user who clicks on the Publish-button of an image collection. That uses the earlier described save mechanism. You can create a new public collection or add you image to an existing one. You can change image names and notes. Clicking Send you notify the moderator of your publication request. In the menu Image Requests you check the status of your request.

You find the public catalog in the MyArchive-area in the menu Image Collections. There you see a list of all collection. As logged in user you can copy a whole collection into you private collections with the save button. As a moderator you can edit the public collections, delete images oder change the collection description. The collection view displays the originator of the collection below and below each image the originator of the image.

The View Images let’s you study the collection in detail. Clicking on the button will open a page over the browser window and each image will displayed together with all its description. You browse through the collection with the arrows on the left and right of ich image. There are zoom buttons too. As a logged in user you can copy each single extracted image into your private collections with a button located in the right upper corner of the image description.

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