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GVogeler edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 4 revisions

The localisation system of MOM-CA stores its data in the xrx.i18n hierarchy of the project data collection. There is a collection for each language in use. Each message is stored in a seperate XML document named by the key. It stores the key, the text to be displayed when the message is called in this language, and a default value to be displayed if there isn't a text. The text can be modified by users from the group translators in the i18n environment of the front end.

The keys defined in this resources are referenced by xrx:key, xrx:text (the text displayed), xrx:default (the text displayed if there is no language specific xrx:text) in the widgets.


  • Update of the xrx.i18n hierarchy from added keys in the widgets?
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