1.5.0 release note
1.5.0 release note
You must create the following tables when upgrading from 1.1.x
Please refer to hbase-create.hbase or hbase-create-snappy.hbase for the relevant commands.
Known Issues
- There may be intermittant lockups when viewing Realtime Active Thread Chart. This will be fixed in the next release.
New Features
- Implemented plugins - profilers are now pluggable - #117
- Added active thread count monitoring for agents - #560, #751
- You may now configure alerts and alarms #762, #862
- SQL statements can now be combined with bind values for display - #1064
- HTTP request parameters and SQL bind values tracing may now be enabled/disabled - #1204, #1211, #1217
- Added transaction per second monitoring for agents - #1069
- Added support for tracing asynchronous calls - #261, #301
- Added support for tracking agent life cycle - #84
- Collector's resources can now be managed with JMX - #582
- Added support for Spring Boot applications - #951
- Added API for querying logged in user - #943
- Added configuration for enabling/disabling batch execution - #762
- Added support for generating delegation code to profile method overrides - #674
- Added statistics page for Pinpoint agent versions - #1241
New Plugins
- Added Thrift support - #329
- Added Jetty support - #771
- Added OK HttpClient support - #960
- Added Google HttpClient support - #781, #782
- Added Jackson support - #466
- Added Gson support - #462
- Added Json-lib support - #460
- Improved logic for SQL Cache - #208
- Web now shows detailed error messages on exceptions - #535
- Separated commons-hbase module - #558
- Improved SqlMetaData table performance by using distributed row keys - #572
- Call stacks are now depth limited - #743
- Added JVM version to Agent information - #906
- Main class can now be extracted from a jar/war/zip files - #956
- Improved ByteArray encoding/decoding performance - #985
- Cluster client/web code is now used in both Collector and Web - #1017
- AgentInfo is no longer lost for agents staying active past TTL value - #1117
- Improved memory usage for server map queries
- Separated application type and Span service type = #228
- Improved application type detection - #195
- Pinpoint Web now uses dbcp2 - #1072
- Improved matcher logic for generating external links for agents = #1053
- SqlMetaData table now uses fixed length byte array for qualifier name - #592
- Improved row key distribution for SqlMetaData table - #562
- Pinpoint version is now added to system properties when agent is started - #173
- Fixed Arcus plugin stopping the client from reconnecting on Arcus/Memcached server fault - #1174
- Fixed an issue where Zookeeper would not reconnect on session expiration when Pinpoint cluster management is enabled - #191
- Data is now properly traced when profiling older Oracle jdbc drivers - #193
- Fixed an issue where applications were not differentiated if they had the same name/different types - #214
- Fixed server map error when a USER node pointed to applications with the same name/different types - #254
- Fixed Filter Wizard displaying incorrect data when filtered by agents - #732
- Fixed an issue where the server map failed to link nodes on HTTP calls made to non-80 ports - #968
- Fixed an error when transactions were filtered by RPC calls with types for internal methods - #488
- Clicking on the Response Summary chart's error bar now takes you straight to the transaction view - #396
- Added help tooltips - #497
- Dates are now correctly displayed in Internet Explorer - #507
- You are now redirected to the main page when the transaction view is not reachable - #522
- Improved timeline UI performance - #672
- Added configuration page for setting :
- Default depth, period - #1092
- Favorites for applications - #1221
- Application menu is now inactive on intial page load
- Changed time slider to calendar format