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Manual of ''Quanto Flx System'' Package

Steve Hsu edited this page Dec 7, 2024 · 4 revisions


This manual still has some imperfections (in "Parameters & Variables" section). If you have suggestions, you can create an issue.


Use a widescreen device such as a computer or tablet for better readability.


Item Item Item Item
Generic System Monitoring Skins CPU Processors Recycle Bin Screen Brightness
Top Process Volume

Before you use them

Most of the features of these skins rely on third-party system monitoring software to provide information. If such software is not installed on your device, or has not been configured, you will only be able to use limited functionality.

You will need to set up your system monitoring software and skin configurations accordingly for your device.

Currently, AIDA64 and HWiNFO are supported.

Install & Configure your System Monitoring Software

If your device does not have a system monitoring software installed, please click the link below to download it:

The advantage of AIDA64 is that its configuration is relatively simple. However, it should be noted that AIDA64 is a paid software with a trial period of 30 days.

HWiNFO is free software, and its authors work closely with the Rainmeter community to keep it as free as possible. Although Quanto Flx does not require its Pro version to be installed on your device, I personally recommend that you at least purchase a copy to show your appreciation.


If you are using a 64-bit system, please download the 64-bit version instead of the 32-bit version.

For AIDA64 Users

For AIDA64 Users

  1. Open AIDA64, cilck "File" at menu and select "Preferences".
Configuring AIDA64 #1
  1. Down "Hardware Monitoring" category at the left menu, select "External Applications" page, check "Enable writing sensor values to Registry" at right. Check the required entries in the list.
Configuring AIDA64 #2
  1. Confirm all the dialog, and refresh these skins. Ensure that AIDA64 is running in the background.
For HWiNFO Users

For HWiNFO Users

  1. When you launch it for the first time, check "Sensors-only", then click "Start".
Configuring HWiNFO #1
  1. You will open Sensors Status. Click "Configure Sensors" below.
Configuring HWiNFO #2
  1. Click "Main Settings", and set up as shown below.
Configuring HWiNFO #3
Configuring HWiNFO #4
  1. Click "OK" to go back to Sensor Settings, then select "HWiNFO Gadget" at the top, and check "Enable reporting to Gadget" below.
Configuring HWiNFO #5
  1. Enable the required entries in the list. If you need to make an entry available:

    1. Click this entry in the window.

    2. Check "Report value in Gadget".

    3. Once you've made all the entries you need available, you'll need to look at the list from the beginning and record the index of the enabled entries. This will facilitate subsequent setups.

  2. When you're done, click OK and let HWiNFO keep running in the background.

Additional Configuration Files


Some skins require additional settings in addition to their own skin settings in order to obtain information from system monitoring software.

You can view them by clicking the "Browse Files" button next to "Edit Additional Configurations" option in the Package's "Settings" page, or by opening the skin settings for these skins and selecting "Edit Additional Configuration".

For an entry, there are four variables that can be set:

IN refers to the internal name.

Variable Name Description Possible Value
SMLs.(IN).Show It determines whether this entry is displayed in the skin. 0 - Hide
1 - Show
SMLs.(IN).RSKN It determines which value in the registry this entry reads. AIDA64 - The full name of the value
HWiNFO - Index displayed in HWiNFO, just numbers
SMLs.(IN).Sbtt It determines which keywords will be replaced in the displayed text. Regular expressions are supported. Format: "pattern1":"replacement1","pattern2":"replacement2"
Rainmeter Manual
SMLs.(IN).Sufx It determines its suffix and usually its unit. Its unit

It can be seen that these skins read the information of system monitoring software through the Registry. Once you have followed the instructions above, you should be able to find the values under the following keys:

For 32-bit systems, 64 below needs to be replaced with 32.

Software Key
AIDA64 Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FinalWire\AIDA64\SensorValues
For AIDA64 Users

In AIDA64, an entry in the registry is divided into two values:

A represents the abbreviation of the hardware type in AIDA64, and T represents the type of this value, including:

Type Description Possible Unit
F Fan Speed RPM / %
P low-power W
S System (Depends on the situation)
T Temperature °C / °F
V Voltage V
Value Description
Label.(T)(A) The label of this sensor.
Value.(T)(A) The raw value reported by this sensor.
For HWiNFO Users

In HWiNFO, an entry in the registry is divided into five values:

I represents the index of this sensor in HWiNFO.

Value Description
Color(I) This refers to the color of the entries displayed in Windows 7 Gadgets. This has nothing to do with Quanto Flx.
Label(I) The label of this sensor.
Sensor(I) The hardware name corresponding to this sensor.
Value(I) The value reported by this sensor. It comes with units, but Quanto Flx uses raw values, so this has nothing to do with Quanto Flx.
ValueRaw(I) The raw value reported by this sensor.

Parameters & Variables

Your device may not have all of the below parameters, or some of the parameters may use different names. Please configure as many of them as possible according to your device. If you want to hide some parameters because they do not exist, please set SMLs.(IN).Show variable as 0.

For HWiNFO users, please try to find the following entries ALL AT ONCE, because in HWiNFO, the index of the sensors may change as the order changes, making the previously set index list unusable.

IN refers to the internal name. * refers to the coatings, which represents any number or letters.

Item Item Item Item
Battery Cooling Fans CPU CPU Processors
GPU Physical Drives RAM Video Memory


Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
CurrentCharge Current Charge Wh ??? 🕒 Remaining Capacity [Battery]
MaxCharge Max Charge Wh ??? ???
WearLevel Wear Level % 🔋 Battery Wear Level [💻 System] Value.SBATTWEARLVL 🕒 Wear Level [Battery]
Voltage Voltage V 🔋 Battery [⚡ Voltage Values] Value.VBATT ⚡ Battery Voltage [Battery]
ChargeRate Charge Rate W / % 🔋 Battery Charge Rate [⚡ Power Values] Value.PBATTCHR ???

Cooling Fans

Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
CoolingFanSpeed Cooling Fan Speed RPM / % 🖥️ Chassis #* [⚙️ Fan Speed] Value.FCHA* ???
MaxCoolingFanSpeed Maximum Cooling Fan Speed RPM ??? ???

Then, you need to pay attention to how this entry expresses the fan speed so you can set the Expression variable:

Value Description
0 Percentage, in "%" as its unit
1 Specific value, fixed maximum value, in "RPM" as its unit
2 Specific value, dynamic maximum value, in "RPM" as its unit

If you set Expression to 1, you also need to set MaxValue (in RPM).

You can customize the title of this skin by modifying CustomName variable.


Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
CPUClock CPU Clock MHz ⚙️ CPU Clock [💻 System] Value.SCPUCLK 🕒 Core Clocks [CPU]
Temperature Temperature °C / °F ⚙️ CPU Package [🌡️ Temperatures] Value.TCPUPKG 🌡️ Core Max [CPU: DTS]
🌡️ CPU(Tdie) [???]
🌡️ CPU (Tctl/Tdie) [???]
CoolingFanSpeed Cooling Fan Speed RPM ⚙️ CPU [⚙️ Fan Speed] Value.FCPU ???
Voltage Voltage V ⚙️ CPU [⚡ Voltage Values] Value.VCPU ⚡ Core VIDs [CPU]
Power Power W ⚙️ CPU Package [⚡ Power Values] Value.PCPUPKG ⚡ CPU Package Power [CPU: Enhanced]

CPU Processors

Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
Temperature Temperature °C / °F ⚙️ CPU Core #* [🌡️ Temperatures] Value.TCC-*-* 🌡️ *-core * [CPU: DTS]
CPUClock CPU Clock MHz ⚙️ CPU Core #* Clock [💻 System] Value.SCC-*-* 🕒 *-core * Clocks [CPU]

These system monitoring software monitors physical CPU cores, not logical CPU cores. Most computers today are hyperthreaded, which means that one physical CPU core can run two threads, and therefore, will be seen as two logical CPU cores in Windows. Some newer CPUs have hybrid CPU cores, which will be distinguished as hyperthreaded performance cores (P-core) and low-power efficiency cores (E-core) in these system monitoring software. In this skin, one physical core is seen as two logical cores.


Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
Utilization Utilization % ⌛ GPU* Utilization [💻 System] Value.SGPU*UTI 🕒 GPU Core Load [GPU]
Temperature Temperature °C / °F 💻 GPU* [🌡️ Temperatures] Value.TGPU* 🌡️ GPU Temperature [GPU]
Clock Clock MHz ❎ GPU* Clock [💻 System] Value.SGPU*CLK 🕒 GPU Clock [GPU]
CoolingFanSpeed Cooling Fan Speed RPM 💻 GPU* [⚙️ Fan Speed] Value.FGPU* ???
Voltage Voltage V 💻 GPU* [⚡ Voltage Values] Value.VGPU* ⚡ GPU Core Voltage [GPU]
Power Power W 💻 GPU* [⚡ Power Values] Value.PGPU* ⚡ GPU Power [GPU]

Physical Drives

Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
Name Name - 💽 (The Hardware Name of Hard Disk) [🌡️ Temperatures] Label.THDD* (Not required)
Temperature Temperature °C / °F 💽 (The Hardware Name of Hard Disk) [🌡️ Temperatures] Value.THDD* 🌡️ Drive Temperature [S.M.A.R.T.]
Voltage Voltage V 💽 (The Hardware Name of Hard Disk) [⚡ Voltage Values] Value.VHDD* ???
RemainingLife Remaining Life % ??? 🕒 Drive Remaing Life [S.M.A.R.T.]

Then, you need to determine which logical hard disks this physical hard disk corresponds to. Set the Partition.* variable to 1 to indicate that this logical hard disk belongs to this physical hard disk, otherwise set it to 0.

Logical hard disk refers to the partition of physical hard disk by Windows, such as C:, D:, etc.


Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
Clock Clock MHz ⚙️ Memory Clock [💻 System] Value.SMEMCLK 🕒 Memory Clock [Memory Timings]
Speed Speed - ⚙️ Memory Speed [💻 System] Value.SMEMSPEED ???
Timings Timings - ⚙️ Memory Timings [💻 System] Value.SMEMTIM ???

Video Memory

Find these in your system monitoring software:

Internal Name Friendly Name Possible Unit Possible Name in AIDA64 Possible Name in HWiNFO
FreeVideoMemory Free Video Memory (Determined by Unit variable) ⚙️ Free Video Memory [💻 System] Value.SFREEVMEM 🕒 GPU Memory Available [GPU]
UsedVideoMemory Used Video Memory (Determined by Unit variable) ⚙️ Used Video Memory [💻 System] Value.SUSEDVMEM 🕒 GPU Memory Allocated [GPU]
TotalVideoMemory Total Video Memory (Determined by Unit variable) ??? ???

Then, you need to determine how the total video memory is calculated using the OperationMethod variable:

Value Description
0 Total Video Memory is already known
1 Free Video Memory + Used Video Memory
SysMon Icon

Generic System Monitoring Skins

SysMon Demo

"Generic System Monitoring Skins" is a collective name for the following 11 skins:

Item Item Item Item
Battery Cooling Fans (8) Customizable Skins (16) CPU
Drives (26) GPU (8) Network Physical Drives (8)
RAM System Video Memory


Click the icon to perform a specific action, such as opening the Task Manager.

Skin Action After Clicking the Icon
Battery Open "Power Options"
CPU Open "Task Manager"
Drives Open this drive via Explorer
Network Open "Network and Sharing Center"
System Open "System" in Settings or Control Panel

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢


Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
SkinIndex Index of CPU Integer [0,7] 0 Normally, you don't need to modify it unless the skin is abnormal.
UsageMon Data from Resource Monitor Integer 0/1 1 For Windows 8 or newer system users, enabling this feature can improve the accuracy of this skin for CPU usage. This feature is not available in Windows 7.


Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
WiFiIntfID ID of Wireless Interface Adapter Integer [0,15] 0 Normally, you don't need to modify it unless the skin is abnormal.
HideIP Hide my IP Address Integer 0/1 1 -
ShowPing Show "Ping" Integer 0/1 1 -
PingAddress Ping to... String A website -

"Skin Settings" Configuration File (Advanced)

Generally, you don't need to understand this section unless you want to create a system monitor yourself.

Click to view content

Basic Information

Variable Name Friendly Name Possible Values Description
Pn.Im Icon The path of a local image This icon must be a square, monochrome icon.
Pn.Im.Tltt "Tool Tip Text" of the icon Any text Leave blank if not required.
Pn.Im.Enab Enable actions after clicking the icon 0 - Disable
1 - Enable
Pn.Im.LMUA The action that is taken when the icon is clicked Rainmeter Bangs Command, enclosed with [] If you want to open a directory or application, you need to fill in: ["(Path)"].
Pn.Tt Title Any text It cannot be blank.
Pn.PrgBCalc The formula for the source of the progress bar Formula It must have a maximum value of 100 and a minimum value of 0. If not needed, write 0 or 100.
Pn.Dsply1x1 The value displayed by the skin in 1x1 & 2x2 styles Any text It is recommended to fill in [Ms.PrgBCalc:0].

Information of the Skin in 4x1 Style

The variable names in this part consist of Pn.Dsply4x1.(Position).(Suffix).

Position Friendly Name
00 Left Top
10 Left Bottom
01 Right Top
11 Right Bottom
Suffix Friendly Name Possible Values Description
Sw Show up or not 0 - Hide
1 - Show
Tx Displayed text content Any text %1 - Display the current value of the Measure defined in P1
%2 - Display the current value of the Measure defined in P2
#Pn.Tt# - Title of the skin
#Tm.1_used# - Equivalent to "%1 used", P1 is required to define
#Tm.1_available# - Equivalent to "%1 available", P1 is required to define
P1 Measure Name #1 The name of a valid Measure When filling in the Measure name, there is no need to enclose it with [].
P2 Measure Name #2 The name of a valid Measure When filling in the Measure name, there is no need to enclose it with [].
AS Automatically scales the Measure values or not See in Rainmeter Manual This is equivalent to the AutoScale option in the String meter.

Information of the Skin in Detailed Style

The variable names in this part consist of Pn.DsplyDtd.(Position).(Suffix).

"Position" indicates the row position of this entry in the skin. When you specify that a row is hidden, the row will be collapsed and covered by the items below it.

The explanation about "Suffix" is the same as above.

Line Chart Information

First, you need to determine the quantity of line charts to display by setting the Pn.DplHisto.Qtt variable. It must be 1 or 2, even if the skin don't need to have a style with line chart.

The variable names in this part consist of Pn.DplHisto.(Position).(Suffix).

"Position" means first or second.

Suffix Friendly Name Possible Values Description
Ms Measure Name The name of a valid Measure This Measure must be able to provide a numeric value. When filling in the Measure name, there is no need to enclose it with [].
AS Automatically scales the Measure values or not 0/1, See in Rainmeter Manual It is recommended to set it to 1 only when this Measure does not specify a maximum or minimum value.
Tx.Tt Title displayed in the lower left of the line chart Any text %1 and %2 are not available.
Tx.Tx Text displayed in the upper right of the line chart Any text %1 - Display the current value of the Measure defined in P1
%2 - Display the current value of the Measure defined in P2
#Pn.Tt# - Title of the skin
#Tm.1_used# - Equivalent to "%1 used", P1 is required to define
#Tm.1_available# - Equivalent to "%1 available", P1 is required to define
P1 Measure Name #1 The name of a valid Measure When filling in the Measure name, there is no need to enclose it with [].
P2 Measure Name #2 The name of a valid Measure When filling in the Measure name, there is no need to enclose it with [].
Tx.AS Automatically scales the Measure values or not See in Rainmeter Manual This is equivalent to the AutoScale option in the String meter.

Additional variables and custom Measures

If needed, you can add variables in the [Variables] section.

Customized system monitoring skins often require the addition of custom Measures. Please add Measures as appropriate.

Here are some sample Measures:

Category=Processor Information
Counter=% Processor Utility


Substitute="\(R\)":"","\(TM\)":"","\(tm\)":"","Intel ":"","\d+th Gen ":"","CPU ":""," @.*":"","AMD ":"","Threadripper PRO ":"TRP ","Threadripper ":"TR "," \w+-Core.*":""," \d+-Core.*":""," with.*":""," w/.*":""," Microsoft.*Edition":"","\s{2,}":" ","\s$":""

CPUProcessors Icon

CPU Processors

CPUProcessors Demo

Displays the current CPU usage for each processor.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
SkinIndex Index of CPU Integer [0,7] 0 Normally, you don't need to modify it unless the skin is abnormal.
UsageMon Data from Resource Monitor Integer 0/1 1 For Windows 8 or newer system users, enabling this feature can improve the accuracy of this skin for CPU usage. This feature is not available in Windows 7.
Temp.Show Show "Temperature" Integer 0/1 1 -
Clock.Show Show "Clock" Integer 0/1 1 -
Histo.Show Show Line Charts Integer 0/1 1 -
RecycleBin Icon

Recycle Bin

RecycleBin Demo

Same as the "Recycle Bin" icon on the desktop.


Click to open the Recycle Bin. Drag a file into this skin to move it to the Recycle Bin.

Only available in "Customizable Size" style: Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Extra Context Menu

Option Description
Empty the Recycle Bin Empty the Recycle Bin.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
SPW Width Integer [2,16] 4 The custom width of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
SPH Height Integer [2,16] 2 The custom height of this skin in "Customizable Size" style.
QuickResize Enable "Quick Resizing" Integer 0/1 1 If turned off, Resize will be hidden in "Customizable Size" style.
CstmIm_0 Custom Icon (Empty) String The path of a local image #Pk@#Image\RecycleBin_0.png This option is only effective when "Icon style" is "Custom".
CstmIm_1 Custom Icon (Full) String The path of a local image #Pk@#Image\RecycleBin_1.png This option is only effective when "Icon style" is "Custom".
ScreenBrightness Icon

Screen Brightness

ScreenBrightness Demo

Option to adjust the brightness of the screen.


This skin is only available if your screen is able to adjust the brightness through the system.

Drag the slider or scroll the mouse wheel to adjust the screen brightness.

TopProcess Icon

Top Process

TopProcess Demo

Displays the processes that use the highest resources.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Quantity Quantity Integer [1,6] 6 Defines the capacity of this skin. This will determine the size of it.
Volume Icon


Volume Demo

Options to adjust the global volume or the volume of each app.


Drag the slider or scroll the mouse wheel to adjust the volume.

Only available in "Customizable Size" style: Drag Resize in the lower right corner to resize.

Skin Settings

Common Options Availability
Gradient Background 🟢
Combination 🟢
Opacity 🟢
Variable Name Friendly Option Name Type Possible Values Default Description
Quantity Quantity Integer [0,6] 6 Defines the capacity of this skin. This will determine the size of it.
AutoQ Dynamic Quantity Integer 0/1 0 If enabled, this skin will change its size based on the quantity of active applications. This feature will always override the existing set quantity.
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