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Manual of ''Quanto Flx Gadgets'' Package

Steve Hsu edited this page Jan 21, 2025 · 6 revisions


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Item Item Item Item
Calculator Calendar Clock Desktop
Folder Viewer Gallery Media Control RSS
Start Search Sticky Notes To-Do List
Weather World Clock
Calculator Icon


Calculator Demo

A simple desktop calculator.


Click buttons to enter the formula into the calculator. Click = to display the operation result, and click C to clear the input content.

Extra Context Menu

Option Description
Copy the Value Copy the calculation in the calculator.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Sound Sound Integer 0/1 1 This option determines whether the button makes a sound when clicked.
Calendar Icon


Calendar Demo

Shows today's date or the calendar for the month.


For 2x2 styles, there are no operations available.

For 4x4 style: Move the cursor to the highlighted date to view the holiday (if "Show Events" is turned on). Press < or slide the wheel up to switch to the previous month, and press > or slide the wheel down to switch to the next month. Click the text of year and month above to switch to today's month.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
StartOnMonday Start on Monday Integer 0/1 0 Use Monday as the first day of the week.
ShowEvents Show Events Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, holidays will not be displayed in the monthly calendar.

Other Related Configuration Files

Friendly File Name Located in Description
List of Events #Pk@#\Config\SkinSettings\CalendarEvents.xml You can find the correct way to edit it in the "Using Event Files" entry in this document.
Clock Icon


Clock Demo

Displays the current time in the form of a digital or skeuomorphic clock.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Align String Align Selection Left - Left
Center - Center
Right - Right
Center It's about the way the text is arranged. Only available in 2x1 and 4x2 styles.
AHS Always Hide "Second" Integer 0/1 0 If not enabled, seconds will only be hidden when Energy-Saving Mode is on.
AHT Hide "AM/PM" Integer 0/1 0 Only available in 2x2 and 4x4 styles.
ScndHnd Show Second Hand instead of a Circle Integer 0/1 0 Comparison chart here. Only available in 2x2 and 4x4 styles.
ShowFace Show Clock Face Integer 0/1 1 Only available in 2x2 and 4x4 styles.
MainNm Number Type Selection 00 - None
01 - Western Arabic
02 - Roman
03 - Chinese Double Hour
00 Comparison chart here. Only available in 4x4 style.
OthrNm Display numbers elsewhere Integer 0/16 0 Comparison chart here. Only available in 4x4 style.
Text Position Offset (Horizontal/Vertical) Integer Any integer 0 If the numbers displayed on the skin are in the wrong position, you can try adjusting these values. Only available in 4x4 style.
Desktop Icon


Desktop Demo

Click to show or hide skins on the desktop.


Click to show or hide skins on the desktop.

Only available in "Customizable Size" style: Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
SPW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
SPH Height Integer [2,16] 2 The custom height of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
QuickResize Enable "Quick Resizing" Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, Resize will be hidden in "Customizable Size" style.
Cstm.Im Custom icon String The path of a local image #Pk@#Image\Desktop -
ASIIOW Always show icon instead of wallpaper Integer 0/1 0 -
FolderViewer Icon

Folder Viewer

FolderViewer Demo

Displays the contents of a folder and can interact with files.


This will only work if there are files in the selected folder.

Left-click the icon or name of the file to open it, and right-click to open the menu for operating the file.

When the quantity of files in the folder exceeds the capacity of this panel, you can use the mouse wheel to browse.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Extra Context Menu

Option Description
Open this Folder via Explorer Use Windows Explorer to open the folder displayed by this Folder Viewer.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Path Path String A local path %USERPROFILE%\Desktop Select a folder you want to display.
Title Title String Any text [Ms.DftTte] You can customize the title of this skin.
Quantity Quantity Integer [4,32] 6 Defines the capacity of this skin. This will determine the size of it.
AutoQ Dynamic Quantity Integer 0/1 0 If enabled, this skin will change its size based on the quantity of files in the folder.
Sc.Cstm Scaling (for "Icons" styles) Floating-Point Number [1,4] 1 It's only available in "Icons" styles.
IconSize Icon resolution Selection Small - 16*16
Medium - 32*32
Large - 48*48
ExtraLarge - 256*256
Large When this option is adjusted to a too high value, some icons with smaller resolutions will display abnormally.
ShowFile Show files Integer 0/1 1 -
ShowFolder Show folders Integer 0/1 1 -
ShowHidden Show hidden files and folders Integer 0/1 0 -
ShowSystem Show system files and folders Integer 0/1 0 "System files" are usually protected and you don't want the user to see them. It is recommended to turn this feature off.
SortType Sorted by ... Selection Name - Name
Size - Size
Type - Type
Date - Date
Name -
SortDateType Sorted by ... date Selection Modified - Modified
Created - Created
Accessed - Accessed
Modified This option will only take effect when the previous option is set to Date.
SortAscending Sort in ascending order Integer 0/1 1 -
Extensions File suffix filter String Blank; One or more suffixes (Blank) Leave blank to not filter. If you need to filter, fill in the suffix of the specified file type you want to see (e.g. jpg;png). Learn more about it.
WildcardSearch File name filter String Name filter (Required) * Fill in a * to not filter. If you need to filter, fill in the keyword. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Learn more about it.
HideExtensions Hide extensions on display Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, files will show their full name.
Gallery Icon


Gallery Demo

Shuffle images from a folder.


When the cursor is placed over it, the action bar will appear.

Move the cursor to the file name in the upper left corner to display its path and image size.

Clicking the "Zoom" icon will use the image viewer to open the image. Clicking the "Next Image" icon will randomly switch to a picture. Clicking the "Open this folder" icon will open the folder where the picture is located. Clicking the "Settings" icon will open the skin settings.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
PW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin.
PH Height Integer [2,16] 4 The custom height of this skin.
PathName Referenced Folder String A local path %SYSTEMROOT%\Web\Wallpaper Select a folder you want to display.
Subfolders Including Subfolder(s) Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, pictures in its subfolders will not be read.
UpdateDivider Update Interval Integer [10,86400] 30 This option determines how often the image will be changed.
MediaControl Icon

Media Control

MediaControl Demo

To control your music player in your fingertips.


This skin will only work properly if your music player is playing music and this skin is configured correctly.

When the cursor is moved over it, the skin's appearance will change and some buttons will appear. Below is an explanation of these buttons.

Icons Description
Play Pause Play or Pause
Previous Track Next Track Previous / Next Track
Infomation Infomation. Click to copy it
Repeat Repeat. Shows only for supported players
Shuffle Shuffle. Shows only for supported players
Open Open the player you selected in Skin Settings
Settings Open Skin Settings
Like or Dislike Like or Dislike. Shows only in certain modes
Stars Rating. Shows only in certain modes

Extra Context Menu

Option Description
Play / Pause Play or pause.
Context Switch to the next track.
Previous Switch to the previous track.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Plugin Plugin Selection NowPlaying
NowPlaying This relates to how this skin works. See "Recommended Settings" below for details.
PlayerName Player Name Selection AIMP
WMP This relates to how this skin works. See "Recommended Settings" below for details. It only works when the "Plugin" is NowPlaying.
PlayerPath Player Path String A local path %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe This option determines the executable program that opens when "Open" is clicked.
AutoGdnt Auto gradient background Integer 0/1 0 When this feature is enabled, when a cover is read, the color scheme of this skin will be overwritten based on the color of the cover.
AutoGdntTme Preferred color Selection 0 - Light
1 - Dark
2 - Simple Light
3 - Simple Dark
1 When the previous option is enabled, this option determines the color scheme used by this skin.

Recommended Settings

If you are using the following players, please set "Plugin" to NowPlaying and follow the following settings first:

If you're using ... Choose "Player Name" as ... Limitation
foobar2000 CAD Plugin required
iTunes iTunes -
J. River Media Center CAD Must be 19 or higher version
Media Jukebox CAD -
MusicBee CAD Must be 1.2 or higher version
Winamp Winamp -
Windows Media Player (Legacy) WMP Cannot switch the status of "Repeat" and "Shuffle"

Although there is a Spotify option, using the NowPlaying Plugin to control Spotify Client is not recommended. You should use WebNowPlaying Plugin instead of NowPlaying to control it.

When you are using Client, TTPlayer (千千静听), OpenPandora or Zune, you can select the WLM option. However, currently both Plugins are not fully adapted to it.

The WebNowPlaying Plugin is only available if you are using Windows 10/11.

You can use WebNowPlaying Plugin when you are using Windows 10 1507 (Original Release, Build 10240.0) or newer Windows and a music player that supports System Media Transport Controls (aka SMTC).

If you are using browser-based players, please install WebNowPlaying Extension for your browser and use WebNowPlaying Plugin. You can view the list of supported sites here.

When using WebNowPlaying Plugin, make sure that only one player is running, otherwise conflicts may occur.

If your music player is not mentioned here, it is not supported by this skin, such as Kugou Music (酷狗音乐), QQ Music (QQ 音乐), etc.

RSS Icon

RSS Feeds

RSS Demo

Keep track of the latest news from your RSS feeds.


The content will only be displayed if the network conditions are normal, the target website is a normal RSS feed and the skin is configured correctly.

Click a title to open the pointed website. Scroll the wheel to browse the retrieved titles.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
URL URL String A valid RSS feed URL (Non-fixed value) This URL must be an RSS feed that complies with RSS standards and displays at least 15 titles at once.
Title URL Title String Any text (Non-fixed value) You can customize the title of this skin.
MoreHeaders Grab more Titles Integer 0/1 (Non-fixed value) If this RSS feed can display 30 or more titles at once, you can turn on it.
Format "Link-at-First" Format Integer 0/1 (Non-fixed value) If this RSS feed provides entries in a format with links first and titles last, please turn on it, otherwise an exception will occur.
CodePage Code Page String Any valid code page identifier Usually 65001 Normally, you don't need to modify it unless it's garbled.
ProxyServer Proxy Server String A valid proxy server /auto Normally, you don't need to modify it unless you have special needs.
UserAgent User Agent String A valid user agent Rainmeter WebParser plugin Normally, you don't need to modify it unless you have special needs.
Search Icon


Search Demo

A simple desktop search bar.


Click the skin or press the set shortcut key to activate the text box. Enter what you want to search for and press "Enter" key to view the search results through the browser.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
PW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin.
QuickResize Enable "Quick Resizing" Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, Resize will be hidden in "Customizable Size" style.
ScEg Search Engine Selection 0 - Baidu
1 - Google
2 - Microsoft Bing
3 - Wikipedia
4 - Yahoo!
5 - Yandex
1 Choose a search engine that you commonly use.
HotKey Hotkey String A valid key combination Crtl Alt / Separate the two keys with a space. If you do not need to use it, leave it blank.
Cylindrical Cylindrical Integer 0/1 0 If enabled, the skin's appearance will become cylindrical.
Start Icon


Start Demo

Like the Start button on the taskbar, click to open the Start menu.


Like the Start button on the taskbar, click to open the Start menu.

Only available in "Customizable Size" style: Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
SPW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
SPH Height Integer [2,16] 2 The custom height of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
QuickResize Enable "Quick Resizing" Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, Resize will be hidden in "Customizable Size" style.
IconStyle Icon Style Selection 11 - Windows 11
8/10 - Windows 8/10
7 - Windows 7
0 - Custom Image
#Sy.Vr# The first three icons will be colored according to the Accent Color. If you select "Custom Image", you must select a valid image.
CstmIm Custom Image String The path of any image #@#Image\Null.png It only works when the "Icon Style" is "Custom Image".
FEPWI Fill entire panel with image Integer 0/1 0 If enabled, the image fills the entire skin. It only works when the "Icon Style" is "Custom Image".
StickyNotes Icon

Sticky Notes

StickyNotes Demo

A simple tool for documenting something.


Double-click its contents to edit it. Since its content is stored in a text file, your text editor will open when you start editing.


When you are finished editing, please save it as UTF-8 encoding and then refresh the skin.

Double-click its title to edit it. When you're done editing, press "Enter" to confirm.

Click the "Add Another" button to add another Sticky Note.

Click the "Settings" button to open Skin Settings.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Text Formatting

Sticky Notes support Quanto Flx Common Text Formats.

Insert the following code into the two ends of the text you want to modify its style, you can get the corresponding style. Nested style is supported. Insert a "\" into the code to escape formatting.

Code Description
// Italic text.
** Bold text.
__ Underline text.
-- Strikethrough text.
`` Monospaced text.
^^ Uppercased text.
@@ Tint the text to the accent color.
@^0 Tint the text to the color Black rgb(0, 0, 0).
@^1 Tint the text to the color Red rgb(170, 0, 0).
@^2 Tint the text to the color Yellow rgb(170, 85, 0).
@^3 Tint the text to the color Green rgb(0, 170, 0).
@^4 Tint the text to the color Cyan rgb(0, 170, 170).
@^5 Tint the text to the color Blue rgb(0, 0, 170).
@^6 Tint the text to the color Magenta rgb(170, 0, 170).
@^7 Tint the text to the color Light Gray rgb(170, 170, 170).
@^8 Tint the text to the color Gray rgb(85, 85, 85).
@^9 Tint the text to the color Bright Red rgb(255, 85, 85).
@^A Tint the text to the color Bright Yellow rgb(255, 255, 85).
@^B Tint the text to the color Bright Green rgb(85, 255, 85).
@^C Tint the text to the color Bright Cyan rgb(85, 255, 255).
@^D Tint the text to the color Bright Blue rgb(85, 85, 255).
@^E Tint the text to the color Bright Magenta rgb(255, 85, 255).
@^F Tint the text to the color White rgb(255, 255, 255).
+-3 Smaller text (6.2 pt).
+-2 Smaller text (7.29 pt).
+-1 Smaller text (8.55 pt).
++1 Larger text (11.73 pt).
++2 Larger text (13.7 pt).
++3 Larger text (16 pt).

The following is a sample text and its rendering effect:

Quanto Flx Common Text Formats Demo
Noticed? You can __style your text__! **Double-click here** to learn how it works.
//Italic//	**Bold**
__Underline__	--Strikethrough--
``Monospaced``	^^Uppercased^^
@@Colored@@	__**@@Nested Style!@@**__
*\*Insert \ to escape formatting*\*
Quanto Flx Common Text Formats Demo
++3**Lorem Ipsum++3**

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

++2**Ut enim ad Minim++2**

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis **nostrud exercitation** ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

++2**Duis aute Irure++2**

Duis aute **irure dolor** in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat __@@nulla pariatur__@@. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 

++3**Sed ut Perspiciatis++3**

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus **error** sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. 

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia **consequuntur magni dolores** eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

++2**Neque Porro++2**

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
PW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin.
PH Height Integer [2,16] 4 The custom height of this skin.
Color Color Selection 0 - Default
1 - Yellow
2 - Green
3 - Pink
4 - Purple
5 - Blue
6 - Gray
7 - Charcoal
0 Comparison chart here.
Ft.Fc.Cstm_Gn Font String Any font installed in your device #Ft.Fc.Gn# The set font only affects its content.
SrAl.Gn String Align Selection Left - Left
Center - Center
Right - Right
Left It's about the way the text is arranged.
HideTitle Hide Title Integer 0/1 0 If enabled, its content will fill the entire skin.

Other Related Configuration Files

Friendly File Name Located in Description
Contents #Pk@#Config\SkinSettings\StickyNotes\(Index).txt This text file stores the contents of the corresponding Sticky Note.
ToDoList Icon

To-Do List

ToDoList Demo

A practical tool for recording matters.


Click "Add an event" to add an event.

When the cursor moves over an event, its appearance changes.

Check the checkbox on the left to indicate "Resolved". Light the star on the left to emphasize the importance of this event. Click the "Delete" button on the right to delete this event.

When the quantity of files in the folder exceeds the capacity of this panel, you can use the mouse wheel to browse.

Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Quantity Quantity Integer [1,8] 3 Defines the capacity of this skin. This will determine the size of it.
Title Title String Any text #Tm.To_Do_List# You can customize the title of this skin.
Weather Icon


Weather Demo

See what the weather looks like around the world.

Information of weather is provided by Open-Meteo.

Weather - Current


Place the cursor over the weather icon to see detailed weather conditions for now and throughout the day.


The "Weather - Current" skin should not be refreshed too frequently (such as switching its style, applying global settings, changing its skin settings, etc), as it will likely cause your weather API access limit to be reached, preventing you from getting weather information for that day. Therefore, after loading this skin, it is best not to change the settings frequently or refresh this skin manually. It is also best to unload this skin before modifying the global settings.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
LocationName Location Name String Any city or region #Dv.LocationName# When you change the location, you will be prompted whether to automatically obtain the latitude and longitude.
Latitude & Longitude Floating-Point Number [-90,90] / [-180,180] #Dv.Latitude# #Dv.Longitude# You can directly enter the latitude and longitude. This website may be helpful to you.
IconPack Icon Pack String The local path of a vaild "Weather Icon Pack" #Pk@#Image\Weather Read it to learn how to make a custom weather icon pack.
UpdateRate Update Rate Integer [3600,7200] 3600 This option determines how often the data will be updated.
ProxyServer Proxy Server String A valid proxy server /auto Normally, you don't need to modify it unless you have special needs.

Weather - Daily/Hourly/Today



These skins are not available when the "Weather - Current" skin is not loaded.

The weather service obtains hourly weather information for a 24-hour period and daily weather information for a 7-day period. Use the mouse wheel to navigate through the weather information.

The 8x4 skin can display line graphs for multiple parameters.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
IconPack Icon Pack String The local path of a vaild "Weather Icon Pack" #Pk@#Image\Weather Read it to learn how to make a custom weather icon pack.

Weather - Current - Air Quality


This skin can exist independently, but the settings for longitude and latitude still need to be controlled by the "Weather - Current" skin.

Skin Settings

Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
UpdateRate Update Rate Integer [3600,7200] 3600 This option determines how often the data will be updated.
ProxyServer Proxy Server String A valid proxy server /auto Normally, you don't need to modify it unless you have special needs.
AQI AQI calculation method Selection european us Dv.AQI Different regions may use different AQI calculation methods. Please choose according to the actual situation.

Weather - Current - Clothing Advices / Cloud Cover / Daylight Duration / Precipitation


These skins are not available when the "Weather - Current" skin is not loaded.

Custom Weather Icon Pack

A weather icon pack is a folder that stores icons representing various weather conditions. This folder contains two folders, 0 and 1, representing "night" and "day" respectively, and both folders need to contain the following images:

Night Day File Name Description
00.png Clear sky
01.png Mainly clear
02.png Partly cloudy
03.png Overcast
45.png Fog
48.png Depositing rime fog
51.png Light drizzle
53.png Moderate drizzle
55.png Heavy drizzle
56.png Freezing drizzle
57.png Heavy freezing drizzle
61.png Slight rain
63.png Moderate rain
65.png Heavy rain
66.png Freezing rain
67.png Heavy freezing rain
71.png Slight snow
73.png Moderate snow
75.png Heavy snow
77.png Snow grains
80.png Slight rain showers
81.png Moderate rain showers
82.png Heavy rain showers
85.png Moderate snow showers
86.png Heavy snow showers
95.png Thunderstorm
96.png Thunderstorm with slight hail
99.png Thunderstorm with heavy hail
WorldClock Icon

World Clock

WorldClock Demo

View time around the world.


For 4x2 and 4x4 styles, there are no operations available.

For 8x4 style: Move the cursor over any anchor point on the map to see its local time.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
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